Him and their stars

Chapter 981 On the rushing tactics of space warfare

What is certain is that the ancient fortress hidden within the dwarf planet and formed by hollowing out the entire star structure is the core of the entire Devil's Throat defense line, and is also the culprit that has killed the most coalition warships.

In the tug-of-war that lasted for more than two months, the coalition forces had lost more than a hundred large and small ships and left over 400,000 corpses. However, they had also successfully captured double-digit space strongholds. However, the predators can often and always use that difficult-to-attack fortress as the core to launch counterattacks when the coalition forces are tired. Therefore, when the results were finally tallied, the coalition forces suddenly discovered that the results achieved by their side were actually smaller than imagined.

In any case, such a battle, like a millstone of flesh and blood, is a great torture to the patience and willpower of both sides.

Therefore, when the Community Expeditionary Force Command received the battle report from the DL36 system, Yang Xiyi, as deputy chief of staff, immediately proposed convening a supreme military meeting.

"In this case, the safest tactic is actually a long siege. We also know that on another front, we have achieved a decisive breakthrough. Then, sooner or later, the enemies inside the fortress will get the news, In this case, their morale and fighting spirit will collapse faster. We just need to wait and see." Yang Xiyi first told everyone.

Lieutenant General Tivington, the chief of staff, immediately became angry, thinking to herself, hadn't she already agreed to launch another all-out attack according to my plan? Yang, do I respect you enough? So this is how you repay me?

"To put it bluntly, your officer's plan is to skip the enemy strongholds and artillery positions on asteroids D4, D11 and D14, and use guard ships to form a shield to cover the assault and landing of twelve divisions of Marines. Is that right? " Lieutenant General Saiyo asked.

"Yes, I think this is called the leapfrog tactic. In fact, it has been proven in the past few days that there is no need for us to entangle with the predators one by one in those asteroid belts. It is better to go straight in." Facing Lieutenant General Seyo. The number one person in the community's land warfare department, a veteran general whose qualifications and reputation far surpassed his own, Lieutenant General Tivington was quite polite.

A white-collar elite "soldier" like her is actually best at serving as an office politic. She patiently explained: "This time, the new frigate sent by the Minan Republic has a shield interlocking Function. As long as their newly developed main force field shield generator is activated simultaneously within a range, it can form a reflection protection arc that is far stronger than the existing battleship shield. We can rely on its defensive power to move forward. Plus The nano-repair ship provided to us by the Shanghai Iron and Military Alliance for on-site rescue should be able to withstand enemy attacks."

"It's like the Romans who formed a tortoise shell formation to hit the city gate, right?" Lieutenant General Seyo said.

Of course, Miss Chief of Staff heard the other party's sarcasm, but she still said with a smile: "This time, the main force of the fleet will brave the enemy's artillery fire to fight with the predator fleet, forcing the opponent's fortress cannon to be disabled to cover the main attack of the Marine Corps. .”

There was a subtext she didn't say. If the Community could capture this fortress before the Empire, it would be an eye-opener for the entire universe. The background of being the third military power in the galaxy is so thick that it cannot be wiped off.

Yang Xiyi smiled and said: "The plan of your Excellency the Chief of Staff is naturally correct and wise. Of course, in order to ensure that everything is foolproof, I want to make some small additions."

Lieutenant General Tivington was still very dissatisfied, but Yang Xiyi still gave himself face, so he patiently listened to what the other party said. It was indeed as Yang Xiyi said, but some minor adjustments were made to the chief of staff's formation. Then, the latter had to admit that the other party's arrangement was indeed more reasonable.

At this time, Yang Xiyi said again: "The shield technology of the Minlan people's new frigate combined with the nano-repair ship should be very effective. However, we cannot guarantee that the Minlan people can withstand the pressure of facing the predators' artillery fire. Likewise. Yes, there is no guarantee that our fleet can perfectly hold back the enemy fleet, let alone that we can always block the firing range of the enemy's fortress artillery."

Commander Conneris pondered for a moment and said: "Brother Yang, you might as well speak more clearly. I have said that in military meetings, everyone can speak freely."

Yang Xiyi said: "Your Excellency, the predators are actually better at facing death than us. It is possible for them to shell indiscriminately to ensure a safe area."

Everyone at the scene wanted to take a breath, Lieutenant General Tivington especially gritted his teeth.

