At this time, the villagers had all walked out and gathered together. Seeing the scene in front of him, there was a lot of discussion. Upon seeing this, Han Fei quickly pulled the topic away and said, "Boss Hao, come in and sit down. Let’s talk about other things. ."

Hao Mei quickly nodded and agreed. She was afraid that Han Fei would continue to ask, she would not pay attention to the fact that the news about buying her was more than one thousand taels...

But Boss Hao still underestimated the poverty of Shuibian Village, especially when she was sitting on a broken stool, drinking white water and not even having tea, she was a little restless, she asked herself not a squeamish girl, but the conditions here It's too bad.

On the contrary, Han Fei sat very comfortably, and said with a smile: "Does Boss Hao feel restless?"

Hao Mei said euphemistically: "This village... is really poor."

Han Fei said coldly, "Just say you are poor."

Boss Hao: "..."

Lu Ping, who came out with the water bottle, smiled unkindly, and said, "Girl Han, don't want to scare people."

Boss Hao quickly stood up and took over the kettle. In terms of posture and etiquette, there was no way of wealthy people at all, but Lu Ping was a little surprised.

Originally they thought it was a friend of Ms. Han, so they welcomed Boss Hao’s people into the village. In addition, today, a big wild boar was hunted and the poisonous soil on the mountain was almost wiped out. I heard that Ms. Han was taken. With the powder given, the men hunted two more prey. Such a festive event made everyone feel particularly good, and even the others were not so exclusive.

Boss Hao is very good at being a human being, and he is very foresighted. Knowing that these villagers are very important to Girl Han now, so when entering the village, he has reiterated three to five that he must not be rude, do not make trouble, and do not come in disorder. After the village, her men were very obedient.

"Dare to ask Boss Hao if he is here..."

Lu Ping asked tentatively.

Boss Hao didn't know how to answer, and Han Fei interrupted directly: "Boss Hao is my friend. This time I let them come. The purpose is to make some deals with the village."

Lu Ping and Hao Mei were surprised at the same time, but Hao Mei, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, controlled all his surprises.

Han Fei nodded and said, "The soil in Shuibian Village is very suitable for the growth of a herb. My friend, Boss Hao, happens to be in the medicinal material business. The small drugstore has a large demand for medicinal materials, so I called it She came to have a look and personally inspected it. If appropriate, she can make some transactions with the village."

Dare to call Shennongjia a small drugstore, and only people like Han Fei dare to say that.

But Lu Ping didn't fully believe it, and hesitated, saying, "Medicinal materials?"

Boss Hao saw Han Fei’s wink, and quickly said, “Yes, yes, I’m just a medicinal treasurer. I heard that there are suitable medicinal materials here, so he looked at the door with a thick face. I'm sorry, I also brought some small things this time, which is not respectable, and I hope everyone will accept it."

As he said, Boss Hao murmured to his men. It didn’t take long for those people to remove all the boxes carried on the carriage, and they were all lined up in a line, and the fragrance of the medicinal materials was overflowing. It attracted the attention of many people, and even the old village chief walked in.

"The village chief, you are here too!"

Lu Ping hurriedly greeted the old village chief to do it, and the old village chief waved her hand to indicate that she didn't need to work, but instead set her eyes on Boss Hao and said, "These medicinal materials..."

The desire of the elderly in the eyes of the elderly is clearly seen by Boss Hao. She is quite a person and said: "Naturally it is a small gift for your village, and I hope you can accept it."

Anyway, Boss Hao brought these medicinal materials to Han Fei, but it is better now. They may be rejected if they are given to Han girl. But this village, this village is too poor to refuse such a gift.

After all, once the village accepts this gift, Girl Han owes them a favor from Shennongjia. With the girl's medical skills, this favor is very important. Boss Hao is quite satisfied with the result.

As for what Han Fei just said, the climate here is suitable for the growth of a kind of medicinal material? Oh, Boss Hao is just an excuse that Han Fei came up with because he didn't want to be known about their relationship.

The old village chief is indeed quite heart-moving, these medicinal materials can't be bought with money, let alone they don't have money! Their village is poor, and there are no doctors who are willing to come to see a doctor, nor can they afford to hire good doctors. They gritted their teeth when they have a disease. If they die, it is destiny. But who wants to die? It is better to be alive than anything else. When you die, there is nothing left.

And these medicinal materials can save the lives of many people, so even if it is very shameless, the old village head will still be cheeky, even if he doesn't need this old face, he will accept it.

But the old village chief knows, I’m afraid, this so-called small medicinal shop is not simple. Although he is old, he still has good eyesight. At first glance, these medicinal materials are in excellent condition. The price outside is not low, let alone the quantity!

The sight of the old village chief shifted from Boss Hao to Han Fei, who had been sitting aside and was quite ‘behaved’.

I am afraid……

This gift was brought by this Han girl.

Boss Hao is afraid that it is the girl who wants to curry favor, and the person who wants to please her, it is just girl Han. Their village is only blessed by girl Han.

Once he understood this truth, the old village chief had a scrutiny in his heart, and it seemed that he still put Girl Han's position too low.

The thoughts in the old village chief's heart turned thousands of times, but the face was still calm, and said: "The old man accepted it cheeky. The people in Shuibian Village expressed gratitude to the shopkeeper Hao."

After the old village chief accepted it, Boss Hao was also relieved. It will be quite useful to make Han girl owe Shennongjia a favor in the future. If nothing else, this competition will definitely make her juniors work harder. Right.

When the boss of Zhengdao Hao was thinking about it, as soon as she turned her head, she saw Han Fei's indifferent expression, and she was slightly surprised.

Han Fei saw her look over, and said slowly: "Do you think I lied to you?"

Boss Hao was stunned, "Huh?"

Han Fei stood up and said, "Oh, by the way, did you bring Changde here?"

"Take it, it's out there, does Girl Han want to see him?"

Boss Hao highly valued and cherished this senior pharmaceutical farmer who was abducted from Zhongcaotang, and he was willing to spend money on training. He was never stingy with all kinds of resources. Thanks to her bold methods, Changde had already stayed with all his heart. Shennongjia.

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