Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 262: : vision

Now that the decision has been made, Hinata will naturally not hesitate, and immediately said to the system: "The system will help me generate an intelligent talent character."

System: "Ding, is the host confirmed?"

Hinata: "Confirm!"

System: "Confirmation is complete, please fill in the information from the host."

In fact, the next steps are no different from the character generation steps on the system interface.

It's nothing more than filling in name, weight, height and so on.

So Hinata chose the name column. She wrote Wuzhu, her weight was 70 kilograms, and her height was 1.8 meters.

After all, she is quite clear about the urine nature of this system, and she estimates that this system may have some kind of dark thoughts.

The generated characters don't seem to be ugly so far.

And the age is naturally thirteen years old.

Personality bias, Hinata naturally didn't have much hesitation about this this time, since she chose a character with intelligent talent.

So like this kind of person, needless to say, no one can refute the proper treacherous gift to him.

So naturally, the character bias is to choose treacherous, Hinata thought, um, this is the first time to use such a special character generation opportunity, I don't know what is the difference between this and the ordinary character generation.

Possibly, Hinata himself estimated that the combat power of such characters might not be very strong.

But it doesn't matter. In fact, Hinata thinks that the so-called lack of combat power definitely means that it is not as strong as a character who specializes in fighting.

But the meaning of it is definitely not to say that there is no means of fighting, but in fact, sometimes, wisdom is more important than force.

Maybe such a character template should be similar to Nara Shikamaru and Nara Shikyu, who should belong to the high IQ people of the Nara family.

And after she filled out the character generation form, the system also began to ask: "Excuse me, host, do you want to generate this character now?"

Hinata: "Becoming,"

System: "Please confirm the spawn location for the host."

Hinata thought for a while and said, "Let's continue to spawn in the River Country this time! It's about 5 kilometers away from the location where the winter rain is generated."

System: "The generation location has been established, now start preparations, preparations are complete, now start generation."

System: "The generation furnace has been successfully established, absorbing resources."

What could be said to be a long wait came next, and after taking advantage of this time, Hinata once again completely finished the apple in his hand.

And after a long time, the system's voice sounded again: "The resources are replenished, and the characters are being created."

Another long time,

System: "Character creation is about to be completed, may the host turn on the real-time sharing function?"

Hinata: "Open,"

Immediately, her eyes seemed to have traveled through countless distances, penetrating mountains and mountains, but the scene that appeared in front of her now was the place where she still had vague memories.

There are basically steep cliffs around, and the cliffs still look so majestic.

And Hinata's eyes at this time really seemed to be like the perspective of God, directly watching the top of a certain mountain peak.

Where, Hinata can clearly see that there is a very strange-looking thing rooting on the top of the mountain.

And with Hinata's thoughts, she moved, and soon, her sight was getting closer and closer to the thing on the top of the mountain,

After getting closer, Hinata felt that her judgment was not wrong, because this thing is indeed a weird machine, a bit weirder than the character generator that Hinata had seen.

Hinata knew that this should be the kind of machine that generates special characters. Could it be called Character Generator No. 2?

Hinata was speechless. What he could clearly see in front of his eyes was that the machine was as huge as ever, and the equipment in some places looked no different from Character Generator No. 1.

Only this time, this character generator No. 2 actually has some other functions, for example, there are two more chimneys, so let's call it that first!

Then, this machine is obviously dominated by that dark red color.

Next, the sound of this machine when it is operating is also very obvious.

Hinata didn't rush forward to investigate this time, because she already had a feeling that the character seemed to have been completely created successfully.

And if that's the case, I foolishly ran forward to study it, but then the hatch was opened, and it would be embarrassing to look at the character inside.

Besides, it seems that there is really nothing to study, there may be some differences from the first character generator, but the principle should be the same,

It's just that there may be some new functions, and Hinata himself can't really study these functions.

So this kind of curiosity is really unnecessary.

It seems that all of this is basically the past.

Of course, now she may have forgotten her current state. After all, at this time, she was not really on the mountain in the country of the river.

Now she is completely sharing the function of the system in real time, so that the scene she sees in front of her seems to be really immersed in the scene.

However, this is still different after all.

So, in fact, what she avoided embarrassment just now was obviously because she thought too much.

However, Hinata is a person with integrity and a generous person. How could he do such a shameful thing like a villain at this time.

I have to say, her judgment is quite correct.

Just when she made a decision to avoid embarrassment,

I felt as if I really stood there and felt all the changes around me.

First, after the mechanical sound of the machine's operation disappeared, then it was like the exhaust after the steam train arrived at the station.

Hinata could hear the machine clearly making a "puchi" sound.

Afterwards, Hinata felt that the ground he was on began to vibrate. It was very slight at first, but then, the feeling of shaking became more and more serious.

As if an earthquake had occurred, it only stopped when the force was so strong that the boulders on the mountain began to roll down.

As the unpleasant "click, click, click" sounded, Hinata found out that it was the sound of the hatch when the hatch was being opened.

After the hatch was opened, as a puff of smoke began to rise, everything around seemed to be completely shrouded in this white rising mist.

At this moment, Hinata took a deep breath, because she knew that according to the character of the system, no, it should be said that it was her own suggestion, and the character developed by the system.

