His Highness, Don’t Leave! I Will Lose Weight For You!

Chapter 132: The first person to be kicked out

The second day.

Han Fei and Han Yan, who have pulled down many courses, not only have to study during the day, but they are also arranged for ‘tuition’ after the class, just to keep up with everyone’s progress.

Han Fei was exhausted every day, so naturally she didn't have the time to think about the things that day. This was also just right. She couldn't care about these things when she was busy, and all the annoying emotions were thrown aside. She only needs to do what she has at hand.

Right, that is it.

Han Fei put out all the energy to deal with gradually difficult courses. In the past, she might still miss these ancient female trainings, but as time goes by, Han Fei never underestimated these female trainings. After thinking about it, every course here is arranged in the right way, one by one, and it is unceremonious to say that if all of them are really completed, the show girls here are all at the level of ladies.

Especially in the latter part, the requirements of the mothers who taught became more and more strict, and the deductions became more and more serious. Even if Han Fei tried her best, the deducted points gradually increased, even Han, who always pursues perfection. Yan was also deducted points, and even in a women's training class, the first show girl who was sent home finally appeared.

Han Fei will always remember that under the high-strength courses, many show girls are carrying it hard. There is a young show girl who has never suffered such a hardship, and she was taken care of by the mother after failing to complete the task again. Reprimanded and punished, did not hold back all of a sudden, it broke out.

Except for Han Fei, who are the ladies present here who are not ladies? In the house are all spoiled eldest ladies, no matter where they have been crying like this, when they approached the breaking point, they directly met the teacher who taught them, yelled too much, and bluntly insulted the mother, but in the end it was just a palace. The court lady here is a teacher, but she is essentially a servant, and a servant dare to be so arrogant.

At that time, the other show girls were all sweating for this girl, so insulting mother who knows the consequences?

The scolded mother did not respond on the spot, and she even had a very good attitude to make the show girl go to rest, but Han Fei knew that this matter was not that simple, she almost looked at the show girl with a pitying expression I thought I had frightened my mother and went back to the room to rest triumphantly.

The next day, there was news that the show girl was deported from the palace on the grounds that all points were deducted and she was not eligible to stay in the Palace of Armagh.

The excuse for the one-time deduction is that the teacher has no respect and etiquette, and does not meet the qualifications.

So far, this incident has sounded the alarm for all the show girls. In the Ama Palace, your identity and family background are not important. Here, the words of the mother are king, and they say that your score has been deducted. You can't appeal at all. Does the girl who was kicked out have no family background? how is this possible? But her father didn't stand for her, and the incident passed.

All the show girls clamped their tails to be humans. They were kicked out for fear of being caught in the wrong place. Then the pain they had endured before was endured in vain, and they were left with a bad name. Show girls who are thrown out will generally be regarded as'unqualified', and even the marriage will be affected, and they will lose not only their own face, but also the face of the family.

There was an unprecedented serious study style in the Palace of Armagh, but it still couldn't stop the more and more strict mothers from deducting the points. There are already many show girls who get pitifully low points.

Han Fei calculated her own score, with a 100-point scale, she only had 50 points left, which is not dangerous, but if she continues to be deducted, it is absolutely dangerous.

The fierce result of the deduction was that Han Yan became one of the show girls that most of the mothers looked forward to. Her score was one of the highest, eighty points, and the other one who shared her evenly was the county lord Cheng Min. Both of them are the celebrities in front of the mother, and there is a faint tendency to dominate the Ama Palace, and it is even more important to compete with each other.

Han Fei didn’t have time to bother about this. The women’s training courses at the Amma Palace kept her busy. She was so tired that she fell asleep every night, and she didn’t have free time to entangle her with the male **** for the first time. There is a problem, even in her own heart, Han Fei doesn’t think she has done something wrong, and there is still a trace of grievance. She can be said to be heartbroken, but if she is of no importance to the male god, it is a person. Will be hurt.

So, she just escaped temporarily, temporarily.

The zero three and zero four in the dark were the most troublesome. Although they knew that the girl Han had a conflict with the prince, they didn’t know the specific contradiction. They even felt that the girl would be angry with the prince. Surprised.

In the past few days, the prince has not summoned, and the absence of summons means that there is no need to go back to Qin Che to report on Han Fei's whereabouts and every move. This is very worrying.

The so-called master quarrel, being a subordinate, will be annoying.

Zero Four couldn't hold back anymore, so she poked her old partner Zero Three first, and said: "Oh, Zero Three, what are you saying about this girl Han? It's been a long time since it really took so many days. Not going to see the master."

Ling San squinted at him and said faintly: "Don't worry about things you shouldn't."

Zero Four folded his arms and said coldly: "I don't believe you are not curious? I'm so bored doing this kind of work every day. The other brothers are helping the prince to go outside. I'm settled, I have to forget how it feels to protect a person for a long time.

Zero San was silent for a while, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, and said, "Zero Eight is gone."

Ling Si was taken aback for a moment, the impatience in his eyes disappeared, and his face was not very good-looking, and said, "I know, it has been detected over there, and our future actions will not go smoothly."

"Zero Eight is not the last one."

Zero Four laughed at himself: "We shadow guards have long lost life and death. What is the point of dying in the mission?"

"And this is why the prince did not summon Girl Han."

Ling Si showed a shocked face, and said in disbelief: "You, you mean..."

Zero nodded.

"No! The master should not start so quickly. This is not a good time. The master has endured the humiliation for so many years, how can he..."

Zero Three looked at Zero Four, sighed, and said, "Girl Han is that variable."

"Is her importance so big already?!"

This is a plan the master has conspired for so many years! How could it be changed by one person?

"Zero Four, you always know the answer to this question."

Zero Four was silent.

Yes, in fact, it should have been known a long time ago. It should have been treated from the master to Han Fei, even when they were sent to protect Han Fei.

Qin Che has always been different from Han Fei.

And this difference is deeper than they predicted.

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