Yang Xiyi was equivalent to pointing his nose at himself and scolding himself for being whimsical and self-righteous, but he couldn't find any reason to say it. At this time, she always felt that the senior generals around her were looking at her with mocking eyes, and her image in the commander's mind might have become insignificant again.

...Well, why should I say it again?

In fact, Admiral Conneris didn't bother to pay attention to her at all and said directly: "So, what's the solution?"

Yang Xiyi said: "So, we only need a small supplement. We need to add another layer to let the inside of the enemy fortress burn and let them reap the consequences."

"What are you using? It's not a Trojan horse trick, right?" Lieutenant General Tivington said coldly.

"Hahaha, the current battle situation does not allow for such a trick." Yang Xiyi smiled: "However, we do want to thank the predators for the weapons they provided, and we also want to thank Brigadier General Yu Lian on the other front."

Yu Lian, who was fighting on another front, listened to Feifei repeating the minutes of the combat meeting that took place at the expeditionary force headquarters a week ago. He couldn't help but be stunned at this point: "Thank me?"

"Yes! I just want to thank you." Feifei showed an admiring expression: "Didn't you kill a star-eating insect in New Lushun before?"

"It's not me, it's me and everyone in the Blue Guard. And that star-eating insect is also a juvenile." Yu Liandao.

"But even in its juvenile form, it is still a behemoth nearly two hundred kilometers long. Moreover, you still used your head to airborne and smashed its head center with psychic energy, but the overall body is still relatively intact. After being killed, its body lost its endurance and was captured by the gravity of the Lushun 5 planet."

Yu Lian nodded, and then thought of something: "Mr. Yang won't be able to pick up that thing, right?"

"This was the original plan. Teacher Yang has always wanted to take out the soft tissues and body fluids inside the star-devouring insects and do some research. The waste can also be purified and used to fertilize the fields. In fact, this project was completed a few months ago. I started to do it... Well, let's get back to the topic. After the internal tissues of the Star Devourer were hollowed out, the hard carapace was still relatively intact. Fish also knows that the Star Devourer's carapace is actually a defense against energy weapons. Stronger, right?"

Perhaps this kind of space Leviathan needs to navigate in hyperspace in the universe and resist all kinds of unknown cosmic radiation all the time, so the outer carapace and internal soft tissue actually point to this adaptability. An immature star-eating worm can even jump to the surface of the sun to take a stellar bath.

Generally speaking, even the energy main guns on the Titan ship and even the Sky Fortress are almost impossible to effectively damage the appearance of an adult star-eating insect.

Generally speaking, the best way to deal with a space Leviathan is to give it something like a blunt blow with a kinetic weapon, forcing it to bleed internally. Or perhaps, let the psykers come on.

During the battle in New Lushun, Yu Lian and his friends parachuted onto the head of the star-eating insect, and used the "Linguang" gifted to him by the emperor to tear open the relatively weak carapace gaps between its body segments. Then the monster's nerve center and brainstem were dug out using drilling methods.

However, it must be noted that the light spear is not an energy weapon in the "scientific sense". The light beam that can be extended and sprayed is closer to an atom-shattering force field bundle constructed from mysticism and zero element power.

The current level of science and technology cannot produce weapons with this effect.

In short, when faced with energy cannons, the carapace of the Star Devourer may be a more indestructible super armor than the shield armor of the Sky Citadel and the Titan Ship.

"And most of the main guns in that fortress are energy main guns. Maybe it's because the energy main guns fire faster and can spread the attack range, forming a fire interception surface for our fleet." Feifei said. Tanshou: "Actually, during the first full-scale attack on Frustrated Roar in the Battle of Devil's Roar Fortress, Teacher Yang realized this and came up with this idea. However, the remains of the Star-Eating Insect were still quite bulky, and it took three It took four months of renovation before this could be used.”

Yu Lian probably knew what Teacher Yang had done.

It is nothing more than rolling up the body of the star-eating insect that has been hollowed out of soft tissue, filling it with heavy lead ingots and tungsten rods, and installing a high-power sublight engine at the tail. The quality of the engine does not need to be very good, as long as the power is high enough, anyway, what is needed is a disposable one.

In this way, an indestructible and indestructible super giant space battering ram appeared.

"Not only that. Teacher Yang also placed twelve stormtrooper preparation rooms inside the bug, wrapped in anti-impact padding materials. The twelve most elite companies of the frontline marines were gathered together, plus all the psykers. "

Well, it’s still about the car model.

"Speaking of all psykers..."

"Yes, Major General Mallowan took action personally."

