Him and their stars

Chapter 979 Please give me some face, Your Highness

On August 19, 832 in the Common Calendar, a coalition of the Empire and the Community officially took over the Dl36 system. This star field, which is currently named "Devil's Labyrinth", was directly kicked open by the iron hooves of the coalition forces.

Of course, due to the lack of black technology equipment, when the news reached the coalition base camp in the Devil's Throat galaxy, it was already after 20:00 on the evening of August 23.

At this time, the Devil's Throat is probably experiencing the calmest period in the past two weeks.

In the week before this, there had been almost no fierce battles in this galaxy on the front line. Whether they are the attacker or the defender, they just throw a volley of artillery fire at the opponent's astral fortress and stronghold every day, as if they were clocking in at work.

After all, everyone has been fighting fiercely for more than two months. Whether they are predators who want to "defend their homes and the country", or humans and their followers who want to make contributions and suppress potential safety hazards to death, there are limits. When the battle reaches this level, it still needs a break.

So, on this day, Major General Yang Xiyi, the deputy chief of staff of the Community Combined Fleet, was meeting with a senior beauty who still had charm, namely Major General Mallowan, the occult consultant of the expeditionary fleet, and two muscular brothers who looked like tough guys. , Lieutenant General Picard, the deputy commander of the fleet and the admiral of the 10th Fleet, and Lieutenant General Seyo, the other deputy commander of the fleet and director of the Marine Corps, had a small gathering. The four of them occupied a lounge in the senior officers' dining room and were playing mahjong with the door closed.

What I’m talking about here is the normal kind of mahjong.

Speaking of which, in this kind of competitive chess and card games, there are countless ways for psychics to cheat seemingly silently, and it is impossible for ordinary people to be opponents. But since the party was just for fun, Major General Mallowan wouldn't be so confused about the style. She even took off the prosthetic eye in her left eye that could emit laser light. She squinted her eyes and looked at the city wall. She threw a five-to-one card and said, "If we do this, will Connor be killed?" Commander Reese thinks they are uniting to deal with him?"

"Anyway, the middle door is wide open. If he wants to participate, he can come at any time." Lieutenant General Picard took a sip of rum with ice and snorted: "I have invited him before."

"Don't worry, your Excellency the Commander is actually a kind-hearted and open-minded person. You will definitely not mind." Lieutenant General Seyo laughed: "In comparison, the Chief of Staff will feel that we are ostracizing her."

"These greasy and rude old men are not willing to listen to the orders of a highly educated woman. What can I do? I am desperate too!" Lieutenant General Picard piped up, imitating Chief of Staff Tivington. Lieutenant General's complaint at a meeting. The Lieutenant General is obviously a bald man, but the tone of voice he imitated the chief of staff lady was so interesting that he immediately succeeded in amusing everyone. The scene was immediately filled with joy.

After laughing, Yang Xiyi said again: "I have seen Madam Chief of Staff's new battle plan..."

"Didn't she discuss her battle plan with you?" Lieutenant General Picard sneered.

"What, are there any new tricks?" Major General Mallowan asked.

"Well, technically speaking, I should have tried my best." Yang Xiyi tried his best to choose a more face-saving word.

"I understand, there really isn't anything new." Lieutenant General Seyo laughed.

Yang Xiyi also smiled and shook his head: "In general, while ensuring the superiority of our fleet, let the marines pull out all the enemy's strongholds outside the main fortress. Then find a way to set up a large gravitational interference on the surface of Planet 6 Array, interfere with the passage from the Devil's Throat to the enemy's hinterland, and complete the complete siege."

Lieutenant General Seyo was startled for a moment, then reached out and scratched his bare scalp with a mahjong tile, and said with a wry smile: "So, is this an armament facility that allows the flesh and blood of the newly arrived Marine boys to crush the predators? "

His expression was still calm, but people who knew him well knew that General Seyo had attended film school and a theater troupe before, and he had just made a cameo in "Cold Hill" co-produced by the Alliance. What this guy is best at is managing his expressions, but in fact, deep inside, he is already furious.

"Anyway, the allies' marine troops have reached over 100,000 people. You can order them to go forward first," Lieutenant General Picard said.

Of course it was just a hell of a joke. Not to mention whether this will embarrass the adults of the Earth who are addicted to the feeling of "all nations coming to Korea", nor whether these friendly forces who claim to be willing to accept orders from the Earth Alliance Command will actually obey orders. More importantly, Yes, the empire is watching from the side.

