Han Fei said quietly: "This time, I haven’t seen you for nearly a month. My heart hurts when I read about the prince. I don’t know if the prince eats on time or takes medicine on time. My heart is not stable. So I explained all kinds of precautions in this letter, Zero Four, why don't you understand my anxiety? Are you disregarding the health of the prince?"

Ling Si's face was pale and said: "I will give it! I will give it now!"

Han Fei happily sent away 04 and then went to bed. She slept until dawn, took her own baggage and went to the main hall to gather, and there had been a lot of beautiful girls gathered there, and almost everyone looked uneasy. .

Han Fei is still a little surprised. These people get up so early, but think about these young ladies who do not get out of the door and they are very worried about the civilian life in the next month, and the worried ones are all awake at night. Just look at the dark circles of those eyes.

Before long, everyone arrived, and the mother began to check everyone's baggage, and the inspection was very meticulous. Fortunately, no show girl dared to commit crimes, and all the baggages were very clean.

After the inspection, it was a routine speech. Auntie Gui is not here this time, and she explained it.

Mother Gui ordered the other mothers to distribute the items on the tray one by one. When Han Fei got it, she was surprised to find that they were two sets of clothes, the color was very simple and dark blue, and the styles were different. Exquisite, with a small font embroidered on the inconspicuous position of the neckline, it is her name.

Looking at the clothes in the hands of the people around, Han Fei found that they were all the same, one style.

She thought weirdly...

This is the legendary school uniform, right?

Sure enough, Mother Gui spoke up.

"This is the dress made overnight by the embroidery room. You must wear it every day during this month. This dress will be your symbol and guarantee. Those who wear this dress will be protected. People, so it’s not a last resort, don’t change it at will, do you understand?"

All show girls: "Understand."

"Very good, then put it on."

Han Fei put on the clothes and found that she fits unexpectedly. After turning around twice, she was quite satisfied, but the faces of other show girls were not good. How could such gray clothes reflect their elegant temperament! Especially because of the overnight production, there is no need to think about quality.

In general, only Han Fei is satisfied.

Regardless of whether everyone is satisfied or not, Mother Gui said directly.

"You must be aware of what you need to pay attention to when you go out of the palace. I emphasize once that any violation of the regulations is repatriated. This point should be kept in mind by the ladies, and the nurse in charge of you is the examiner for this assessment. I will sternly practice my own accusations, fair and impartial, I believe you are enough to deal with it, remember, always rely on yourself to discard all external things, that will It will affect your final score, do you understand? If you understand, then go ahead."

The show girls left the palace with a complicated mood, got on different carriages, and were about to go to different places. Some familiar show girls cheered each other up, said some words of encouragement, and even secretly exchanged each other. The location of the lottery was kept secret when the lottery was drawn. Everyone only saw their own note, so the assigned location was kept confidential.

Even Han Yan took a rare step forward and said, "Where is my sister? My sister is a little worried about her."

Han Fei said very gently: "My sister will take care of herself naturally, so my sister doesn't need to worry."

The words are nice, but the location is not mentioned.

Han Yan hated her in her heart, and said, "My younger sister is too worried, and I hope to help each other with my sister among the people."

Han Fei's face became more amiable, and as soon as she grasped Han Yan's hand, it was to disgust her, and said, "My younger sister is interested, where is my younger sister? My sister will definitely find a chance to see her!"

Han Yan's face froze, she didn't want to tell Han Fei her location at all!

At this moment, the mother ordered them to get into the carriage and set off. Han Yan immediately walked away with excuses and did not answer the question.

Han Fei didn't care. After getting in the carriage, she swayed forward. She couldn't help but lifted the curtain and glanced at the magnificent city wall. Her eyes seemed to penetrate the city wall and into the ruined palace. Inside, in the dark room, in the man sitting in the chair.

Slowly, Han Fei sighed, and lowered the curtain. She was only leaving temporarily, not a life or death. It was no big deal, she would come back.

However, Han Fei, who had such thoughts, didn't know that this trip almost became a farewell, and she would regret and panic for countless days in the future.

In the palace, Qin Che raised his eyes and looked out the window, but he was holding the letter in his hand. The letter paper was a little crease, as if it had been turned through countless times.

He could close his eyes and recall the contents of the letter.

Haifeng slowly came behind Qin Che and said respectfully: "Master, Girl Han and they have already left."


Qin Che knew only when he answered softly.

Hayao said hesitantly: "Master, the Shadow Guard needs to be transferred back... later..."

"No need."

Haifeng was cruel and said: "Master, your safety is the first. Now you don't have the protection of the shadow guard in the palace, I'm afraid the one above..."

"Hafeng, you are not such a long-winded person."

"My lord, the importance of Han girl after subordinates, but now you need help more."


"Master, Zero Three reported that there are already five masters from the Assassination Pavilion by her side, and she doesn't need the protection of the Shadow Guard. Although the Assassination Pavilion is no better than the Shadow Guard, it is enough to protect Girl Han."

Qin Che did not answer.

Hayate didn't dare to say much, but his attitude was very persistent.

After a while, Qin Che said in a low voice, "Tune it back."

With joy on Haifeng's face, he took his command and said, "Yes, Lord."

Haifeng immediately went back to prepare, and Qin Che picked up the letter paper in his hand again.


"Qin Cheqi: Lord, I am leaving now, forgive me for not wanting to say goodbye to you personally, I know I will definitely be unable to help crying, then you will laugh at me again, as your doctor, how can I So weak, so in order to preserve my image, I had to write this letter, but the prince must believe that I will definitely come back! I will definitely run back to you, if you drive me away, I won’t be able to leave! I’m not here. During this period of time, please take care of your body. If I come back to lose weight and become ill, I will pierce you with a needle!"

Qin Che's finger slowly stroked the font on it, as if he could see from these words, Han Fei who wrote this letter must be very serious, the moment she was serious, he would only be in her mind.

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