Changde not only stayed in Shennongjia, but also abducted a group of middle-level medicine farmers who could not be reused in Zhongcaotang. Although not very powerful, it was already a huge gain for Shennongjia.

Both sides are very satisfied, and Han Fei who caused this result is naturally welcomed by both sides, especially Changde, who has long regarded Han Fei as the second boss in his heart. I heard that this trip is coming to find Han girl. It's about to follow right now.

"It's just right when you come, take it, and follow me."

Boss Hao watched Han Fei get up and walked out. He followed with some doubts, even the old village chief curiously followed.

Han Fei led Boss Hao, the old village head, and Changde to the mountains. At this time, everyone was still digging in the poisonous soil. After seeing Han Fei, they stopped working one by one, very kind and With a hint of respect and gratitude, he shouted: "Miss Han, why are you here?"

"Girl Han, it's dirty here, you should rest in the village!"

"Yes, Girl Han, leave it to us!"

Han Fei responded with a smile all the way. Boss Hao followed behind and was stunned. She looked at Han Fei as if she saw a god. What kind of charm is it that makes the people in this village say this from the bottom of my heart. Come on!

Even Han Fei herself was surprised. She didn't expect that the villagers of Shuibian Village would be so simple. What she did so easily was so shocking for Shuibian Village.

But after all, she is still happy. She doesn't reject the excitement that can help people, especially since people here are slowly accepting her existence, which will make her life easier in the future.

The four of them walked in a little bit, Han Fei stopped, pointed to this place, and said to Changde, "How do you look at this place?"

Changde was confused. He was suddenly called over and brought to the mountains. Now he asked him how this place was, Changde was a little confused.

Han Fei added another sentence and said: "You can look carefully."

Hearing what Han Fei said, Changde also started to get serious. Girl Han wouldn't ask him to take a look for no reason, so just take a good look.

So, under the eyes of everyone, Changde squatted down and carefully touched this piece of soil. Did he look closer and survey the surrounding plants, a trace of deep thought flashed in his eyes, and then the old village chief was very surprised Under his gaze, he held up a touch of the soil, sniffed it lightly, showing a look of shock, even a little excited.

Seeing him understand, Han Fei smiled and said, "But understand?"

Changde was so excited, he stammered: "This, this is..."

Han Fei must have nodded her head.

Changde flushed with excitement.

The old village chief and Boss Hao were at a loss, and they couldn't understand what dumb riddles they were playing. Boss Hao was the first to ask.

"Miss Han, what are you talking about?"

Han Fei was too lazy to explain, and said, "Let Changde tell you."

Chang De seemed to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility, stopped his chest and said, "Boss, this is black soil, the real black soil!"

Boss Hao subconsciously said: "Black soil? What kind of black soil? Isn't the soil all the same color? Wait! Black, black soil?!"

At the moment, Boss Hao was also astonished and unbelievable. He pushed Changde away and squatted down to touch the soil, but she was not a professional after all, so she couldn't tell the difference. She did this just to confirm the truth. It feels nothing, after all, this is black soil! It has been recognized by Girl Han, the real black soil!

Every medicinal material dealer knows the value of black soil!

For medicinal material merchants, that is to cultivate the existence of gold!

As we all know, the growth of medicinal materials is related to the right time and place. If human factors are eliminated, then the remaining climate, water volume, and soil are related, and the most important thing is the soil.

The medicinal materials planted in Shennongjia’s medicinal gardens are all planted in the finest fertile red soil, and the red soil is also the highest-grade soil that can be bought with money. It is the land that cannot be met in the future. The good land found was occupied by some families. Zhongcaotang has a top black soil medicine garden, and the medicinal materials grown in it are all top-notch.

The nutrients contained in the black soil are very luxuriant, and the medicinal materials supplied are naturally very good. The appearance and medicinal properties can be said to be top of the same medicine. This alone is enough to make every medicinal material shop jealous, but So far, every black soil producing area that has been explored has a master, and this master still cannot be bought with money.

So after so long, Shennongjia just owns a red earth medicinal garden. If you want a black earth medicinal garden, it is very far away.

So when Chang De found out, his excitement could not be suppressed at all, and Boss Hao was even more excited about to pass out. Only the old village chief was a little confused, but this did not affect his analysis of what he wanted from the faces of everyone. The required information comes out.

The old village chief couldn't help but start to calculate in his heart, it seems that these black soil are what they desperately want, then how to use these things to plan for greater benefits for the village.

The minds of the three people began to become active.

After Han Fei smiled and admired enough of their expressions, she said in a thunderous manner: "But this is imperfect black soil."

This sentence, like five thunders, shocked all three of them.

Han Fei was happy and said, "What's your expression?"

Boss Hao swallowed, and said with a sad face, "Miss Han, don't scare me. As soon as I get up and down, I feel uneasy. Tell me directly. What do you mean?"

Chang De also nodded, his judgment should be no problem.

Han Fei stomped her feet, digging a hole in the dirt, and said, "It is true that there is nothing wrong with black soil, but it doesn't work anymore, it's polluted."

The old village chief said clearly, "Girl Han refers to the poison..."

Han Fei nodded and said, "Yes, that's the thing. Even this piece of black soil has been affected and infected. Although this piece is not poisonous, the land is connected, so it will affect it more or less. So this is not the best black soil, it is not perfect."

The old village chief looked sad, and sighed very regretfully. He originally thought that the village had hope next, but he didn't expect to be happy.

Even Boss Hao said bitterly, "This, this is great, alas!"

Han Fei said casually: "Although it is polluted, it is much better than ordinary red soil. It is still good in cultivating medicinal materials. Moreover, the pollution is not too great. As long as there is time to adjust, It should be restored."

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