His Highness, Don’t Leave! I Will Lose Weight For You!

Chapter 195: Waterside Village in Distress

Xiao Jia recalled the scene he saw, and said cautiously: "No casualties have been found for the time being, they have all been held in custody, but their expressions are a little strange and some have fallen into a coma.

Han Fei sneered: "How can you use force if you want to control all the villagers in Shuibian Village? Mostly, they used some shameful means to bring the villagers down before acting."

Xiao Jia suddenly realized.

And Han Fei is not wrong at all. The Red Scarf bandits did bring down most of the villagers by releasing psychedelic smoke in the dead of night, and then quickly invaded. There will be villagers who can resist in an orderly manner. They were all controlled, and the strong resistance was resolved on the spot, successfully angering a crowd of villagers in the waterside village, but due to the overall situation, no one dared to resist.

This shameless method is extremely dirty for soldiers! If it were justified to lose, that would not be the case, but the actions of the Red Scarf Bandits had obviously stimulated the bottom line of Shuibian Village.

That night, the moon was dark and the wind was high.

Han Fei, Xiaoyu and others have been lying in ambush by the village for a long time. They waited until it was dark and looked at the village with a bonfire.

Han Fei squinted, as if thinking about something. Xiaoyu and others didn’t mean to ask aloud, they were quietly waiting for Han Fei’s instructions. They would never believe such a young girl before this matter. Home, but after such a long time together, Xiaoyu and others have already reached a common belief, never offend Girl Han! That is absolutely dead, I don’t know how to die!

"Xiaojia, Xiaoyi, you go find the leader of the Red Scarf Bandit, but don't do it, just stare at, Xiao Bing, you stay at the door to meet, Xiaoyu, **** me in between the villagers."

Yulong said with some worry: "Miss, would it be too dangerous for you to mix in like this?"

Han Fei whispered: "With a few of us who are not strong enough, I need the help of the villagers."

The five began to split up.

The detained villagers gathered in the ancestral hall of the village. Several bandits with red scarves on their heads were patrolling. Any abnormality would attract vigilance, and Baili Jiang, who was still dressed as a woman, mixed everything. The situation is in the bottom of his eyes, he is watching.

Frankly speaking, when these red bandits suddenly attacked, he had a chance to escape. With his strength, these bandits could not keep him, but the bad thing happened when the red bandits first came to attack. The two father-in-laws were nearby and met directly one by one. In order to promise Han Fei's promise, Bai Li Wenxiu hesitated for a while, missed the best time to get out, and was simply caught together.

Bai Liwenxiu still doesn't know that he would have such a reckless time. He is a prince, and his status is noble, but now he is reduced to the point of being controlled by bandits. If this matter is passed to the ears of the princes who peep at his position, he is afraid He was going to laugh to death, but at that moment, he actually stayed for a ridiculous promise, for a woman, it is really unimaginable.

But no matter how you care about it, the matter has come to this point, you can only think of a better way. He has a flare on his body. As long as he can launch it, his henchmen will arrive. No matter what the Red Scarf bandit is, it will not be a problem. As soon as his whereabouts were exposed, he was originally a micro-service patrol, and Bai Liwenxiu naturally didn't want too many people to discover his traces, especially here is still a cold place.

Bai Liwenxiu fell into a dilemma for a while.

At this moment, a little hand pulled his sleeve gently.

Bai Liwen Xiu turned her head in surprise, and met with a big white tooth.

Han Fei lowered her voice and said, "It's been a long time, Your Highness Baili."

Bai Liwenxiu's face changed, and she lowered her voice and said, "You, how dare you be so bold!"

The surrounding villagers also saw the sudden appearance of Han Fei. They became excited for a while, as if they saw hope, but Han Fei booed at them, and immediately became quiet, and became a villager for several days. They immediately returned to normal, surrounded some without leaving a trace, blocked Han Fei's figure, and was surprised by the Red Scarf bandit who had not been guarded.

Bai Liwen was slightly surprised at the unity of the villagers, looked at Han Fei, and said, "How did you get in?"

Han Fei didn't care about his nervousness, but watched the next surroundings. Thanks to their remote location, and those father-in-laws were also tied to the other side, so they didn't see the situation here.

Han Fei hooked his fingers, Bai Li Wenxiu lowered his head, and the next moment a pair of warm hands touched his face, he was shocked and wanted to back down subconsciously.

"Don't move." Han Fei lowered her voice.

As Han Fei said, she untied the rope that was binding him.

Bai Li Wenxiu exhausted his self-control to control himself, but his heart jumped wildly.

The fragrance of the girl was mixed with a medicinal fragrance, occupying Baili's mind. At this moment, they were very close.

Han Fei didn't know the charming thoughts of this dignified cloud and candle prince. Because of her posture, she didn't dare to move too much, so she fumbled for a long time without tearing off the human skin mask on his face.

As everyone knows, the longer she maintained her actions, the deeper the strangeness in Baili's heart. He almost restrained himself from acting arbitrarily, and did not dare to look directly at the face that was close at hand, but he still could see from the corner of the eye. .

In fact, the girl’s face is no longer fat and unbearable. The thinner face is left with baby fat, her facial features are clear, and her eyes are as bright as fire, especially when her eyes are full of Bai Liwenxiu couldn't help but want to get closer when he was in the shadow.

"All right."

A depressed cheer interrupted Bai Liwenxiu's desired action. He recovered, his face suddenly rose a little blush, he covered his mouth, and looked away, preventing Han Fei from seeing his face. .

Han Fei glanced at the Lord Prince, feeling a little strange, and said, "What's wrong with your Highness? Is it uncomfortable? Did they give you medicine too?!"

In the last sentence, Han Fei's expression became sharp. If there is something wrong with the prince, she just can't eat it!

Bai Liwenxiu denied unnaturally, "No, I'm fine, what are you going to do?"

In order to prevent Han Fei from continuing to ask questions, Bai Liwenxiu first changed the subject.

Han Fei took a human skin mask, looked at Bai Liwenxiu's handsome and handsome face, and said, "His Royal Highness Baili, come here."

Bai Li Wenxiu hesitated for a moment, and he stretched his head again, and his hands messed up his hair again, like a straw nest, Bai Li Wenxiu was dumbfounded.

Xiaoyu behind Han Fei was also dumbfounded. Is this really Yun Zhu's prince? Is it okay for the young lady to be so bold?

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