The Tiruiro people, who are full of martial virtue, will also let their vassal troops be used as cannon fodder, but the hardest bones are always left to themselves.

"No matter what, this is an executable plan after all." Yang Xiyi said: "If there is no other way, I agree with it."

Everyone actually understands that when the repairs during this period are completed, there will be another more brutal battle.

However, when to fight and how to fight actually depends on the results of the other offensive line. If the other side returns without success, this side will have no choice but to fight such a stupid battle.

Lieutenant General Seyo sighed and was about to say something, but he heard footsteps at the door and saw a captain officer hurried in.

"Captain Kent." Yang Xiyi asked, "But there are changes along the way?"

Captain Michiel Kent, who had just been transferred to the coalition staff by Yang Xiyi last month and served as his deputy, nodded slightly and handed over a written report with both hands.

The other three generals looked at each other and pushed the long wall in front of them in unison. Yang Xiyi took the report and glanced at it quickly.

"How do you say that?" Lieutenant General Picard asked.

"Without it..." Yang Xiyi put the report on the table: "The younger generation has defeated the enemy."

The three generals all immediately showed expressions like "I've been tricked by this guy again." Even Michiel Kent, the tool man next to him, secretly rolled his eyes.

"In this case, I must explain that the tactical plan formulated by Madam Chief of Staff before is simply crumbs!" Yang Xiyi said to them: "I need three people to help me. In the subsequent military staff meeting, give me full support proposal.”

As for the DL36 galaxy, which has just achieved a strategic breakthrough, the coalition forces of the Community and the Empire have successfully taken over all the equipment in this galaxy after 48 hours of steady fighting and small-scale street fighting in the space city.

The empire even patiently examined the situation in this galaxy and concluded that the terrestrial planet covered with ice and snow in the inner ring of the icy asteroid belt was actually very valuable for transformation. With the current planet transformation capabilities, it only takes about 20 to 30 billion gold dragons to build a colony in about ten years.

According to the Empire's "Principal Management Law", people of this kind of planet can also be granted the title of earl.

Of course, this approach may represent a certain attitude of the empire. Yu Lian felt that he must not sit idly by and do nothing, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and went to find Brünnhilt in person, and expressed his protest frankly: "You have used so many manpower and physics to conduct inspections of this galaxy. It is possible that friendly countries What a surprise. In any case, from a legal perspective, the development priority of the community is always higher."

"According to the "New World Development Convention", this is indeed the case. However, if the community has not carried out effective development within five years, wouldn't it be the empire's turn?" Brynhilt showed a bright and charming smile and shook his finger. He said: "Besides, Lian Qing, that's not how the accounts are settled. You see, even the Arms Limitation Treaty is gone. It's hard to say how much legitimacy the Development Convention still has."

"Your Highness, although you have a nice smile, these words are really heartbreaking for me." Yu Lian spread his hands: "Can I understand that predators are the unified enemy of all mainstream civilizations? Even though they haven't been destroyed yet, you are already preparing to attack our allies?"

Brynhilt blinked his big, clear eyes and said angrily: "You, why are you so fierce? Don't blame me!"

You are a serious elected emperor, a fierce female dragon, why are you acting like a child? Yu Lian subconsciously looked around and found that whether it was a senior imperial officer or a guard staff officer, they were all busy on their own, as if they had not seen the situation here at all.

"Then don't do anything to cause misunderstanding!" Yu Lian said with a straight face.

"This is also for the welfare of the entire galactic civilization. The predators will always be eliminated, and the glory of our civilization will shine on this star field sooner or later, so we need to prepare for a rainy day."

"I believe this." Yu Lian nodded and said: "So, please give me a copy of your country's inspection data. This will help you prepare for a rainy day and won't surprise your allies."

Brunhild opened his mouth slightly and pointed at Yu Lian with a surprised look on his face: "Lian Qing, not only do you think I have a face that is easy to deceive, do you also think that I have a face that is particularly easy to bully? Face?"

No, I only know that you have a beautiful face. Yu Lian thought, but solemnly said: "No matter whether the "Convention" can be implemented or not, before the empire tears it up, it is the order we must abide by. Therefore, your highness, please put the overall situation first."

"Haha, the overall situation..." Brunhilt began to look at the sky.

