Him and their stars

Chapter 980 All kinds of good news

Yu Lian could understand the mood of the predators. Because this seemingly inconspicuous galaxy actually contains three habitable planets. One of the planets has 70% ocean on its surface, and its volume is even more than twice that of the Earth.

To be honest, this kind of planet is quite unscientific, and such a fertile galaxy is also unscientific. Of course, these are not the focus now. Regardless of this, it is at least certain that if the predators are ready to farm, such a galaxy is definitely not easy to give up.

No, before the fleets of both sides spread out their formations and launched artillery fire, the drone detectors on the coalition side had already sent back a report saying that large-scale settlements had been discovered on three planets.

After all, you don’t understand the principle of saving people and losing ground! In other words, after this great expedition spanning two million light years, the sunk costs on the Predators' side have become too high, and they can no longer accept to continue wandering.

As a result, the Predator fleet mobilized almost all of its mobile forces. Among them, there was even a super giant ship that looked quite majestic, more than twice the size of most dreadnoughts. Even the Alliance's Poseidon ship was only But that’s it. At first glance, I thought it was some super titan I had never heard of. After all, the predators have already dug out a lot of drones, and even "digged" an entire prosperous star field. Even if they dig out another super ancient dreadnought, it seems quite reasonable.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that it is actually a work boat full of nomadic predator characteristics. To put it bluntly, it is a mobile factory. For the interstellar nomads in the center of the galaxy, these work ships are the core of their production. Such ships have been equipped with weapons and taken to the battlefield, so one can imagine their situation.

It can't be said that the predators have successfully farmed and moved the production core to a solid and stable planet surface, so the work ship is of no use, right?

"There is no suspense in the fleet battle. The most important thing to worry about is how many enemies are destroyed." Yu Lian said to Eleanor Bonaparte: "Move the frontal battlefield away from the empire. Our fleet can outflank them at high speed and intercept them as much as possible. retreat."

Of course, Senior Sister Eleanor was a little unwilling, but she also knew that although the enemy was at the end of their rope, they still managed to gather a few giant ships. In front of the Angel of Dawn and the Barbarossa, they were all happy, but in front of the Community Thirteenth Fleet, which lacked a front-facing battleship, they were at least rough-skinned trolls.

In this case, it is true that the frontal space can only be given to the empire's "friendly forces".

"So, why should the Scarlet Throne be sent back to the country? Although it looks a bit ugly, it is indeed a good ship with strong combat power!" Eleanor said dissatisfied.

After all, it is also a ship modified by the little gray demon. Isn't it natural to be fierce in combat? If I was directly possessed by Xiao Hui, I could even take that ship to fight Titan.

Yu Lian also felt very sorry, but still advised: "Didn't I say it? This contains a lot of political significance. Only after the Throne returns to the country can the Lords of the Earth be accountable to the people. Wait, it's already happened now. No more Throne."

"So what's it called?"

"...Why can't I remember it?"

"It's the Marco Cook. After all, it's the founding father of the country!" Feifei finally couldn't help but said.

Yu Lian coughed, and then said seriously: "In short, at this point, the main thing we have to consider is the occupation of those three planets."

I am very grateful to Lieutenant General Seyo, who has rushed to the Devil's Throat, and handed over to him the reserves of the three divisions left in New Port Arthur.

Yu Lian pondered for a moment and said, "I need a light carrier and two destroyers to provide orbital fire suppression."

"Is three ships enough?" Major General Marklov asked curiously: "It can't even fill the orbit of a planet."

"That's enough. I'm not going to use neutron bombs to wipe out all the predators. I just need to maintain absolute deterrence and sufficient fire support. In comparison, your side is more important." Yu Lian thought for a moment, He said seriously: "If possible, we can try to seize the work ship. I think the way this mobile super factory operates is quite interesting. Maybe it will be used in the future."

Eleanor pondered for a moment and nodded slightly.

Then, just as Yu Lian expected, the combat power of both sides was completely unbalanced. Once they are forced to set up a battle array and engage in a fleet battle with the empire, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

It can be seen that the crew of the Predator have done their best. Many pilots and assault ships launched a desperate charge with no intention of returning, but most of the troops were unable to break through the fire interception in front of the Imperial fleet. The aircraft driven by some ace elites finally managed to overcome the fire interception, but were easily hunted down by the astral knights riding star dragons.

