The women volunteered to go to the river to deal with the wild boars, while the men continued to dig the soil. With the lessons learned from the pigs, the men did a lot of work, and they didn’t need supervision at all. They all wanted to take out the suckling pigs. With the strength to dig and deal with all this ghost as soon as possible, they will be able to live a rich life as soon as possible.

Han Fei looked at the lively scene of this faction, and she was also happy in her heart. There is a saying, oh, yes, the working people are the cutest!

When the old village chief looked for Han Fei, Han Fei had already expected it, so she was not surprised when she saw it.

"Miss Han, thank you for what you have done for our waterside village. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid our village would have been difficult. I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the whole village. But the village is poor, so I can't give any thanks. "

Han Fei's eyes flashed, and said: "No, you can still do something."

The old village chief was surprised, "Oh? What is it? As long as we can do it, we will definitely help."

Han Fei lowered her head and whispered several times. The old village chief nodded repeatedly, her expression flashing or surprised, clear, certain, or relieved.

Han Fei was very satisfied after the confession, and the old village chief was also very satisfied. For him, the request that Han Fei made just now was not a request, but it meant that the whole village should perform a play!

When Han Fei saw that the old village chief agreed without asking the reason, she was very happy, and said in passing: "By the way, the village chief, you better pay attention to whether you have offended anyone recently."

"What does Miss Han say?"

"The cost of the poison is not low, and few people know it. Even I just saw it in a notebook by chance. Then the level of the poisoner is likely to be higher than mine."

For this sentence, Han Fei made a very true assessment.

To be honest, Han Fei still has some confidence if it is purely on medical skills, but poison, this field is not in her range of expertise, after all, there are not so many poisons in modern times, and she has not deeply understood it.

"The animals on the mountain have been expelled with poison. You are equivalent to losing a source of food. You are not good at planting, and you are unwilling to leave here to find another way out. Sooner or later, if you survive, you will be disintegrated. Arrived."

As Han Fei said, the expression of the old village chief has been unpredictable.

"Such a powerful person wants to come to your village, absolutely generous, either because the other side is not small, or is your mortal enemy."

After finishing her guess, Han Fei quietly waited for the answer from the old village chief.

Before long, the old village chief gritted his teeth and said: "These people must want to fight for the dragon and tiger seal!"

Han Fei heard an interesting term, "Dragon Tiger Seal?"

The old village chief stared at Han Fei with those old eyes muddy, as if looking at her, up and down, carefully looking at Han Fei's cold hair, and raised his hand repeatedly: "The village chief! I don't want to know anymore! I don't want to know anymore! I have absolutely no thoughts about exploring the secrets of your village!"

Han Fei spoke cleanly, as if she was really unaware of it. The old village chief's expression relaxed a little. When she was about to speak, she heard a villager hurried over and said: "The village chief Someone is here!"

The two turned their heads at the same time, and the old village chief replied: "Calm down, speak well, who is here?"

"No. I don't know! Many people! There is one, um, one..."

The villagers squeaked and couldn't explain clearly, and their faces were a little strangely flushed.

"A what! Say it!"

The old village chief was impatient.

"A thief and beautiful woman! Really! She, she also said to come to Miss Han..."

A thief beautiful woman?

Han Fei thought of Boss Hao first.

At the moment she ran away with a smile on her face. As expected, outside the village, a group of men and horses stopped there like this. Many villagers stared at them nervously, and all of them were ready to attack. Posture.

And the woman with a variety of styles standing in the middle of the team is not boss Hao!

Han Fei greeted him with a smile and said loudly, "Boss Hao!"

Hao Meizheng, who was originally blocked from entering, was in a violent mood. He heard the familiar voice, and when he raised his head, he saw Han Fei pacing.

"Miss Han! I saw you!"

Hao Mei also greeted him, and the smiles of the two of them were a bit more real. Speaking of which, Han Fei has a good impression of Boss Hao, the rich man. He is not suspicious of employing people, is generous in his shots, and is also very smart. Easy to get along with.

"Why is Boss Hao here?"

Hao Mei said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Girl Han, I didn't want to disturb you specially, but...the matter of this competition is already urgent, so I had to come personally."

Han Fei's expression with a smile instantly recovered.

Boss Hao's words have expressed many meanings.

She came here because of the mission of Ama Palace. The location of Shuibian Village is very remote and difficult to find. I am afraid Boss Hao already knows her true identity.

When Hao Mei saw Han Fei's smile suddenly disappeared, her scalp was a little numb, and she felt a little scared. Even Han Fei didn't know it. When she stopped smiling, it was very scary.

Boss Hao took the lead in finding a step for himself, "I'm sorry, girl Han, there is no way for me to concubine, and I still need to make predictions in advance for the contest, so... I waited and waited for the girl’s news, so I had to buy it. Some information... just found it here."

Boss Hao said this remarks with anxiety, for fear that Miss Han would be unhappy and turn her face and deny her.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Han Fei's words shocked her.

"How much did you buy this news?"

Boss Hao didn't react for a while, and let out a daze.

Han Fei repeated patiently, "How much did you spend on this news?"

Boss Hao swallowed, and suddenly had a bad feeling, but he still said firmly: "One thousand taels of silver..."

Han Fei's eyes widened, and angrily said: "A thousand taels of silver! Just to buy my identity! Are you crazy!"

Boss Hao stepped back a little fearfully, and stumbled and said, "Han, girl Han, you, calm down!"

Han Fei's eyes seemed to eat people. She really wanted to eat Boss Hao. How many things can be done this thousand taels! Can local tyrants be so self-willed!

Well, the local tyrants can indeed be willful...

"You give me a thousand taels, I can tell you everything! Why buy it!"

Boss Hao's mouth twitched.

The more Han Fei thinks about it, the less it’s worth it. Now, it’s a bit unhappy. Future partners can have money, but it’s a bit difficult for people to be stupid and rich, especially for those who have to establish a united front in the future. Will lose money.

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