Han Fei keenly noticed that the face of the high-ranking Empress Qing's face had changed. She followed her gaze and saw her cheap sister. After a short pause, she lowered her head.

Han Fei couldn't help but poked Taobao, but she didn't respond anyway, she remembered that Han Yan was here, her system was likely to be detected, and then she gave up.

It’s just that Han Fei still hides a question in my heart. I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Her younger sister seems to be more and more beautiful. She has a vague tendency to be enchanted. It's like having a surgery and plastic surgery, but this beauty is not so beautiful. Comfortable.

"Does Han Yanxiu from Hanfu have anything to say?"

The queen suddenly asked by name.

The questioned Han Yan Luoluo raised her head generously, and said with a smile: "Enjoy the Queen Mother, if you say something interesting, there will be some."

The emperor smiled and said, "Oh? Then talk about it."

The queen glanced at the emperor without a trace, and her heart sank after seeing the enthusiastic gaze she was familiar with flashed in his eyes.

Han Yan seemed to think about it for a while, but was actually angry at the system: "Hurry up and think of a Gonzo thing for me! Hurry up!"

"Host wait! Find it now!"


"Found it!"

Immediately, Han Yan spoke and said, "Han Yan once heard that the family across the street is a master of scholars, domineering and indisputable. One year in the Spring Festival, he posted such a couplet on the door of his home to show off. , Father Jinshi, Son Jinshi, both father and son Jinshi: Madam, Wife, Wife, Wife and Wife. By coincidence, there was a poor talent in the town, passing by the Jinshi’s house, and seeing this couplet, he actually showed contempt. There was another smug smile. At night. Seeing that there was no one around, he quietly added some signs to the couplet. Early the next morning, the door of Jinshi was crowded with a lot of fun. People of, they talked and laughed, they talked a lot, everyone praised: the change is good, the change is good, the noise outside the door alarmed the master Jinshi, he quickly opened the door, and immediately passed out on the steps. ."

Han Yan paused. At this moment, the people in the hall had been curious about her words. They looked at her eagerly. Even the upper emperor was no exception. He asked, "Oh? Then Jinshi Wei He passed out. ?"

Han Yan said slowly: "It turns out that the couplet in front of Jinshimen has been changed by scholars to this: father enters the soil, son enters the soil, father and son enter the soil; mother-in-law loses her husband, daughter-in-law loses her husband, mother-in-law loses her husband. ."

The emperor let out a hearty laugh: "Hahahahaha, it's interesting and interesting, it's really interesting, this talent is a plastic talent."

Han Yan added a sentence with fascination: "Under the leadership of the emperor, naturally there will be many talents."

This sentence was in Qin Huang’s heart. The more I felt that the daughter taught by Prime Minister Han was not only outstanding in appearance, but also first-class in academic talent. What moved Qin Huang even more was that Han Yan’s eyebrows In the meantime, some seem to be similar...

At this moment, the queen sternly said: "Bold Han Yan! The word "in the soil" is forbidden in the palace. You are offended by the mold, what is your intention! Could it be that you have some thoughts that shouldn't be kept! Come, give me the person Suppressed!"

Han Yan's face changed instantly, her face paled in fright, and it made people feel distressed and pityed, and she was begging for mercy in a panic: "Forgive me, Queen Mother, Han Yan didn't intend to violate the palace rules, let alone save anything. Please let the empress empress clearly learn from your thoughts!"

While talking, tears just fell.

I saw Han Fei in a daze, and the tears fell when I said it. I really feel pity for such a pear blossom with rain! This acting level is tens of thousands of times better than her. Tsk tsk, it seems that she will be more careful about this cheap sister in the future. But now Han Fei has to come forward.

Puffing down on her knees, Han Feicheng said with trepidation: "The empress, empress, forgive her, her sister was unintentional. The younger sister is still young and doesn't understand the rules. Please forgive her forgiveness by the empress."

Han Fei’s remarks are clearly showing the love of the sisters and helping Han Yan, but they are both inside and out, saying, “This person is a young lady who doesn’t understand the rules and is just a stupid lady. Don't worry about it', Han Yan's face turned green as expected, this fat lady can't speak!

If possible, Han Fei didn’t want to take a trip in the muddy waters, but, who made them belong to the family, she had to come forward to avoid being left behind by disagreements, but she was not so kind and really wanted to help Han. That's it for Yan.

The queen wanted to take the opportunity to punish Han Yan, but the Emperor Qin next to him stretched out his hand and patted the queen's hand and said: "Smoke, don't be angry, this child is just a bit more sincere and has no intention of offending. Forget it once."

The queen was not reconciled, "but the emperor..."

"Yanyun, I remember that you have always been broad-minded."

The meaning of this sentence is unclear.

The queen shook her heart, squeezed her hand, secretly sighed that she was too impulsive, took a deep breath, suppressed all the unhappiness and anger, put on a kindly appearance, said: "It's the concubine If you're too nervous, let's not forget, for the first offense, Han Yanxiu will copy the female punishment thirty times."

Han Yan's body trembled and she shattered a silver tooth. The book of the female ring was as thick as a fist! Thirty times! What year and month did you finish copying! I remembered the face of Queen Qing's face in my heart. If one day, she will return it a hundred times!

The queen looked at Han Fei who was kneeling on the ground again. The rounded body made her feel a lot more refreshed. Sure enough, this round meatball made her feel more comfortable. She said: "Han Fei Xiu is a sister, so sincerely worried. This palace was very moved by the look of the palace. It happened that the palace also listened to the inspecting father-in-law who said that there was a bandit attack in the place where you were. It is God blessed to be safe and sound. You must be frightened. If there is new silk, I will reward you."

Han Fei pretended to be surprised, and immediately kowtow, and said, "Thank you Empress Empress for the reward."

Suddenly, the heart of every show girl was extremely complicated.

No one could have imagined that Han Yan, who was presumed to be the number one by them, was punished, while Han Fei, who was not optimistic, was rewarded by the empress herself. This result was quite unexpected! Immediately, many show girls were secretly angry, why didn't their place be attacked by bandits?

If Han Fei knew what they were thinking in their hearts, they would sneer at them, and they would not have to think about it! Can ordinary people come back safe and sound after encountering bandits? Still wanting to be rewarded? It also depends on whether there is life to enjoy such a reward! If there is no system, I'm afraid she would have been killed by the Red Scarf bandits long ago, and the village would have been bloodbathed. How could she still be standing here.

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