Han Fei looked at their expressions at ease, but didn’t intend to push too hard, and said lazily, “So, do you know your situation? Tell me your name first, don’t worry, even if I want to You still cannot do what you want to do now."

The last sentence was faintly mocking.

Unexpectedly, the five people became real in an instant, forgetting what had just happened, and said directly: "What does this mean? Is there anything we can't do? The girl is too small!"

Han Fei showed a fox smile and said, "Heh, all of this, let's wait for you to have the ability to talk about it."

The five people sighed. They were the staff of the assassination pavilion. How many people outside invited them to come with a lot of money, and when they were so despised, but because of the two evil spirits who followed Han Fei, they still closed obediently. Sucked.

Seeing that things are almost done, Han Fei said directly: "I ask for the last time, surrender, or leave. I never like to force others."

For a moment, the five people were silent, but Qi Wukong stood up first and said: "Miss Han, you have always been clear about my choice."

Qi Wukong walked behind Han Fei and looked like a guard. The remaining four looked at each other, but Yulong was the second to stand up. This time, there was no struggle in his expression and said, "I can believe it. You?"

Han Fei raised her eyebrows and said, "You have no choice but to believe in me."

Yulong breathed a sigh of relief, yes, he had chosen to rebel out of the organization, and there was no chance to regret it, and just now, Han Fei also showed her own strength.


Yulong said: "Under Yulong, the assassination pavilion ranks 98. I am willing to be loyal here."

Even Yulong expressed his opinion, and the other three people also knelt down.

"In Xia Zhenhai, the assassination pavilion ranks 108, and I am willing to be loyal here."

"In the next moment, the assassination pavilion ranks 110, and I am willing to be loyal here."

"In Xiamuping, the assassination pavilion ranks 114, and I am willing to be loyal here."

Han Fei had a headache after hearing the names of these people for a long time, and said: "Your names are messy, um, it's still a good name like zero three zero four, simple and easy to remember."

Zero three zero four: "..."

Why is it not a bit happy to be praised!

Yulong took the lead: "This is just our real name. Only people who are close and trustworthy will call and inform each other."

Han Fei touched her chin and said, "Then use the code name from now on. The four of you will be called A, B, C, Ding."

The four laughed bitterly, but they did not raise any objections. After saying that sentence, they really admitted that Han Fei was their master, so there is no problem for the master to replace the number, even if the code name is very different. Cheesy.

Qi Wukong felt tight and said, "My name..."

Han Fei smiled, "You are called the Great Sage."

Qi Wukong breathed a sigh of relief, the Great Sage was at least better than A, B, C, Ding.

Yulong also cautiously asked, "What about me..."

Han Fei smiled and said, "Xiaoyu."

Yulong's face turned green, and the other four wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. They secretly rejoiced that they were not the first person to do it. This girl must still hate what happened just now, so she took revenge! Sure enough!

Yulong is such a burly and sturdy man, but he is going to be called Xiaoyu, and I don't know if he will collapse.

Han Fei clapped her hands and said, "Okay, it's so decided. Just yell like that. I have prepared a medicine packet for you. Remember to take it back and drink it. Well, I will talk about other things when I leave the palace."

Han Fei took out several medicine packets and handed them to them one by one, but they were shocked.

Has this person expected it a long time ago?

Han Fei yawned and said, "I'm going to take a nap, you go quickly, don't disturb me, drink the medicine, the attack time for you is not so fast, you can't die for a while."

Five people:"……"

Choosing such a master, is there really no problem in the future life!

After Han Fei sent away these five killers, she began to plan. Now she has someone available, so she won’t be able to do everything herself. This is a good thing, so she must keep these five people. Yes, then the poison on them is the most difficult problem.

In fact, to be honest, Han Fei is not too sure, but this is before, now...

After receiving the medical book presented by the male god, she was 80% sure that even if it could not be cured in the end, it would at least extend their life span for a long time.

Han Fei poked the system and said, "I want that wonderful hand rejuvenation, how can I get it?"

The system thought for a while and said: "Can be exchanged, the host wants to increase the success rate?"

"Well, I can't lose any of these five of them. They all have to survive, so I want to use my hand to rejuvenate, just like Xiaowen's time."

"Host, the low-level rejuvenation they use is enough, and the low-level exchange is 200 star coins once."

"That's a thousand stars..."

Han Fei was stunned secretly, this is a huge expenditure, how she should make it back is a question.

That night, Han Fei didn't go to the prisoner's love palace of the male god, but wrote in his room, writing a letter carefully.

It's not that she didn't want to see the male god, but she regretted it a second before she was about to go. This month-long parting was sad. She didn't want to face that situation, so she chose to write a letter.

At least you can write a lot of nasty and disgusting things that you dare not say in your mouth.

Han Fei wrote very seriously, her expression was tense, even she herself didn't know that she was so caring about this letter.

After finishing writing, Han Fei confirmed it several times before folding it up, some blushing and heartbeat, and it took a long time to call zero four.

"Come out on Zero Four! I know you are here! Come out soon~"

There was also coaxing in the tone, as if calling a kitten or puppy.

Zero Four appeared unwillingly.

Han Fei smiled and said, "Give me to the prince."

Zero Four exploded, "I'm not a messenger!"

Han Fei was surprised, "But you can fly!"

Zero Four Anger, "I'm a shadow guard! Do you know what a shadow guard is!"

Han Fei stuffed the letter to him and said: "I don't know, you must not peek, remember to hand it to the prince."

Zero Four almost collapsed, wailing: "What did I do to be arranged to follow you!"

But as soon as Zero Four finished saying this sentence, he saw Han Fei lower his head in loss, as if he was very sad, and he was a little bit creepy.

Did he just say something wrong? Why is this Han girl looking at him with a look like a grief!

"Miss Han, are you okay?"

Han Fei sighed.

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