His Highness, Don’t Leave! I Will Lose Weight For You!

Chapter 131: Do you want to verify it yourself?

Han Fei sighed in relief after the words in her heart were spoken, blushing, and raised her head stubbornly.


She just cares about dying!

Then just say it!

She just wants to know if he has touched other women! Is there a skin close to others! Is there any...contaminated with the taste of others.

Han Fei smiled bitterly.

Before meeting Qin Che, Han Fei had never known that she was also a cleanliness fetish, or a deep cleanliness fetish, and could not bear that the person she cared about took the trace of another person.

She clearly knew that this was too difficult intellectually, and it was even more fantastic in such an era, but she couldn't suppress the emotional discomfort.

She is damned! Crazy to care!

"It turns out you care so much."

He said these words softly.

Han Fei's face flushed, she didn't dare to look directly into his eyes, and the courage she had just got dispelled, but she whispered: "Yes, I just care."

A big hand was placed on Han Fei's head, nodded, and said, "No."

Han Fei was taken aback, huge surprises swarmed over her, she suddenly grabbed the big hand placed on her head, and asked impulsively, "Is it because you can't do human affairs?!"

Qin Che's eyes darkened, and he said hoarsely, "Do you really want to try it?"

Han Fei blushed, but she still tried to maintain her composure and said, "Master, I am a doctor, you must answer my questions honestly!"

Qin Che curled up his lips and said meaningfully, "Then, you can try it yourself."

Han Fei's gaze turned involuntarily to a certain position close to her eyes, but before she could see clearly, she was gently pushed away by a burst of force, and she sat down on the ground.

"See no evil, Han Fei, didn't the Amar Palace teach you this."

Han Fei also knew that her behavior just now was quite disrespectful, but she didn't hold it back!

Just when Han Fei wanted to break the casserole and asked to the end, Qin Che took the lead and said, "Is everything at home settled?"

The topic changed too quickly, and Han Fei had no choice but to say dejectedly: "Well, the little clerk is okay, I am out of danger, and now I am slowly recovering."

While saying this, Han Fei couldn't help but peer at the male god.

"Put out your eyeballs."

He said lightly.

Han Fei got up from the ground quickly, and said respectfully, "I swear I will never look at you again!"


After converging her thoughts that shouldn't have, Han Fei finally started to get into the main topic. She briefly talked about the things that happened to her going out of the palace in the past few days, but omitted the thing about Han Yan, but made it roughly clear.

After Qin Che listened, he was slightly surprised and said, "You have worshipped Heming as a teacher?"

Han Fei nodded and said enthusiastically: "He is a very powerful person! I should be able to learn a lot with him!"

Qin Che was speechless at Han Fei's words.

How can he not know if Heming is so good?

What surprised him even more was that Han Fei’s luck was against the sky, and he worshiped Heming as a teacher. Such things let out the wind. Most of the family members came to curry favor. There is no doubt that Heming's level is recognized by the world. of.

As the great physician of the Hanling Imperial Doctor's Room, Heming’s legend is known to almost half of the royal family. Almost every member of the royal family has been treated by Heming to some extent. What is more terrifying and admirable is not just his medical skills. , Or his connections.

Heming is a man of integrity, countless students, and so many wizards. Among them, he is not only involved in doctors, but can be said to be an existence of all responses. Such a person has become Han Fei's master.

"That's right! Master also told me that if there is a chance to get you out of the palace, he will check you up!"

Han Fei said these words staringly, and even had the idea of ​​transporting the male **** out immediately.

However, Qin Che shook his head and said, "I can't step out of here."

Han Fei subconsciously said, "Why?"

Qin Che clenched his hand on the armchair, and said in a deep voice, "No."

It just can't be two words, and there is no explanation.

Han Fei was a little injured, and said, "But Master is really amazing. My level may not be enough, but Master can definitely think of a way! That way, your body..."

Qin Che said in a cold tone, "I will not ask the second person to investigate my body."

"Qin Che!"

She couldn't help calling his name directly, with a hint of anger.

In Han Fei's eyes, isn't Qin Che's behavior just like that of a child who has a temper and doesn't go to the doctor!

"You should go back. Han Fei."

His words seemed like expulsion.

Han Fei was so angry that her chest was ups and downs, and said, "Do you understand your own situation? Obviously there is a chance to be treated, why should you resist!"

Qin Che closed his eyes and said as if evasive: "I'm tired."

Han Fei fell silent, looked at him, and saw that he didn't even lift his eyelids, as if he didn't want to see her.

Han Fei’s heart became a little cold. She was so desperate outside, and even the task was to go all out, just to be able to exchange for better medicinal materials to treat his illness. Finally there was a glimmer of hope, but she was ruined in vain. He didn't even want to give a reason.

She thinks he thinks hard, and she can’t wait to see him when she comes back, telling him everything enthusiastically, approaching him cautiously, and every time she thinks she’s closer, this person pushes her away again. A bit.

This feeling is too bad! Is she like a dog at his feet, coming and going? She had never liked a person, until now, Han Fei finally understood.

It's not completely sweet to like someone, and it hurts her heart when she cries.


What's more uncomfortable is that she can't, and can't be angry with him!

She is even more angry with herself!

"Give me your hand!"

Han Fei said viciously.

Qin Che didn't move.

Han Fei grabbed his hand on the armchair and pressed his finger to check his pulse.

Even if she was so angry and uncomfortable, she still couldn't just walk away like that. After checking her pulse to stabilize, Han Fei let go and turned around and said, "Since the prince is tired, then Han Fei will leave first. , The prince’s body shouldn’t be overworked.”

After leaving this sentence, Han Fei opened the door in anger and left.

Even the feeling of saying goodbye to Ji Feng Yun Tao was gone, so Ling San and Ling Si took her to fly back.

Both Jifeng and Yuntao are a little puzzled, why is this girl Han in a bad mood? Obviously, the excited eyes glowed before entering. Why did the eyes become red after coming out?

Is it because the prince is bullying others?

Haifeng and Yuntao looked at each other, but no one dared to go in and ask the prince.

Inside the room, Qin Che, who was alone, finally sighed, his dark voice seemed to be talking to himself.

"Dirty body, why is it so good."

For a long time, that body sighed.

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