Inside the trial group, there was chaos, papers fluttered, and some splattered paper was trampled underfoot.

"What's this written?! Nonsense! Unqualified!"

"Unqualified, nonsense, unqualified!"

"What? Is it better to add incense ash for three dollars?! Dare to record this deadly medicine! Throw it away!"

"Trash! Waste! It's all a joke! Ashamed of the doctor!"

"Well, barely feasible, kind of interesting, forget it, barely qualified."

"Interesting, this candidate is good, and he is qualified."

The five-and-a-half-year-old old man in charge of the trial just checked the chaotic answer sheet, relying on the medical skills they have accumulated for half a lifetime. Many prescriptions do not require speculation at all, and only a glance can deceive others. Sex, in simple terms, which are fake doctors, or third-rate doctors who only have three-legged cat kung fu, can be seen at a glance, and the whole process is extremely fast.

If you encounter a good or interesting prescription, you will discuss it, or if you encounter a prescription that you can’t distinguish, you need five people to discuss it together, but the latter has not happened yet, and more It is treated as waste paper.

"Huh? Use Qian Guizi for smoking? Interesting. Record the candidate's number, number 16."

"I also have two good prescriptions here. Although they are slightly immature, they are still savvy. This person will write them down for me, number 3."

"I don't have a leader here! It's all rubbish! I dare to compete at this level! Is it foolish!"

When Shanyangping said this sentence, he was throwing away the documents he regarded as rubbish. His expression was very unsightly. The rest of the people had already screened out good seedlings. Only the one he had Fold, there is no one at all!

"Old man Shan, you are too picky, it's almost enough, you have such high requirements, where can there be seedlings that can meet the standard! But don't end up with too few qualified people, the above will be blamed."

Shanyangping curled his lips and said, "That's better than sifting out a bunch of waste! Are you going to cure the dead!"

The speaker was too much to say a word, so he had to leave him alone.

Shanyangping reluctantly continued to judge the remaining exam papers. These exam papers were picked by the five of them. There were only numbers on the back and no names. Even the numbers were drawn on the spot. This is to ensure the fairness of the game. Sex.

Slowly, a little bit of time passed. The other four examiners had a lot of passing exam papers in their hands. Some people found out. It seems that the old man Shan hasn't said a word for a long time. Yes, there was a trash shout in his mouth, why is it so quiet now?

The four examiners raised their heads at the same time and looked at Old Man Shan, and saw Old Man Shan holding an examination paper in his hand, his posture stiff and motionless, but his face looked like he had seen a ghost, and his eyes were all staring out and sticking to the paper. Now, his mouth seemed to be muttering something plausibly, with a stunned expression.

Someone shouted: "Old Man Shan, what do you see?"

Someone joked: "You don't have to be so angry even if you write poorly?"

"There is no grass for ten miles, and no grass for ten miles... That's it! That's how it is! This grass has this kind of function!!"

Shanyangping stood up suddenly and shouted: "Good! Good! Good!"

Three good words in a row were enough to express his shock and admiration. The other four examiners were also interested and gathered around, saying: "What kind of prescription is this? It's worth it?"

Shanyangping quickly turned over and looked at the number, secretly remembering it, and silently thought in his heart that he must draw this seedling to his own name this time, no matter what method is used!

When the results were put on the list, a large number of people gathered before the list, but they were not the contestants themselves. They were more of those who served. The jokes and the identity of the doctor are more distinguished, and the doctors who can come to the competition belong to Where do certain forces need to wait for their results in person? All sitting in the inn waiting for the good news!

When the list was released, there were bursts of gasps, excitement shouts, and regretful sighs. The entire list only marked some numbers, and the appearance of these numbers means that you have passed the first level. .

Han Fei waited shortly for news. As she expected, she passed without risk this time. The number of people who passed through Shennongjia is not bad. Even Han Fei has four. Boss Hao smiled openly.

Originally, the announcement of these results was hidden by each household, and the figures were announced without the name, so it has a certain degree of privacy and can be regarded as an unintended follow-up, so in the second Before the start, I really didn't know who passed and who failed. Of course, this ruled out those who poured into the competition, especially the high-profile Tu Menghan's passing news spread throughout Yuze Town within a short time.

Han Fei is not surprised that Tu Menghan can pass. This woman knows that this person is definitely here when she sees it. To be more precise, she is here, and will never be in the first place. It was wiped out at the first level.

Han Fei started to pack things after she knew it was passed. She had been fed up with the boring days of having to eat without a meal in order to maintain the effect of this transformation.

When Boss Hao learned that Han Fei was leaving, he immediately expressed his interest in sending someone to send her away, but Han Fei directly refused.

Boss Hao was very worried, and said: "No girl, I'm afraid you are on the road alone like this..."

Boss Hao’s eyes are quite venomous, even if Han Fei always wears that black hat, she can tell from the vague shadow that this girl is definitely not bad in appearance, and it can be said to be excellent in appearance. , Such a girl walking alone, the danger...

Han Fei smiled and said, "I don't think your people can protect me in times of danger."

Boss Hao was surprised, and immediately thought of the Qiu family brothers and sisters who were brought down not long ago.

Speaking of the unreasonable pair of siblings, Boss Hao deliberately collected a piece of news. Qiu Jin, the brother of the Qiu family siblings, seemed to have passed the first test, and this Qiu family also had a small background.

According to what Boss Hao said, this Qiu family has nothing to do with any drug store, doctor, or half a dime. The Qiu family is an authentic business, but the Qiu brothers and sisters are not from the main house, but The partial room is not pleasing in itself, and my brother happened to have gained some medical skills, so he barely got some attention. The life of these years has gradually improved. This time the doctor contest is also extremely important for the Qiu family brothers and sisters.

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