Old Crane said solemnly: "Not all poisons in the world are obvious. Some poisons are colorless and tasteless, and there is no way to start."

Han Fei was taken aback for a moment and murmured: "It's really poisoned..."

Old He took a few steps forward and said: "Girl, actually you have guesses in your heart, but you dare not admit it."

Han Fei was silent, her hands clenched tightly.

Han Wenwen looked at her sinking face, his little face was full of anxiety, he reached out and grabbed Han Fei's hand, and said softly, "Sister, don't worry, it's okay."

Han Fei tried to squeeze out a smile, unexpectedly she was comforted by a child, and said: "Little book, I'm okay." Then she turned to look at Old He, and said, "You must have a solution, right?"

Old He didn't hesitate to say, "I do."

Han Fei's eyes lit up.

Old He said, "But it's too late. The toxin has spread to the internal organs, so it's hard to tell the result."

Han Fei's heart twitched, but she knew that she couldn't blame others at all. She took a deep breath, turned around and touched the head of Han Wenxue, and said: "Little book, you rest well and recover from illness, my sister will definitely find a way to save you. of."

Han Wenwen hesitated and said, "But..."

Han Fei deliberately sullen her face and said, "Is this little book obedient?"

Han Wenwen shook his head nervously. Han Fei was satisfied. He put him back on the bed, tucked the quilt, and said, "Take a good rest, sister will come to see you tomorrow, and oh, don't tell others that I have been here, okay?"

Han Wenwen nodded.

Immediately Han Fei got up and unceremoniously pulled He Lao out of the room.

Old He is strange, he doesn't look angry at all. In the past, none of the younger generations was respectful to him. They didn't dare to cross the thunder pond at all, even when they spoke, they didn't dare to look directly into his eyes, let alone move closer. So, he couldn't even teach the juniors well.

After pulling He Lao out, Han Fei took a deep breath, turned her head and met He Lao’s bright eyes, which shocked her, especially when there was a meaning to tell her to continue to pull him. Han Fei was speechless for a while, coughed, and said, "I'm sorry, I was rude just now. I'm just a little anxious. We can't talk about spreading bad emotions in front of patients, so it's more offensive."

Old He said regretfully: "Girl, what is your name?"

"Han Fei."

"You know medicine?"

"Understand a little."

"Which one do you follow?"

Han Fei hesitated, "I don't have a master."

Old He flashed his eyes and shouted in a low voice: "A lie! Medical skills must not be spread, no one will violate this point. Your technique is quite sophisticated, not self-taught."

Han Fei considered it for a moment and said, "Well, someone called a university taught me."

Old He was surprised, "University? Why haven't I heard of this doctor?"

Han Fei continued to talk nonsense without reddening her heart, and said, "His old man has already passed away."

Old He felt guilty at the moment, and said, "I asked more."

Han Fei quickly opened the topic and said, "Old Crane, what kind of poison is the poison of Xiaoshu? I don't see anything wrong with the pulse condition. It is more like caused by natural weakness. Is there such a strange poison?"

Speaking of business matters, Old Crane didn’t have time to pay attention to anything else. He sank his voice and said, “I was only skeptical, but now I’m basically certain. I guess the poison is silent and breathless. As the name suggests, the poisoned person. No signs of poisoning can be seen at all, and it can quickly accelerate the life and aging of patients and die in a short time.

Han Fei murmured and repeated: "No sound and no breath..."

Old He's face changed a little, and he said, "My baby, have you ever heard of Ten Thousand Gu Valley?"

Han Fei frowned, "What is that?"

Old He said in a disdainful tone: "That is an extremely evil thing. If there are doctors in the world, they will be poisonous. Since ancient times, medicines and poisons have not been subdivided. Naturally, they can save people and kill people. Ten Thousand Gu Valley is such a place. Top doctors, but they never save people. On the contrary, they like to harm people. They specialize in the research of poisons. There are countless poisons produced there, and it is even more difficult to understand. Their goal is to break the medical association and create chaos. There are lunatics. Gathering place."

Han Fei was taken aback, as if he had opened a world, there are still such people in this world? !

Old He continued: "Ten Thousand Gu Valley has offended too many people. It has caused public anger. The rivers and lakes, the imperial court, and the Medical Association have united to wipe out the base camp of Ten Thousand Gu Valley-Ghost Mountain. Ten Thousand Gu Valley has disappeared. For ten years, not many people in the rivers and lakes still remember this organization that was able to compete with the Physician Association. When I was traveling around the world, I had seen the great doctors who came out of Wangu Valley, and this was silent. The interest is extremely powerful, and the poisoned person cannot be detected at all. If this time the silence is a little bit worse, I am afraid I can't guess it. Brother is just a ray of life."

"Then... this poison is incomplete, so, so Xiaoshu can be saved, right?"

Old He sighed and said: "Even if it is incomplete and silent, its toxicity is quite overbearing, not to mention that Ling brother has been poisoned for some time..."

I don't have to say the following words to understand.

Old He deliberately explained to Han Fei the existence of Ten Thousand Gu Valley, but it was only to let her understand how serious the situation with Han Wengu was.

But Han Fei didn't give up, gritted his teeth, and said, "Then what is the fine line of life you are talking about?"

Old He fixedly looked at her, watching her serious look, her round face was tense, with great perseverance like a bamboo, He suddenly said in a horrible way: "Girl, you said you didn't Is the master right?"

Han Fei frowned, obviously not thinking of how the topic suddenly changed, but she still nodded and said: "Yes, I don't."

A gleam of light flashed in Old He's eyes and said, "Then you would like to worship me as a teacher?"

This time, Han Fei was directly shocked, opened her mouth and was speechless.

The more He thinks about it, the more he feels that this sudden rise of thought is very good. This girl is calm, generous, not unfamiliar with her technique, and has a high level of understanding. She is not stuck by the world, and advances and retreats properly. More importantly, she still Possessing the most primitive heart of a healer is to treat the patient, not to be overwhelmed by the despair of death, but the last point is the most rare.

The doctor of Chengda University must first hang the pot to help the world, have the world in mind, and provide selfless relief.

And Han Fei made him see this.

Old He knows that he is already old. After he realizes this, his age does not allow him to go further. This can be said to be his biggest regret. He has never been a major doctor in this life, so I hope that the apprentice who sits down can realize it. Wouldn't it be better to accept an apprentice with this potential?

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