Immediately afterwards, the main battleship group led by the Barbarossa began to break through in the center. The scarlet red most powerful dreadnought in history, like a red-armored knight, quickly tore apart the frontal formation of the enemy fleet and began to circle behind the enemy's rear in an attempt to separate and encircle it.

By this time, almost all of the Predators' large ships were burning. But it was only an hour before it was officially opened.

As for the ancient mining drones that caused huge trouble to the coalition fleet on the Demon's Throat front line and DL36 (now renamed Demon's Eye), they did not appear in this battle.

This may indicate that these ancient heritages have finally been used to their limit.

The Imperial Army was immediately relieved, and their actions and battles became more intense. Even the Buran, which followed Major General Wolfna Maimidal's squadron and played interspersed, successfully completed the final blow against a large fire-breathing ship.

As for the work ship, which was even larger than the Dawn Angel in terms of tonnage, it was indeed packed with heavy firepower of various giant ship levels, and it also tried to attack the Barbarossa with a salvo. However, this is like a big fat man who is strong on the outside but is strong on the outside. Even if he can barely carry a sharp sword and swing it with all his strength, although it looks sharp, it is more likely to hurt himself.

This is indeed the case. The work ship's thousands of cannon fire finally only hit one lonely person. The continuous bombardment finally just passed through Barbarossa and only made the reaction shield light up. But electric sparks jumped up on his own hull, and it looked like it was about to fall apart.

...Tsk, it would be inferior without Xiao Hui’s craftsmanship! Yu Lian sighed. It stands to reason that the Marauders should already be very good at all kinds of green-skinned ship repairs, modifications and shipbuilding, but to turn a civilian ship into a warship in a short time is indeed beyond the normal craftsmanship. They really don't have this ability.

The crew of the work boat soon realized that the ship did not even need to be hit. As long as they fired a few more shots, they would die first to show the coalition fleet, so they turned the ship around and began to retreat without hesitation.

It can be seen that the engine power of this work ship is pretty good, and such a large hull quickly completed its acceleration. However, judging from its escape trajectory, it is estimated that it will be intercepted by the Thirteenth Fleet that is outflanking it soon.

Yu Lian was almost certain that this time, the Predator fleet would not only face failure, but complete annihilation, and it was very likely that not even a small ship would be able to escape.

He felt that there was nothing to worry about in the fleet battle over there, so he personally took three divisions of marines on twelve orbital troop carriers and three battleships for orbital fire suppression to arrive at the tiled blue planet first. Colorful Earth-like planet.

This is indeed a very unscientific planet. The volume is obviously more than twice the size of the earth, but the surface atmosphere and landform environment are very similar, and even the gravity is similar. The Aerons, who are also carbon-based self-sustaining creatures, have established three settlements on the surface of the planet. Based on the detector scans, preliminary estimates suggest that there should be around 200,000 people.

In fact, regardless of whether the 200,000 people on the ground are civilians or troops, our side that has the orbital advantage is already in an invincible position. If there was no psychological pressure on the genocide, these two Fletcher-class destroyers were enough to completely wipe out those settlements and the concentrated life heat source areas.

When the Community fleet arrived in orbit of the planet, two of the three settlements immediately surrendered. The largest remaining settlement showed a stubborn resistance to the end, and even discharged its anti-aircraft orbital heavy artillery from the surface, but was destroyed immediately before it could attack.

Yu Lian had already learned from the two surrendered settlements that in addition to the civilians of the plunderers, there were actually quite a few slaves in the "main city" of this planet. These galactic nomads do have the habit of plundering the population, but the slaves who can be taken by the Great Khan on the 2 million light-year expedition should naturally not be ordinary laborers or farmers, but probably technicians with special skills. , doctors, agricultural and animal husbandry experts and even scientists.

Considering this problem, Yu Lian finally gave up his plan to use neutron bombs to completely wipe out those who resisted.

Anyway, before entering the hinterland of this star field, he had already made a plan to face this situation.

