His Highness, Don’t Leave! I Will Lose Weight For You!

Chapter 137: She was never a good person

In the end, unable to hold back Han Fei’s earnest gaze, Qi Wukong said that he did have a few'brothers' who wanted to get rid of the assassination pavilion and were suffering from the inability to detoxify. He would try to contact them, but could they make them agree? An unknown number.

After all, not everyone has become a top killer at such a young age. To be honest, the treatment of top killers is quite good, and the financial resources are one-to-one, so there are still some killers who are willing. Staying in the assassination pavilion, even if their lives are squeezed, after all, their peak age has not been many years, and they are not sure what will happen after they escaped.

But Han Fei said that as long as he can find more, money is not a problem, she can afford it.

Hearing this sentence, Qi Wukong was like a chicken blood, he was ready to do free labor, how could he think of making money! Right now, he patted his chest and promised that he would definitely try his best to persuade them to submit to Han Fei's subordinates, and could not wait to leave and find the brothers.

Han Fei smiled and waved, expressing very generously that she can afford as many people!

As for Han Fei's money?

Oh, it doesn't matter, Boss Hao is the least bad money, she is the least bad prescription, and her Han Fei is the least bad prescription, then go change some money, presumably Boss Hao can afford the price.

This is really a beautiful virtuous circle~

Han Fei was about to send Qi Wukong away, and said sincerely that he had better bring someone to see her within these five days, otherwise she would have nothing to do with the poison. After all, she is not a god, she can only cure illness, not Come back to life!

Qi Wukong was deeply moved and told Han Fei everything in one breath.

such as……

The last time Cheng Min asked him to help Li Ruolan escape, and the process of framing Han Fei.

Han Fei showed a terrifying expression and a grinning smile.

Qi Wukong saw his heart beating faster, and after a while, he was afraid, and silently lit a candle for Cheng Min.

As for the favor he owes?

Oh, he tried to pay it back, but if his skills are not as good as others, he doesn't owe Chengmin anymore. Speaking of which, he doesn't owe Chengmin, but her father. One time he didn’t pay attention to the time when performing a task, and the poison on his body was arrested. Cheng Min’s father released him, so he promised to do three favors, two of which were to help Cheng Min do two things. Now that it’s all done, he is naturally betrayed cleanly.

Hmph, Cheng Min's father didn't let him go. It's not a good thing! No blame he sold it!

After sending Qi Wukong away, Han Fei was very at ease, even humming to open the cloth bag, gloomily looking at what was in her hand, and then naturally stuffed it into Cheng Min's quilt and patted it. Clap your hands and leave the room like this.

Afterwards, Han Fei who had gone to the ‘hut’ came back, and no one noticed. She calmly began to follow the instructions of the mother to continue the class.

Until the end of the course, Mother Gui suddenly appeared in front of all the show girls, her face pale, as if she was very angry.

"Cheng Xiu Nu, stand up for me."

Cheng Min, who was sitting in the corner, got up with an inexplicable expression, looked at Grandma Gui, and said, "Grandma. What's the matter?"

Mother Gui sneered and said, "Follow me."

Cheng Min frowned, a wave of anxiety surged in his heart, but still pretending to be calm, he got up and left with Madam Gui.

After she left, the remaining show girls looked at each other, and some of the show girls who had been friends with Cheng Min on weekdays were even more worried, and small comments passed between everyone.

Li Xiangjun also approached Han Fei and whispered: "Sister Fei, Grandma Gui's face is so ugly, what happened?"

Han Fei stretched out lazily and said: "I don't know, but what happened shouldn't be ours."

Li Xiangjun agreed with him and said: "Yes, I shouldn't worry about that much, but Sister Cheng Min's score is the highest here. It's really amazing."

Han Fei curled her lips and said, "Yes, the highest, so far, the highest."

Soon, something shocked everyone.

A voodoo doll was found in Princess Cheng’s room, with the emperor’s birthday horoscope pierced on it, and the whole doll was pierced by long silver needles. It was not terrifying.

As soon as this incident came out, the Queen Empress's thunder was furious, and she ordered the princess to be fully controlled.

The existence of voodoo dolls is the most taboo existence in the palace. Once discovered, it is a capital crime! If you dare to curse the royals, one person will be put to death, but the whole family will be in trouble!

Cheng Min must not admit it! She cried and cried out injustice, but was still locked up in a cell. Whether she did it or not, she would be implicated.

Those beautiful women who had been close to Cheng Min were unable to protect themselves, let alone prove their innocence for Cheng Min, and they all wish they never knew each other!

A joke, once you get involved, it's not your own problem!

Because of this incident, the entire Arma Palace has attracted a thorough investigation. The boudoirs of every show girl were cleaned up, and everything was searched over. As long as they found something slightly related and prohibited, people would be taken. Let's keep it under control, every show girl is complaining, and no one cares about the adult princess. It is right to be clear!

Only Han Fei was sluggish, but she was a little bit emotional. The queen had already taken a look at the adult princess, so she would definitely do it. When she got the voodoo doll, she knew the result.

"Hey, Taobao, do you think I am vicious?"

Han Fei poked the system with an indifferent tone.

"This has framed a girl, she may not get up all her life, she will be stained, I am a complete villain!"

"The host just completes the queen's task."

Han Fei twitched the corners of her mouth, snorted, and said, "I know what you think, you don't have to lie to me, you must think that I have no guilt like this, I am a snake-hearted, no different from Han Yan, right? ?"


"Yes, that's right, I'm actually not a good person."

"It's not like that!"

"Now, I'm very selfish. After all, I am also for myself, for the people I care about. I don't like others to provoke me. You see, I will never be soft when I have a chance for revenge."

"But the host saved people!"

Han Fei sneered and said, "That's all because of the tasks posted. If it's not a task, I don't want to provoke any of these troubles. I like male gods. Apart from male gods, I don't care about anything else. I’m joking, but I’m actually colder than anyone else. So, you don’t have to expect me."

In the last sentence, Han Fei said nothing profound.

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