Han Fei smiled and looked at the dumbfounded Baili Minxiu, and by the way, grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground and wiped a few handprints on his face, stupefied to make the handsome and handsome Baili Highness who had returned to Yushu in the wind. It's like a beggar, but it's still a good-looking beggar.

Han Fei tutted, she is indeed a naturally beautiful person. They are all like this, they are still so good-looking. This is not easy to do. The sudden appearance of such an outstanding person will definitely attract doubts, but she is back, it is impossible And let Baili Wenxiu stare at her face.

"You'd better not look up later." Han Fei exhorted.

Bai Li Wenxiu recovered and nodded silently. Han Fei thought he would ignore her when he understood, and diverted his attention.

Han Fei didn't see it, Bai Li Wenxiu looked at her with a hint of thought and deepness, then he retracted his gaze, reached out and touched his face, lowering his head as if nothing happened.

After Han Fei learned that the village chief had been taken away alone, she guessed that the purpose of this group of bandits was probably not to rob money.

Han Fei whispered a few words to Xiaoyu and Baili Minxiu, and the two nodded to express their understanding, and Han Fei took out her own needle pack in her hand, narrowed her eyes, and looked at the three red scarves who were in charge of taking care of them. Bandit, then she opened her mouth and said little: "Go!"

Xiaoyu and Baili Wenxiu flew up immediately, attacking the two Red Scarf bandits from left to right, while Han Fei's target was the nearest one. She was holding a silver needle in one hand and her slightly plump body. It was terribly light. Han Fei discovered after she was out of the palace. When her weight began to drop, her sensitivity was terrifying, sharper than ordinary people, and she would not be constrained by her plump body. live.

When Han Fei rushed out, she pressed the shoulder of the bandit with one hand, causing one hand to pierce the needle directly into his neck. The bandit in the red bandit fell all of a sudden, and the other two were solved at the same time.

The villagers immediately smiled and yelled a little: "Miss Han, you are finally here, go and save the village chief! The village chief was taken away by them!"

"Do you know where the old village chief was caught?"

"No, I don't know, girl Han, please save the village chief!"

Han Fei had a headache. She didn't know the location, so she couldn't find it. It won't be long before these vigilant Red Scarf bandits will notice the difference.

Compared with their own safety, the villagers are more worried about the old and respected village chief. Han Fei did not delay, but took out a few packets of medicine and handed it to one of the villagers, saying: Drink it in the water, everyone drank it, the antidote."

"Yes! Girl Han!"

"Listen, after you solve the drug, I want you to continue to pretend to be physically empty, and strip off the clothes of these three bandits, Xiaoyu, you put it on, and you, and you," then pointed to two figures More imaginative villagers. "All put on, tie up these three people and hide them. Then listen to my instructions."

Not long after, a curse came from the captive.

"What's the trouble! Shut me up!"

"I, I want to see your boss! I, I know what he is looking for! Take me to see him!"

"Smelly bitch! You better know it!"

Soon, the red bandit who was in charge of guarding the sentry watched in surprise at his companion driving a woman out.

"what happened?"

The jade dragon urn driving Han Fei out said in a loud voice: "This woman said that she knew where the things were, so she insisted on going to see the boss."

The Red Scarf Bandit glanced at her embarrassed, her hair was messy and she didn't look like a woman, Han Fei showed contempt, and said: "Where can such a disgusting woman be shown to the boss!"

Yulong's heart jumped for a while, because he had seen Han Fei's eyes flashed with a dim light when he heard these words, and sometimes Han girl would be quite vengeful.

Thanks to the unwritten rule of the Red Scarf Bandit, all members will cover their faces in the red scarves, so Yulong was not spotted for a while. It just so happens that his manners and actions are imitated very much like a bandit. This vulgarity is not in the least. And, immediately said: "Isn't I annoyed by the noise!"

"I don't know what the boss is going crazy, and if we don't kill more people, there is nothing in this village where birds do not shit!"

Han Fei immediately followed along and shouted: "I know! I know everything! You take me to see your boss!"

Yulong seemed to say casually: "Maybe there is really any treasure, and it won't matter if this woman goes to see it. If there is really something we haven't discovered in time, it will be no good to be blamed by the boss! "

The red bandit thought of the brutal side of his boss, and immediately shook, and said quickly: "I'd rather kill the wrong one than let it go! You can take it quickly! The boss is in the house to the west!"

Yulong roared, "Well! I'm going now!"

He pretended to be rude on the surface, but in fact he slipped Han Fei towards the west with a gentleness, and said as he walked, "Be honest!"

That posture, that way, even Han Fei almost believed that Xiaoyu was not from a bandit!

After pushing Han Fei to the area where the inspection was slightly weaker, Xiaoyu quickly let go, and the two of them dodged behind the haystack.

"Miss, what should I do now? It would be too dangerous to just rush in. The leader of the red bandit is a ruthless character."

Han Fei squinted and said, "Xiao Jia and Xiao B have arrived at the location. Go to the back mountain. Now the wind is downwind. Throw this powder against the wind and eat this pill."

Yulong swallowed it without any doubt.

Han Fei continued, "It will take a moment for the drug's effect to begin. I need you to occupy the middle place, hide it, remember, and throw the powder away when the wind blows."

Xiaoyu was anxious and stopped: "Miss can't act alone!"

"Don't worry, I have a way to protect myself."

"No way!"

"Xiaoyu, you are not such a disobedient person." Han Fei said coldly.

Yulong was silent for a moment, but still accepted.


Yulong disappeared.

Han Fei, who stayed in place, looked at the house and took a deep breath. Just as she was about to follow her slowly, her wrist was suddenly caught. She turned her head in surprise, but saw Bai Liwenxiu's face pale. Stand behind.

"It's you?!"

"You are crazy! Want to sneak in alone?! You are just a woman!"

Han Fei raised her eyebrows and said with deep meaning, "It seems that His Royal Highness Baili is quite hidden."

Han Fei didn't expect Baili Wenxiu to come out so easily. It seems that His Royal Highness Baili is not a patronizing person. He has good skills and two brushes.

So why didn't he leave at the beginning? But stayed?

Although puzzled, Han Fei didn't ask specifically.

"What on earth do you want to do! This is dangerous!" Bai Liwen said through gritted teeth.

"So what?" Han Fei raised an eyebrow.


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