Within one day, the daughter of Sanyuantu's daughter Tu Menghan, and the news that she represented Sanyuantu's participation in the physician contest spread all over Yuze Town, causing an uproar, and everyone was talking about the first female contestant in history. At the same time, news of female doctors participating in the competition came from other places.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. All of a sudden, news of female doctors appearing and participating in the competition spread all over the streets and alleys. More and more people were attracted and began to pay attention to this year's physician competition and the entire competition. The popularity has risen unprecedentedly.

In the midst of attention, some strange voices came out and questioned whether the public is extremely concerned about a physician competition with such a high degree of recognition. However, this type of competition allows women to participate. Contempt for the doctor's qualifications?

But this kind of voice was suppressed shortly after it came out, because some people suggested that from the beginning, there was no requirement that women were not allowed to participate in this physician contest. In fact, many women in the private sector have begun to learn medical skills, but they are forced Under the oppression of the public, no one dared to speak up. In addition to women's minds, female doctors were a little more patient and gentle than male doctors, and many people were relieved to see some female doctors.

In addition, some ladies from large families have not yet come out of the cabinet, and being treated by a male doctor will always have a lot of inconvenience and shame. There is a sickness and pain that is against the past. If it is not good, I will find some women with a good reputation and know some medical skills Seeing a doctor, but this is only a small part and has not been accepted by a wide range of people.

This time the women taking the lead in participating in the physician competition can be said to be an outbreak that has been planned for a long time. This physician competition is a flashpoint.

And Han Fei took advantage of this explosive trend to gently register without much attention.

Even if someone notices that a woman in Shennongjia participates in the Physician Contest, it’s just that Shennongjia is taking advantage of this trend to show off. As for whether there is strength, it’s hard to say. People pay more attention to the three yuan map. Menghan.

After Tu Menghan’s reputation spread, more and more people went to dig out the news of Miss Tu. I didn’t know the digging, and I was shocked. Everything that Miss Tu had done was dug up. Of course, this is also likely to be deliberately released by someone with a heart.

When Han Fei got the news about Tu Menghan, she also had to admire Shennongjia's ability to collect information. The thick pile of so-called insider secrets in her hand was all about what Tu Menghan did.

Boss Hao sat in front of Han Fei respectfully, and said: "No girl, this Tu Menghan may be one of the most not to be underestimated so far. It is our Shennongjia negligence. We haven't noticed this one before. Powerful people, the treasurer of the Sanyuantu also took great pains to hide it."

Han Fei put down the data in his hand first, and said: "How about the existence of the ternary chart?"

Boss Hao thought for a moment, and said: "The shopkeeper of Sanyuantu is Tuliang. I have seen it once. It is a master who advances and retreats properly. The drugstore of Sanyuantu under his name is not big, but the victory is always There are many rare and exotic medicines, and many precious medicinal materials can be found in the Sanyuan Tu. When Tu Mingliang, this man seemed to be a disciple of a doctor when he was young, but in the end he did not become a teacher for some reason, so he opened the Sanyuan Tu. This pharmacy, because of his clever methods, and many good Miaozi doctors are willing to stay in the three yuan map, it can be regarded as a middle-to-upper pharmacy."

Han Fei listened carefully, then flipped through the pile of materials, a little surprised in her eyes.

Seeing Han Fei was looking at the information, Boss Hao wisely kept quiet and kept silent.

Han Fei poked Taobao and said, "Taobao, this person named Tu Menghan is quite amazing. Look, what kind of treatment is the eldest lady of the Chen Mansion for years of malaria, and it also helps poor people with free treatment. There is also this, to dismantle the quack doctor's trick, and to rescue the dying patient again. Every piece of it is the standard of a good person."

Taobao decided to answer the host's question carefully, saying: "What does the host want to express?"

"Well...how do I feel that this is like a premeditated plan, these many good things were hidden before, but now everything is coming out, as if they are ready to go."

"Host, your conspiracy theory is very strong."

Han Feiquan regarded this as a compliment, and after reading Tu Menghan's information carefully, he seemed to be thinking about something.

Boss Hao cautiously said: "Why girl, what do you think?"

Han Fei yawned and said, "Take a step, watch a step."

Boss Hao was a little puzzled, "This..."

Han Fei stood up and said, "Anyway, the goal is this game. No matter what the opponent is, it will be determined by the results in the game. If she has other intentions, then she will know."

Boss Hao woke up like a dream, and said ashamed: "It's true that I am not sure, and yes, our purpose is not to explore but to compete. All troubles are girls."

Han Fei nodded, pretending to be a master: "Is the game only one day?"

Boss Hao quickly said: "Yes, yes, this first level is not difficult. According to the usual rules, it is usually just to check whether the contestant is a doctor. It only takes one day."

Han Fei forgot the time, one day of competition, one day to return, there should be no problem, I hope His Highness Baili can hold it.

In fact...

Baili is almost unable to hold it.

He was lying on the bed pretending to be a patient and pretending to be suspicious of life, and the two father-in-laws were really **** patient and just waiting for his condition to get better!

Bai Li Wenxiu had never tried to kill someone like this before. He coughed and coughed to pretend to be sick. Even Lu Ping, who knew the inside story, felt a little distressed about this person pretending to be a Han girl, so she had to try her best to help procrastinate.

The two father-in-laws were also puzzled. It's not going to go, it's not going to go. They have also understood clearly the situation of this Han Xiu girl in the village these days in Shuibian Village. It's brilliant, but there is no major fault, it is always two words, ordinary.

Of course, what the two father-in-laws knew was the truth of what Han Fei had deliberately fiddled with before leaving, but there is no need to worry too much. The whole Shuibian Village has taken Han Fei’s words as the highest order. The successful transformation becomes a group of dedicated group performances.

After two days passed, Baili almost ran away. He never felt that health was such an important thing, and deeply ‘missed’ Han Fei.

Han Fei, who was far away in Yuze Town, sneezed greatly and said, "Who is thinking of me? I really hope to be a male god."


Host, can you pay a little attention to the image!

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