That big sister is so powerful! However, her strength is certainly no problem, but does she really know how to fight?

Perhaps seeing Yu Lian's doubts, Feifei added: "Of course Brigadier General Wu Sansheng was also dispatched. But you don't have to worry, Brigadier General Chaimen and the others are also responsible for the scene."

"Brother Chaimen? Are you back in action so soon? And he's also a brigadier general?"

"He is already in the fourth ring, so he should be a brigadier general according to common sense, so he was promoted. His 'blood path' will heal very quickly as long as the damage on the mystical level is driven away. The psykers on the front line need a backbone, and you are not here, how can someone like him sit still?" Feifei said.

Indeed, unlike Brother Nani who was accustomed to fishing, Brother Chaimen seemed to be the type who would not step into the line of fire even if he was seriously injured. What's more, he had just been promoted, and with the support of Teacher Yang and the others, he shouldn't have to be restricted by that guy Wu Sansong.

"...The battle went well, but there is also bad news. Brigadier General Wu Sansong died in the battle." Feifei said with a "sad" expression on her face.

Yu Lian raised his eyebrows and grinned, but returned to his heavy expression within half a second: "It is indeed bad news. Remember to send a wreath in my name."


To be honest, if Sister Malowen and Brother Chaimen hadn't personally been on the line of fire, Yu Lian would have really felt that Teacher Yang had intentionally killed Wu Sansong, the person with whom he was connected. However, what matters about this kind of thing is not the fact, but what the earth's princes, especially the pro-imperial bosses of the Co-Prosperity Party, think.

However, even if the Co-Prosperity Party wants to retaliate, it is a matter of course. Moreover, the chairman's advantage in the general election is almost unshakable. In the subsequent five-year term, the Co-Prosperity Party will only be an opposition party, and it has to be more careful.

In short, all combat preparations were reworked in an orderly manner.

Even so, Yang Xiyi waited for three more days. It wasn't until the reconnaissance team confirmed that ships from several planet strongholds in the Devil's Throat galaxy had left the strongholds and returned to the hinterland that he was sure that the other party had indeed received the news that DL36 had fallen and was about to be attacked from both sides.

Then, the general attack began.

The Minan people's reinforcement fleet deployed a chain of shields to cover our marines who were preparing to land. The Community fleet and all Allied fleets also launched a full-scale attack, carrying out saturation bombing on all the planets that had "leaped", driving the enemies on the surface into caves.

Just after the fleet attracted the attention of the enemy fortress, the "space rush vehicle" modified with the carapace of the Star Devourer, dragging twelve engines that had been accelerated to full power, plunged into the enemy fortress. .

To be honest, Yang Xiyi's plan sounds quite simple, but it is better than the groundbreaking in adapting measures to local conditions. The result of the battle was to frighten the enemies, friendly forces, and even our own people.

Before the empire could react, most of the community's marines had successfully landed in the fortress. Several of those powerful fortress cannons have even been captured.

By the time the Imperial troops and the Astral Knights, led by the Imperial Army, landed from the other side of the fortress, the Earth's soldiers were already shouting and attacking the fortress headquarters.

In this way, on the evening of August 25th of the Common Calendar, the Demon's Throat Fortress, which had resisted for three months, changed hands.

The only pity is that no trace of the Great Khan Tomitelli was found, but it is not known whether she left early or was not in the fortress at all.

Yu Lian felt that compared to the capture of the Demon's Throat, the fact that the Earthlings had captured the entire fortress faster than the Empire was a good news worthy of celebration.

Teacher Yang is a man of great wisdom and strategic vision. He may have already been rectifying the internal facilities of the fortress, taking over the fortress cannons, or even secretly turning the muzzles of the cannons. There is no need to remind him.

In comparison, the matter of Claire Belmont is really nothing.

However, out of personal friendship and the fruit plate promised by his brother, Yu Lian felt that he should still know the whole story and his situation.

"So, he appeared in Xinyumen?"

Feifei nodded.

"Are you going to work in the newly built industrial park?"

Feifei continued to nod.

"Well, you're not going to be a spy, are you? Feifei, we have to be on guard! No one knows about it now anyway. Why don't we lock him up and torture him?"

"Unfortunately, it's too late. He has already become the repair team leader of the machine repair shop. Mr. Summers also wanted to get him a community passport and promote him to the workshop director, but he was recognized by Akinayama. .”

Speaking of this, Feifei couldn't help but muttered: "Those glasses are really troublesome..."

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