On this day, Yuze Town is doomed to be very lively. By then, all the shops will be filled with people, and the streets will be full of doctors walking around. Their destination is only one, the big medicine hall in the center of the town. , The location of the first test is there.

At this moment, the platform of the Great Medicine Hall is full of people, and the team is in order. From time to time, there are small servants who shuttle among them to serve some well-known doctors.

Han Fei stood on the edge and glanced at the doctors who were older than her, but those doctors looked respectful and did not despise him at all, even if the girl in front of them was a girl.

These doctors are Shennongjia who participated in the competition with her this time. Boss Hao will naturally not really put all hopes on the "right and wrong girls", not to mention whether the other party is familiar or not, but from the right and wrong girls yesterday. Judging from the degree of ruthlessness, this lord is a casual person. If the time comes to say that he will not participate, then Shennongjia will not be able to deal with it alone, and it will only cause greater jokes.

All of these are doctors carefully selected by Boss Hao. They can also be said to be spare tires for the competition. They have already been explained. In this physician competition, we must do our best to help the right and wrong girls. By the way, you can ask more. .

Han Fei could see what Boss Hao meant, but didn't care about them too much, but she would definitely inform them clearly if she knew the questions they raised.

Han Fei deliberately changed some voices when speaking, so no one noticed it for a while.

"No girl, please come with me. Shennongjia is the sponsor of the Physician Competition, so our participants don't need to line up."

Gu Qisheng always feels weird when speaking. He always feels that the right and wrong girl in front of him is very familiar, but I can't tell where he is familiar. It's just that the right and wrong girl is the younger sister of Han Fei, and she is also a doctor with good medical skills. .

Han Fei understood these words instantly, isn't this the privilege of the sponsor! She knows this way best! He nodded and said, "Lead the way."

Gu Qisheng led people to bypass the queues. The doctors who lined up were almost all ordinary doctors from the private sector. They all came to try their luck. The strengths are uneven. There may be two of them that are good, but most of them are. The mediocre people are just making up the number. The truly famous people have already omitted this step in the line and entered the inner hall directly.

Of course, the participants who directly enter the inner hall are almost all the pillars of each pharmacy, and they all come to participate in the competition, so the whole atmosphere changes as soon as they walk in.

Especially when Han Fei walked past gracefully, many people who were talking looked over.

To be honest...Anyone who wears black clothes all over and wears a hat will look twice.

"It seems to be from Shennongjia."

"No, they also competed this year? Aren't they just a nouveau riche, and there can be someone who can do it?"

"Hush, don't be so loud, they are the funders of this competition."

"It's just a lot of money. It's useless. Besides silver, what else is there in Shennongjia? It's just a bit louder!"

"Keep it down, they are here."

"Just look at it, they couldn't even pass the first level last year, so what are they afraid of. But what did the woman with the hat do? It's mysterious to come to the competition and bring a woman to do."

"Maybe something is weird, let's register soon."

They never thought that the woman with the hat would be a contestant.

Han Fei focused his eyes on the person who spoke the loudest, but didn't stop, even Gu Qisheng didn't say anything, so there was nothing to care about, but the few candidates behind him showed shame and anger.

Last year, they represented Shennongjia in the Physician Competition. As they said, they really couldn't even pass the first level, and they failed to return. It was still a huge joke back then!

Come to the competition this year, if the result is still the same, they can almost imagine how those people would slander Shennongjia! For Boss Hao, who has always treated them generously, these doctors want to contribute their strength even if they are weak! I hope the right and wrong girl invited this year can really be ashamed!

"Look, I heard that the man was the latest deacon hired by Shennongjia. I heard that there are two brushes, and they do a good job up and down!"

"Where did the man come from? It's also a talent, just for this kind of tolerance, there is a dragon and a phoenix!"

"It doesn't matter how powerful the shopkeeper is. An incapable doctor is just a bigger medicine shop."

Another group of people focused on Gu Qisheng, who took the lead, and turned to discuss the boss of Shennongjia.

Soon, everyone walked to the counter. Gu Qisheng took out a token from his arms and handed it over. The person in charge of recording the result followed the symbol on the spirit plate corresponding to the book in his hand, as if looking for something.

At this time, an incredible voice rang in his ears.

"This, this, this female doctor?!"

Suddenly, the crowd sounded a breath of air-conditioning.

Han Fei also looked over. At the other side of the registration office of their group, there was a beautiful figure standing quietly, and several strong men followed.

"Please register soon."

"Wait! Are you serious about the ternary chart? Are you sure to send a woman to the competition?!"

The person in charge of the level asked again and again as if he had heard something from the universe.

The people around have been blown up by the news, female doctor! Actually a female doctor! Is this **** in broad daylight?

"Is the ternary chart crazy! Or the doctor who didn't have a good idea this year!"

"Woman! She still has a magic card in her hand, a token representing the ternary diagram, that's right!"

"Is the map shopkeeper of this ternary map crazy? I still want to lose all my face in the medicine shop!"

"Wait, this woman is a bit familiar, she seems to have seen it."

"Yes... it's Tu Menghan, the daughter of Tu shopkeeper!"

There was another uproar.

At this time, the woman calmly faced the surrounding voices of discussion, and said with certainty: "Three Yuantu contestants, Tu Menghan is here to register."

The scene was quiet, everyone was looking at Tu Menghan, and the person in charge of registration was only responsible for registering the people who came to the competition with the spirit card. He was not qualified to ask anything, so he had to show the picture with a magical and ridiculous expression. Menghan's name is written on it.

Han Fei blinked her eyes and raised a smile. While they were still in the shock of Tu Menghan, she quietly reached out her hand and beckoned, attracting the eyes of the young man who was in charge of registering herself. Voice: "Shennongjia, come here to register."

Immediately, Xiao Si looked like a ghost again.

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