When the first test questions came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

Write a prescription.

These simple three words stumped a group of people.

Han Fei looked thoughtfully at the three words on the list.

The first test room is to gather everyone together. In the compartments separated by screens, there is a desk, a blank paper, and a writing brush. There is nothing else, even The door was blocked by a curtain, and it was impossible to see what the people inside were doing.

The only way to tell is that there is a number on the curtain, everyone has a number, Han Fei's number is more auspicious, an eight.

The inside of the door curtain was invisible to outsiders, so Han Fei took the hat off and breathed a little, looking at the white paper in front of him, lost in thought.

The topic was put on the list on the spot. It is said that it was decided on the spot by the trial team. Therefore, no one will know what the exam questions are before the start of the competition. Many people have guessed what will be difficult questions for the first level of this year, but they did not expect it to be what it seems. Simple, but intangible subject.

Write a prescription, what kind of prescription? What is the role? To what extent? What about the patients targeted?

These are not any hints. Even if the participating doctors scratch their heads, they can’t figure it out. Looking at the blank paper in front of them is a daze. Because everyone is separated by a curtain, there is no peeking. The situation of others.

Moreover, there is still a time rule. The paper on the case table must be handed over within two hours. The trial team will give the pass or not on the spot, but no one knows the judging criteria. All the referees are quietly inside the curtain of the center. Sitting, waiting for participants to submit their answers.

Han Fei touched her chin and began to speculate on the origin of this problem.

Write a prescription, what kind of prescription is good? If only ordinary prescriptions will not be the topic of the competition, then how do the tricky prescriptions verify their efficacy and effects? And how are side effects judged?

Han Fei admired the person who asked the question very much. This kind of question that looks simple but defaults to it is really difficult to answer.

"Did the host think of it?" The system jumped out weakly and asked.

Han Fei supported her chin and said, "No, I'm just thinking of the person who asked the question."

"Why should you consider the questioner?" the system asked for advice humbly.

Han Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Do you know that there is a test in my world that is so important that all people are soldiers?"

"What exam?"

"College entrance examination."

"what is that?"

"Well, it's a nasty test. It's often necessary to speculate on the questioner's thoughts and then rush to the question."

"Oh? Did the host think about it?"

"The person who wrote the question must be an old man."

In the door curtain not far away, an old man with stern eyebrows and a white beard sneezed, causing people to make fun of him.

"Oh, Shanyangping, you still don't recognize your old age, your body bones are definitely not good!"

There is no one in this world who dared to call his surname directly except for the few old guys in front of him. He took a sip and said, "I don't know which **** is whispering to me!"

"You have always asked such a question, can you not let people greet you!"

Shanyangping touched his beard and said, "Don't say that you don't agree with it. Every year is the same topic. I am tired of seeing it. This generation is not as good as the one. There is no seedling that makes people shine!"

"Nonsense, didn't you **** a good seedling last year, you still snatched it from old man Kuang, he has been thinking about it all the time, and this year his eyes have been venomous."

Shanyangping smiled and said: "Last year's seedlings were pretty good, but there are only a few. I hope they will be eye-catching this year! Otherwise, the old medicine will not be passed on!"

"I heard that a group of female doctors came to the competition this year."

Mentioned this sentence, the whole group of people fell silent.

Shanyangping snorted, and said, "What can the girl do! It's just for fun, how can the orthodox medical technique tolerate women's involvement!"

An objectionable voice came out: "That's not what I said. It's Tu Menghan. I have heard people say that there are indeed two brushes, and that one has a really good medical skill."

Shanyangping's face changed a little, and he said, "It's just a little trick."

"Shanyangping, you are so stubborn! If you don't listen to anything, I think I can watch and watch. The level of these girls will be clear at a glance. I have some expectations for women studying medicine."

"Then let's see the result!"

Soon, a little bit of time passed, and some of them had already started writing.

And Han Fei is still blank.

"Host, it's time for you to think about it like this!"

Han Fei thought about it and said, "I have an answer."

"The host guessed the idea of ​​the author?"

Han Fei lifted the pen and said, "That kind of old man has been dealing with prescriptions for most of his life, and ordinary prescriptions won't be the eye of the law. Surprise is the magic weapon to win."

"It makes sense, what prescription the host intends to submit."

Han Fei raised a smile and said, "Nature is the best."

After all, she started to write, and she may not avoid being discovered. She also deliberately changed her handwriting. She wrote only two sentences eloquently, occupying only one-third of the entire white paper. Compared with other people's wish to write full, it is exceptionally rare.

After Han Fei marked her number on the back, she put down the pen and blew it to make the handwriting dry faster.

The system couldn't wait, and said: "Host, hand it in!"

"Not urgent."

"Then what else are you doing? Didn't you write a prescription?"




Han Fei said that she really waited, and soon heard a long-toned shout from outside.

"Number 16 complete the answer and send it to trial."

Han Fei evoked a smile. She is no stranger to the shots. All she wants is to pass the first level safely, and does not need to be first.

After waiting for five or six people to hand in the answer sheet, Han Fei put on the hat and summoned someone to collect the answer sheet. Then he walked out from the back curtain with peace of mind. The results will be announced before the sunset. She doesn't need to stay in this place. Small place.

After Han Fei left, the examination room was almost half empty. Tu Menghan put down his pen and looked at his answer sheet. The font on it was beautiful, but in his mind he recalled what his father had told her before going out.

"Han'er, there is a lot of risk in this comeback. I hope everything is safe. You will be responsible for the prosperity of the family. Guard the glory. This burden will never be resigned. Our Tu family has been in hiding for too long. Carry forward in your hands and hope that the last wishes of our ancestors will be fulfilled."

Tu Menghan's eyes became firmer, secretly said, daddy, Menghan will definitely not let you down.

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