Immediately, not what she expected, at this moment, this piece of heaven and earth seemed to emit a crisp piano sound from nowhere.

I don't know where this sound came from. The sound is so loud that it is estimated that it can be clearly heard within a hundred kilometers from here.

Hinata was dumbfounded. She felt that she was quite familiar with this piano sound, but this time she didn't use the system's reminder. Hinata had already identified the piano music.

After all, this is a piece created by the famous musician Beethoven in the previous life, and the name of the piano piece is called Moonlight Sonata.

Although he didn't study music, he probably never even listened to most of the music.

But the Moonlight Sonata, which had appeared in the textbooks, so for her own curiosity, after the opportunity, she really learned about this piano piece.

Of course, this can only be regarded as an appetizer before eating the main meal. Hinata didn't believe that the system would really use a moonlight sonata to simply support the scene.

Sure enough, when the prelude to the Moonlight Sonata just ended, the mutation appeared again.

And this time, there was no wind blowing in this piece of heaven and earth, but at this moment, it seemed that the flowers, plants and trees in this piece of heaven and earth were oppressed by some kind of gravity.

At this moment, it all became a little curved, and after that, it was considered a turbulent situation.

After all, this place belongs to the country of Sichuan, and the moonlight here is still very bright tonight.

And under this bright moonlight, something suddenly appeared in the sky.

It seems that it is actually a change generated by clouds under certain conditions.

But soon, this result was overturned, because under the moonlight, the clouds couldn't be so fast, and it was impossible to produce such a scene.

Looking up at the sky, I could vaguely see that a huge piece of sky seemed to be blocked by something.

But the moonlight passed through the gap between the things that blocked it.

And when passing through those gaps, taking advantage of the direction of the card angle, you can actually see that it is a strange shape with five huge stone pillars on it.

However, these stone pillars also seem to be long and short. Looking from left to right, the first one is the shortest, but is exceptionally thick, the second is the second longest, the third is the longest, and the fourth is the third.

And the last one seems to be the fourth longest, but at the same time it seems to be the thinnest.

And seeing this, people with quick reactions have already made their own guesses. Could the things in the sky be the palm of a person!

When the idea came up.

Some people may feel scornful, while others feel panic,

But it seems that at this moment, for some unknown reason, they found out when they looked at the sky again.

The thing that appeared high in the sky could already be completely seen at this time.

But when they saw it clearly, everyone was dumbfounded, because the thing in the sky was indeed a palm,

And it's a human palm that's almost inexplicably magnified.

Possibly because it was too big, Hinata and the others could actually see the palm lines all over the palm.

And at this moment, the palm that seemed to be real and fake suddenly shot down towards the ground,

In an instant, it can really be said to be a gust of wind.

And this gust of wind also directly blew the wind and sand all over the sky. There is quite a kind of meaning and taste that you are the wind and I am the sand, lingering to the end of the world.

And when all this is over, where is the huge palm in the sky that can cover the sky, it is still the moon star, as if everything that happened just now is really like an illusion.

Everyone felt a little uneasy, and began to wonder if they really saw this scene just now, or if it was just a dream of their own.

And in a pile of tents about 80 kilometers away from here,

At this time, He Yan was standing in front of the respective tents where he lived with the remnants of the ancient empire who were under his control.

Looking up, it seems that he is still reminiscing about the scene that happened just now. Some people may think this is a dream, but after all, someone broke this dream.

After all, you have a dream, he has a dream, I have a dream, everyone has a dream, and the content of the dream is still the same, should it still be called a dream?

Although they were reluctant to believe it, this had already made them confirm that what they saw just now was indeed true.

So at a certain moment, the person who came back to his senses first started to quarrel with the surroundings.

It seems that the scene is getting more and more chaotic, and it may be that there is a big fight in the end.

But at this time, He Yan didn't immediately stop all this, because now he was recalling and thinking.

What's the matter, what's the matter, I remember that not long ago, it seemed that this kind of vision of heaven and earth appeared in the sky, making it impossible for people to ponder thoroughly.

It's just that the sky was full of confetti flying that time, but this time a giant hand appeared directly. What does this mean?

To be honest, he had lived for so many years. It seems that since he met that day, he is now nominally his immediate boss~www.readwn.com~ The one who looks harmless to humans and animals but has many thieves is from the Konoha Hyuga clan. Hinata Hinata, who knew what the **** was going on.

Since that day, may the turmoil I have experienced in the past few decades not be as bizarre and thrilling as the last few times.

When thinking of this, he was hesitating whether he should do something or not. After all, he is his own boss now.

And he still hasn't fully understood what kind of existence the so-called Dawn Organization he joined is.

Even if he is now, he can only be regarded as a peripheral member of the Dawn Organization, and these are all peripheral members. He does not know what skills and specialties those who really reach the core members have.

Thinking of this, he immediately had a new association: Speaking of core members, the girl doll with the codename Ethereal who followed Hinata last time should be considered a core member!

If it really follows this standard, then this organization is really amazing. I just don't know how many core members there are now.

At this time, he lowered his head again, as if he was looking up at the sky, but he had already lost his head in recollection.

And when he came back to his senses in his thoughts, he realized that the people in front of him seemed to be completely in chaos.


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