"Major Fina Li! Please remember, I will make the following deployment: use the New Chang'an light carrier and the Roland 12 and Sea Eagle 14 destroyers as orbital fire support to remove all fire targets except settlements. Varyag Division All troops should land on the plains north of the enemy stronghold by 2:15 a.m. at the latest, and build frontline positions by 3:30 a.m. The 2nd Brigade of the Hell Parachute Division, plus two armored combined regiments, would launch a force attack on the southwest urban area of ​​the enemy stronghold at the same time. The request was to liberate Laonu before 4 o'clock and agreed. The 1st and 3rd brigades of the Hell Parachute Division, plus three fire strike battalions, launched in the hilly area south of the enemy stronghold and began the attack at 3:45. The 1st and 2nd Brigades of the 38th Division The brigade and the two fire strike battalions set up an interception network due east to restrict the escape of all enemies. The 3rd and 4th regiments served as the general reserve. Repeat it to me!"

Feifei blinked and repeated the order in a clear voice while recording.

Probably because Yu Lian's order was so ceremonial, everyone took action like a lion fighting a rabbit and started to act in an orderly manner.

Just after 12 o'clock in the morning, the fleet's fire attack began.

The destroyer commanded by Horatio Venn entered the atmosphere directly and swaggeringly. With the cooperation of the light mother's fighter planes, they began to use (relatively) soft secondary artillery fire to knock out all the suspicious targets on the periphery of the settlement one by one. It was like he was performing a surgical operation. After a burst of shelling, the civilian urban areas inside the settlement were not greatly affected, but the direction outside had been knocked to a great extent.

Immediately afterwards, the Marine troops of the three divisions, who were ready to go, also began airborne operations.

There are less than 100,000 marauder defenders plus civilians plus abducted labor slaves within the stronghold, but the three divisions of marines they will face now exceed 50,000. If they could speak now, they would probably be able to express their feelings about what virtues and abilities they have.

When the coalition forces wiped out all the Predator mobile fleets in space, and Senior's Thirteenth Fleet also successfully captured the work ship, the occupation of the stronghold ended successfully.

The Marine Division that landed on the planet even sent a part of the reserve force that was intact and could not even fire a shot to successfully take over the other two surrendered strongholds.

Of course, the whole battle was not without any disturbances. For example, when the troops of the Varyag Division advanced to the center of this simple settlement town, they encountered some unseen automatic machines and struggled for ten more minutes. There are more than a hundred of these automatic machines in total. They are cylindrical in shape and are as tall as a person. They roll forward in the most labor-saving way. Although it looks funny, it has sufficient power, quick movements, and a very hard shell. It is definitely not comparable to the current mainstream automatic combat machines. However, the Marines had already received Yu Lian's reminder and were fully prepared.

Moreover, the robots opposite were obviously not military. The weapons they could use seemed to be multi-functional mechanical arms and two magnetic welding guns with a range of no more than ten meters. They were all quickly destroyed by the weapons of the Varyag Division. .

"You guessed it right. In addition to those drones in space, the Predators also involved ancient machines in city construction. The frontline commanders have put back the data and images. I think that if those robots are fully powered, every The work efficiency of one machine may be comparable to that of an entire team of well-trained technicians,” Feifei said.

"That's why they were able to complete so much construction in such a short period of time! The gift of fate to the Great Khan Tomitelli is really rich." Yu Lian marveled: "If we don't come, the only thing they need to do is give birth to children Alright?"

Feifei shrugged: "But aren't these gifts from fate all advantageous to us?"

Hope so. Yu Lian sighed inwardly. So far, everyone has destroyed a considerable number of ancient drones, and even captured several "captain machines" and "terminal machines" that look like central command units, but they have never been able to regain authority. It is obvious that these machine captains are just signal relay stations, and higher authority may still be in the hands of Tomitelli Khan.

"In this case, I hope Miss Great Khan will not surrender so quickly." Yu Lian said with a smile.

Feifei smiled and continued to report: "In addition, I also received two good news. The first one is that Mr. Claire Belmont has been found in Xinyumen."

"Actually in Xinyumen?" Yu Lian was surprised.

"My head seemed to have suffered a certain impact, so I lost my memory, so I found a job in our industrial park at the southern foot of Mount Kililo. I only recently regained my memory, so I was notified today."

"...Why do I feel like there seems to be a conspiracy in this!"

"Also, because we adopted Teacher Yang's plan, we successfully captured the Demon's Throat Fortress. The main fleet of the predators has retreated into the hinterland of the star field."

"...I'm thinking, shouldn't you be the first to tell me this news?"

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