Yu Lian immediately changed his words and said: "Then, please give me some face, Your Highness. In order for the coalition officers and soldiers to cooperate sincerely, it is still very hard for those of us who are working below."

"These words still sound like human words." King Suliuka snorted, and then said: "Okay, I'll give you this face, and you won't pursue me anymore. I'm going to be under house arrest... Oh no, please stay in the morning light The Angel has been a guest for a long time, and I won’t hold you accountable for letting my Salamander go.”

I really have to bear too much for the diplomatic face of the community. In addition, the titanium dragon that has returned to the stars and sea actually really prefers the name Severus.

Yu Lian thought about it, but still bowed his hands to express his gratitude, and added:

"Also, Your Highness, don't be too bored. Although our strategic advantage will never be shaken after capturing this place, the enemy's main fleet is still there. After deep into the hinterland, there should be a considerable scale of war. Therefore, According to the official, my country’s fleet on this front is not large, but it has concentrated three divisions of elite marine troops. Therefore, after entering the hinterland of the Devil’s Star Territory, we can advance in two ways and do our best Squeeze the enemy’s operating space.”

Brünnhilt chuckled: "If someone else had said this, I would definitely think that he was an armchair nerd who was acting stupid here. However, if it were Lian Qing, I would always feel that he was lying to me. I personally think , we should still establish a unified joint staff to be responsible for the military orders of all forces."

Before Yu Lian could say anything, the other party said, "I will recommend you to serve as the representative of the Earth side. What do you think of Lian Qing?"

"This official is just a brigadier general." Yu Lian sighed in his heart and said helplessly: "We also have Major General Marklov and Brigadier General Bonaparte here, as well as three division commanders, namely..."

"Then I have nothing to do with it. The Imperial soldiers only recognize you for now."

Oh, what the heck, the deception was not successful.

Yu Lian could only return to his headquarters with regrets, which was the completely occupied dwarf planet fortress, and said to his friends: "It's only half the success. The empire is willing to share with us the results of galaxy exploration." data of."

"That is already a very good diplomatic victory." Major General Marklov said: "Thank you for your hard work, Brigadier General."

"Indeed, if the empire really wants to break up, there will be nothing we can do." Eleanor said with a smile: "Fortunately, you can still speak to King Suliuka."

Yu Lian always felt that the senior sister's words seemed to have other meanings.

"However, King Suliuka rejected the proposal to march separately and still preferred joint action."

"From a military point of view, this is correct." Wayne said: "Yes, but in addition to military issues, it may also constitute an issue of sovereignty of the newly occupied galaxy. Sir, is this an issue you are considering? ?”

Yu Lian looked at his old friend in shock, with an expression like "Has your brain been changed by someone?"

Hey, what's your expression? Do you really think of me as a fool? Horatio Wayne was furious, but it was a meeting after all and he couldn't get angry. He could only stare wide-eyed and try to kill the other person with his eyes.

"Forget it, it's a little early to consider this kind of issue now, and this is not an issue that soldiers should consider." Yu Liandao.

He then warned everyone that although the Predators had lost the pass, it could be seen from the DL36 galaxy defense facilities that they should have mastered a very advanced, even extremely advanced construction capability.

In the subsequent operations, everyone should indeed face many planetary offensive operations, and may even face more numbers and types of ancient drones.

Fortunately, the community currently has three Marine divisions in its hands. Compared with the stretched fleet combat power, the Marine force is not lacking.

Leaving aside the 38th Division that has just been reorganized from the militia and garrison units of Xinyumen, the remaining "Hell Parachute Division" and "Varyag Division" are all reliable elites in all battles.

In addition, although the ranks of the three division commanders are all the same as Yu Lian's, and their age and seniority are much higher than his, their attitudes are very upright, saying that they will definitely serve Yu Lian in subsequent battles.

All in all, this combat meeting was very successful both in process and result.

The army immediately began to set off. The joint headquarters mentioned by King Suliuka was not established in the end, but the cooperation of the joint fleet was still very smooth. On August 26, they finally met the main force of the Predators, including three dreadnoughts, in the galaxy temporarily named DL40.

Yu Lian was almost certain that this should be all the mobile troops the opponent could use. No, even large work ships are equipped with weapons. It immediately reminded him of the scene in the previous timeline where everyone in the Volunteer Army installed a turret on the Blue Star Princess.

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