He already fully believes that Han Fei knows medical skills, otherwise it is impossible to know this. A person's subconscious behavior cannot be deceived, but it is hard to say how much she knows. A girl can still count on Do you have superb medical skills?

But just a little understanding is enough to make Old He interested. It seems that there are still surprises in this unexpected journey.

That night, Old Crane stayed in the Han Mansion, and Han Shangqing almost treated the old man with the attitude of a guest. The entire Han Mansion was told that he must not offend Old He!

Han Fei was pacing in her room a little anxiously. On the one hand, there was such a big figure in the house and felt a headache. On the one hand, she was really worried about whether the situation of Han Wenxue was really that serious.

Until midnight, Han Fei left the room quietly after guessing that everyone in the house was asleep, and went to Han Wenwen's room.

I crept on my feet along the way, and was almost spotted several times, but finally came to Han Wenxue’s room in peace, Han Fei pushed the door in, a small bag bulged on the bed, she approached the bed and still hadn’t recovered. I heard a soft Confucian voice in the dark night.


Han Fei was taken aback, looked down, and met Han Wenwen's shining eyes at night.

Han Fei patted her chest and said, "So you are still awake."

Han Wenwen whispered: "I dare not sleep..."

Han Fei frowned and said, "Why? If you don't take a good rest, your condition will be more serious!"

Han Fei thought that the child refused to sleep because of a disturbance, and was a little angry.

Han Wenwen tried to get up, but his body was too weak. He almost fell back halfway after getting up. Han Fei was so scared that he hurriedly supported him and helped him up to the bed.

"Sister, I'm afraid I fell asleep... I can't get up..."

Han Fei was taken aback, looking at the little boy in front of her with eyes full of loneliness, she didn't have the naivety that should be at this age.

"They...Doctor, they all said, I can't live..."

Han Fei's heart twitched, and she misunderstood the child.

"Don't be afraid, you won't die!"

"Sister, I know. I lay down for a long time. Many doctors came to see me and they all went out shaking their heads... My mother cried every day, and Dad didn't dare to talk to me..."

Ruan Ru's voice still has a hint of crying. At such a young age, he is not ready for death, but he has to face the death notices issued to him every day. Han Fei can't imagine how such a child can live. Every day.

She stared at Han Wenxue blankly, but suddenly thought of Qin Che.

That person, also physically weak, struggled to live until now.

However, Han Wenwen still has parents who love him, and money to ask a doctor to rescue him, but that person...

Nothing at all.

She could even imagine that he was lying on the bed, besides two people serving by Jifeng and Yuntao, not even a relative would come to see him. It felt like waiting to die...

Just think about it, Han Fei feels distressed, and he took even more care of Han Wenxue. After helping him well, Han Fei asked him to stretch out his hand, but for the first time, the child who has always been well-behaved was unwilling. , He clasped his hands tightly, just not giving it to Han Fei.

"Little clerk, give your sister your hand. Will your sister see a doctor?"

Han Wenxu ignored him and pursed his lips, but it was rare to behave like a child.

Han Fei said dumbfoundedly: "Little Clerk, what's wrong with you? My sister came to see you specially, do you treat your sister like this?"

Han Wenwen hesitated when he heard the words. He wanted to give her a hand, but didn't want to. In the end, there was no.

Han Fei pretended to be angry and said, "Sister is angry!"

Han Wenwen quickly put his hand in Han Fei's hand and said, "I, I just don't want my sister to worry... I don't want my sister to know..."

The hand that Han Fei placed on his pulse paused, her expression complicated, she finally understood that he was not playing a petty temper, he just didn't want her to see his life getting weaker and weaker. How could it be so distressing? child!

But soon, Han Fei's distress was torn away by her messy pulse, her eyes widened and her fingertips trembled.

No wonder Dr. Li and the old Crane both asserted that Han Wenxue was treated too late, even if Han Fei was ready, he never thought of such a situation!

This... is already the breath of a dying person!

Han Fei looked at Han Wenxue stupidly, and at his still childish face, she couldn't imagine that this child's life was about to come to an end.

She continued pressing unwillingly, hoping that she felt something was wrong, but she didn't! No……

Although Han Wenwen was young, he had already made sense. He looked at the expression on Han Fei's face and it became clear. He wanted to withdraw his hand, but Han Fei held it very tightly and couldn't get it back. Weakly said: "Sister..."

Han Fei murmured: "Impossible! It can't be like this! Last time, I showed it to you last time, you won't be so serious! You can get out of bed obviously, just take care of it. It will get better, you, you..."

Han Wenwen's little face was full of disappointment. He couldn't help but shed tears. After all, he was still a child. No matter how strong he was, there was a limit. His young heart couldn't bear it after seeing Han Fei's desperate expression.

Seeing Han Wenxue sobbing, Han Fei was anxious, trying to comfort him but couldn't.

"Sister...I don't want to die...Sister..."

While crying, while whispering like a small animal, the tears on that little face stung Han Fei's heart. She gritted her teeth fiercely, hugged him, patted, Suddenly, a thought came to life.

"No, that's not right! It's impossible for your body to weaken so much naturally! Although it is not obvious, but..."

Han Fei took off the small face of Han Wenxu and stared at him carefully, seeing his pale face, faintly glowing blue...

Han Fei suddenly murmured: "Sure enough, Clerk, you, you..."


An untimely word came from behind, and Han Fei swiped her head away. I don't know when, Old He stood behind her with his hands on his back, staring at her like a torch.

Han Fei's heart twitched, when did he come in! She didn't notice it at all!

How surprised Han Fei was, then Old He was as surprised. He looked at Han Fei almost in admiration. After all, he underestimated the girl.

"I guessed right, girl, you really know medicine."

Han Fei turned around, guarding Han Wenwen behind her, looking at Old He with his eyes, and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't be nervous, the old man is just a doctor, the only thing he can do is save the wounded."

Han Fei didn't care whether she believed it or not, she wanted to verify that sentence.

"If it is really poisoned, why is there no sign of pulse?!"

The idea just now was nothing more than her bold guess.

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