Even the speculation of that remark was plagiarized from the lines in the TV series.

did not expect……

She really got it right!

Sure enough, TV does not deceive me!

Han Fei smiled secretly in her heart, but on the face, she still looked like a disdainful and worldly expert, and said: "This is your third time, right? Tsk tsk, it won't take long for you to hang up, where do you need it? What do I do? Just tie you up and throw it in the corner, and you can die. How clean!"

The next moment, Qi Wukong knelt down with a thump.

Han Fei was shocked.

Zero Three and Zero Four began to admire the courage and decisiveness of this killer.

To be honest, the person who was frightened by Han Fei's words was not just Qi Wukong, but even Zero Three and Zero Four were shocked. They thought they had seen through Girl Han, but they didn't expect this woman to refresh their minds!

Such a level and such shocking medical skills are no longer high-level physicians!

They even want to drive Han Fei to the physician grading system to take a good test and see what level it is!

Han Fei watched Qi Wukong kneeling on the ground, her eyes full of determination. She also suppressed her relaxed expression, looked at him, and said, "What are you doing on my knees?"

Qi Wukong said solemnly: "Do you have a way, right?"

"any solution?"

Han Fei pretended to be stupid.

"Untie the poison from me."

"Oh? How do I have? What if I don't?"

The implication is that she has it.

Qi Wukong suddenly said: "Three years."


"I will help you for three years. During these three years, I will do things for you, as long as I can do anything."

Han Fei's eyes gradually became serious.

She was looking at Qi Wukong seriously.

This young and delicate looking guy is a real master, and this can be seen from zero, three and four caution.

What moved Han Fei even more was that she was just a woman who had no power to bind chickens. Even if she had a good medical skill, she could use poison, but she was just a surprise. Once the other party was prepared, she would not be able to do it. In short, she does not have the ability to protect herself.

She still has so many things to do. It is impossible to borrow Zero Three Zero Four all the time. After all, these two people are his people, and they don't have half loyalty to her, it's just because of the command of the male god.

She needs a guard.

Han Fei looked at Zero Four again, and saw the latter nod to her, as if asking her to agree to the deal.

Han Fei regained his gaze, staring at Qi Wukong with a thoughtful look.

Seeing Han Fei's refusal to agree for a long time, Qi Wukong felt a little anxious. The time for his next attack was running out, so he made a desperate bet to propose this deal to Han Fei.

He couldn't wait to make Han Fei nod quickly!

Does this woman know what his identity is?

"I am the top assassin of the Assassination Pavilion. I rank very high. If you ask me to go out and do a task, I don't know how much money it will cost! You made a lot of money!"

Qi Wukong couldn't help adding weights to himself, trying to induce Han Fei to agree.

Unexpectedly, Han Fei raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh? Top?"


"The top level is still at this level. It seems that your assassination pavilion is just like that."

Qi Wuqiang had chest pains, but he couldn't refute it, because it was indeed that he was suppressed now, and which of the two killer gods behind him was thrown out was enough to cause a sensation! There are two more fat women! Two! Just to protect her! What kind of identity is she!

Han Fei said critically: "You know, to cure the poison on your body, I have to consume a lot of precious medicinal materials, some of which are not available on the market, let alone a lot of my energy. It’s not as good as their guards, you say I’m not at a loss?"

Qi Wufeng was vomiting blood, gritted his teeth and said: "Five years! I have helped you for five years! This is already the biggest bottom line! No more! I am really expensive!"

Han Fei laughed madly in her heart. She is really a simple good boy. She also understands the principle of accepting as soon as she sees it, so she nodded solemnly and said, "It's a deal."

Qi Wukong finally breathed a sigh of relief. Once Han Fei agreed, he immediately got up and was no longer kneeling. This time, Zero Three and Zero Four no longer threatened him with force.

Han Fei may not know what the assassination pavilion is, but they are very clear when they perform the tasks given by the master outside all the year round. It is a very secret and very powerful organization. There are not many people in the organization. One is a figure that can be easily obtained. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can ask them to assassinate anyone, but the premise is that they think they are capable.

What’s even more frightening is that every member of the Assassination Pavilion is desperado, but they are not immortal. Every one of them is a money-first person. For example, if you ask someone to kill another, but only If another person is willing to spend more money to buy his own life, they will simply give up, and will not return any money to the original employer.

Yes, yes, it's just so unreasonable.

Therefore, the assassination cabinet is rejected by many people, but they have to admit that this is the best assassin organization.

But I didn't expect... Did this organization use poison to control people's hearts? Outside of reason, as expected.

Han Fei pretended to inadvertently said, "The favor you owe..."

Qi Wukong immediately said decisively: "Assassination Pavilion's rules! If you can't do it, stop, I also paid off the favor!"

Han Fei is speechless, what a rascal saying, but she just likes such a person who knows the time to be a brilliant!

Seeing that the matter was almost resolved, Zero Three Zero Four disappeared again and disappeared.

Qi Wukong looked at it calmly, becoming more and more apprehensive. Such a master turned out to be just a guard, what kind of power is it!

However, this doesn't matter to him anymore. He always speaks and counts. Now he can be regarded as the woman's camp. It is a good thing to have such a master in his camp!

At this time, the system popped out again.

"Ding~ Start a side mission to trigger the hidden mission of the Assassination Pavilion. Please the host completes the establishment of the autonomous secret guard! Two hundred stars will be rewarded, and the brilliant hand will be rewarded once again!"

Han Fei was stunned.

She hasn't heard the reminder of the task for a long time, and she will not respond for a while.

Taobao roared in a hurry: "Hurry up, the host! It is not enough to take back a person from the assassination pavilion! This is a hidden mission! There will definitely be big additional rewards! Maybe some high-level medicines will be dropped. what!"

Han Fei came back to her senses, looking at Qi Wukong a little strangely, seeing that the latter was hairy, and cautiously said: "Little, miss, what do you think of me like this?"

"Do you have any brother who is dying?"


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