Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 261: : Special character generation card

Actually, it can be said that there is no way out. After all, this time Ranmaru is different from others.

Maybe what happened at that time, Hinata still feels a bit like a dream.

However, even if she is reluctant to admit it, or something, this has become a doomed fact.

In fact, Hinata really had some serious thought about letting Aunt Yamada take care of Ranmaru.

How to say it, this is not really the kind of good person that Hinata is a good person who does everything to the end and sends Buddha to the west.

However, she felt that since Lanmaru was able to say such a thing that day, it was already doomed to his extraordinaryness.

Besides, I have to explore more things in Ranmaru next.

So at this time, it is basically understandable to take the initiative to have someone take care of it.

Saying this sounds a bit convoluted.

But in a nutshell, it's cruel, but it's the truth.

Hinata feels that she can still get more value from Ranmaru, but at this time she is making a negligible investment, which is really nothing.

Looking back on that day carefully, Hinata still remembers the last sentence Lanmaru said at that time: "You are the real lonely person."

In fact, she has been on her way for the past few days and has been thinking about such a question, is she alone? maybe!

A different kind of loneliness,

This matter can be completely announced, and she doesn't want to think about what her Aunt Yamada thought.

The matter has been finalized. Next, Hinata asked Aunt Yamada to leave directly, and he did not stay here any longer.

I don't have this skill, and I don't need to stay here at this time.

So soon, after Aunt Yamada left, she didn't stop, turned around and went back to her room.

Her next plan is actually very simple. She sleeps first. After all, ninjas are out on missions, and it's the kind of mission that can't be solved in a day or two.

Although several people in the team will take turns on duty when they are resting, but speaking carefully, as long as you are not a fool outside, it is absolutely impossible to fall asleep.

In this way, the spirit is indeed maintained enough, but in the heart, it will actually become more tired.

And it basically doesn't matter to anyone, no matter how strong you are or whatever, in an environment like the wild, no one can be without vigilance.

And the result of this is that when you really get rid of this environment, you will find that you are actually very sleepy.

So next, Hinata went straight to sleep with exhaustion.

And when she woke up, it was actually three or four o'clock in the morning of the next day. Don't ask Hinata how she knew,

Because she just knew.

At this time, it was quiet in the middle of the night, and Hinata, who had slept enough, also felt a little hungry again.

But at this time, Hinata naturally couldn't get up and trouble others to make food for her.

Besides, Aunt Yamada and another aunt don't live at Hyuga's house, so even if they get up, they can't find anyone who can provide her with food.

Hinata was a little dissatisfied, and wanted to get up to see if there was anything to eat in the kitchen of her own house, which she had almost never been in.

However, she soon gave up on this idea, which is not to say that she felt that there was no food.

But at this time, the confusion that had just woken up temporarily suppressed his hunger.

Hinata shook her head, then sat up from the bed.

There is no moon tonight, so it is really dark in the room at this time.

Hinata reached out and touched the table beside her bed. She vaguely remembered that she seemed to see an apple on her table before she went to sleep.

Although she doesn't know where the apple came from, at this time, it's actually okay to use this apple to temporarily deal with it.

And soon, to her surprise, she did touch the apple from the table beside her.

He stretched out his hand to pull it back, and after confirming that there was no problem with the feel, he started eating without any hesitation.

Suddenly, the sound of clack was particularly clear in this small room in the quiet of the night.

While using apples to deal with his own stomach, it seems that he has not eaten food for decades.

On the other hand, she started to contact the system directly in her mind. She remembered clearly that the system gave her the task of protecting Ranmaru that day.

And when Hinata and his party took Ranmaru back to Konoha, soon, this task was completely announced.

At that time, the quest rewards were also distributed directly, so the Hinata contact system at this time was actually for opening the treasure chest.

After all, this time, the quest reward is still very special, and Hinata has some expectations in her heart.

Although it was hardly the first time to pinch a villain, Hinata felt that he would be very excited no matter how many times this kind of thing happened to him.

It's just that this time it's a bit special. Hinata is actually very curious about this special thing. Where is the special thing?

Forcibly holding back her excitement, she kept calling the system. Speaking of not sleeping at three or four in the morning, it could be said that there was a hole in her head.

Fortunately, she is calling for the system. The system can be said to have no concept of time.

If Hinata chooses to call anyone at this time, it may be a beating to greet Hinata.

Soon the system responded: "Ding! The system has been successfully launched."

"Ding, remind the host, don't go to sleep at three or four in the morning and call the system."

Hinata seemed to have black lines all over her forehead at this time.

Heart: The system, who said that the system has no concept of time, you look at me, what does this mean, it means that I disturb your sleep.

You are a broken system! What kind of sleep is it? Hinata once again felt absurd in the system.

But although she felt a little speechless about this kind of thing, she didn't know what to say. After all, our system is a mature system.

Mature things will pay attention to maintaining a reasonable dormancy time, which seems to be fine.

However, the system still chose to ignore her, so naturally she didn't dare to say anything.

Instead, he could only say in a businesslike manner: "System, isn't my mission completed? I want my mission reward."

The system also sounded again: "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing this task, the task reward has been distributed to the system warehouse. Please check the host by yourself."

Hinata heard the words without any hesitation, and directly turned her attention to her system warehouse, and soon she found something in the system warehouse. If there is nothing wrong, then this is the reward for this mission.

Sure enough, when she chose to click on this thing, the system's voice started to sound directly in Hinata's mind.

"Ding, the special character generation opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ask the host whether to use it."

Hinata said, "Use it."

The system voice sounded again: "Explain, the generation of special characters is different from the generation of characters."

"In this generation, the host can choose from Sharing Eyes, Blood, and Boundaries, Five Attribute Ninjutsu Mastery Talents, Strength-type Talents, Dust Escape Blood Succession Eliminations, Wisdom Mastery Talents, and Weakened Wood Dungeons,,,,,,"

When Hinata saw this, her heart was full of mixed feelings, and she asked incomprehensibly, "System, what are these so-called talents to master strength, master talents for wisdom, master talents for five-attribute ninjutsu?"

System: "Special character generation opportunities, as the host said, the generated characters will not have the ability of blood follower limit, but although there is no blood follower limit,"

"But they are, such as strength-type talent mastery."

"The generated character will have a very strong talent in physical skills,"

"And the same is true for the intelligent type, and the five-attribute ninjutsu mastery."

Hinata nodded, and instantly understood the meaning. Doesn't this mean that Hinata can create a role that, although not limited by blood, is very capable in some respects.

After Hinata knew this, he asked again, "Then, isn't this system, the boundary of the Xingyan Xuejie, already available in the normal character generation interface?"

The system said: "Please note, the host, the system will generate a ninja with the limit of Sharinyan's blood and blood created by the host spending 50,000 reward points on the interface."

"If Sharinyan wants to evolve, he must accept the same experience as the Uchiha family."

"However, in the special character generation opportunity, the appearance of the Sharinyan blood follower limit will have a different effect."

"If you create a person who has the limit of Xinghuan's blood, the eyes don't necessarily have to evolve with pain and anger."

"As long as the host has enough reward points, it is possible to directly evolve the writing wheel eye to the level of the kaleidoscope of eternal scars, or even the level of the eye of reincarnation."

Hearing that, Hinata took a deep breath: "It's so cruel, as long as the reward points are enough,"

Hinata surreptitiously looked at her reward points, and there was probably a little over 30,000, which seemed to be quite a lot here.

She couldn't help thinking now: She has so many reward points, if she really chooses to generate the limit of Xinghuan's blood.

How far can I rise at one time?

It seemed that the system saw Hinata's question, and then seemed to be somewhat merciful: "Host, the total number of reward points for your current quest is 34,210 points."

"If you want to choose to evolve the wheel eye, the host can evolve this wheel eye to the three-hooked jade wheel eye. If you want to evolve to the kaleidoscope, the host is still 16,000 reward points short of it."

Hearing this, Hinata felt that her heart was half cold all of a sudden.

How is this possible? To be honest, she is very moved. After all, she still knows how powerful the Xie Lun Yan Xue Ji Boundary is.

Thinking about the animation, in the later stage, as long as the kaleidoscope has evolved into a kaleidoscope, everyone who knows it will basically know how awesome it is.

But now he is hesitant, Hinata thinks, if his reward points are a little worse.

She will definitely make this choice. When the kaleidoscope is used first, she will definitely be able to relax a little more from now on because of the addition of a super powerful thug.

However, this reward point is still a bit too much, 16,000, which doesn't sound like much, but this is considered a stingy thing about the system, and the chance to issue a mission is really too small.

And there are fewer tasks, which means that the fewer times you can earn reward points,

And the fewer the number of times, which means that it is really difficult to save reward points.

Besides, do you really have to fight to the death on the writing wheel this time? ,

Look, what kind of dust, a weakened version of the wood! Actually they are pretty good.

But there are so many choices, and whenever this time comes, Hinata is actually very excited.

But being excited doesn't seem to be of any use. With so many choices, I don't even know which one to choose.

Hinata was really in pain and happiness at the moment, but after thinking about it for a long time, Hinata felt that it was still difficult to choose, which was a bit difficult.

Hinata didn't speak, she didn't continue to eat the apple, she just held the apple in her hand and she herself was lost in thought.

After thinking about it for a while, she decided to stop thinking about which bloodline limit or ability is more powerful.

She now intends to do it in the way she organizes the entire organization at dawn, think about it, think about it seriously now,

At this juncture, what is the choice?

But this time, she didn't hesitate for too long, because if she really thinks about it like this, she actually has her own answer now.

Indeed, Chen Dun and the like are indeed very powerful, but there is really no shortage of powerful warriors in his Dawn organization. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

The water has no moon's cold ice escape, the pommel horse has no moon's control of the five senses, and the winter rain gets a paper escape.

The combat power is strong enough, but it is impossible for a team to be all reckless men who only know how to fight.

So this time Hinata's choice was actually to generate a character with proficient intelligence,

Although this intelligence is proficient, to what extent will it be proficient.

Hinata is actually quite curious.

But no matter what, if such a character really appears, it will just solve Hinata's current urgent needs.

After all, there is already a somewhat popular Dawn Organization, and now, if no one is going to make plans, specify an action plan or something.

Although these generated characters will not betray them, but they always look like they are really like scattered sand, and they are too lazy to worry too much.

Therefore, choosing to generate a person with such special talents at this time can actually let the members of the Dawn organization really have something to do.

And if you think about it carefully, there are those peripheral members affiliated with the Dawn Organization, and they can't let them continue to mess around like this.

Under such circumstances, with such a character, Hinata didn't know how much he should worry less.


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