It was the Queen's words that surprised Qin Huang slightly, and said, "Bandits?"

Seeing that the emperor’s attention was finally attracted, the queen became more satisfied with Han Fei’s existence, and said: “Yes, I heard that the village was suddenly attacked by bandits, Han Fei, Are you talking about how to get out of trouble?"

The emperor's gaze also looked over. When Han Fei's round face was rare, he couldn't help but smile, and said, "I'm also curious."

Han Fei showed a face of'flattered' and'fearful', he paused, and still said: "The slave servant was ill at the time. I don't remember it clearly. I vaguely remember that the slave servant was in bed that day and was listening outside the window. It was noisy, the slave and maid stood up, and then smelled a strange odor, and then fainted. When he woke up, the bandit had invaded the entire village and tied everyone together. The slave and maid were scared to death. "

Han Fei's body trembled as she said that, as if she did not dare to recall the scene of that day.

The other show girls sounded scared, and it was almost impossible to save the lives of the bandits! This is even more fascinating than listening to some funny stories. For a while, everyone looked at Han Fei with eager eyes, and forgot what the funny story Han Yan told before.

Han Fei started to make up stories...

"The slaves and maids were very flustered. The villagers treated the slaves and maids very well on weekdays. The slaves and maids could not bear to see everyone die, and were unwilling to die like this, so they had to pretend that they had a stomachache and were noisy. The gangster did not The way, let the servants go to the hut, perhaps seeing that the servants have no power to bind the chickens, and the servants are not tied."

Qin Huang listened and suddenly said, "You mean, you are not tied up? Then why not take the opportunity to escape?"

This is what you are waiting for!

A gleam of light flashed in Han Fei's eyes, and the next moment she showed a sad face, and she cried out loudly, saying: "How can the slave and maid escape! In Ama Palace, the education that the slave and maid received has never left others behind. The reason for escaping alone! Aunt Ping treats her servants very well, and the young children are waiting for rescue. The servants will rescue them even if they die!"

These words are sonorous and powerful.

After hearing this, the queen wiped her handkerchief and said, "Han Fei Xiu Nu is really passionate. She would rather give up the chance to live alone than the people. This courage to live and die together deeply moved this palace."

Emperor Qin clapped his hands and said: "Okay! As expected of Han Shangqing's daughter, this attitude is really different, don't give up, don't give up! This joint is worthy of praise! Come, give a plaque, chivalrous heart, and sent it to Han Mansion, Han Shang Qing taught A good daughter who is not afraid of life and death, is worth learning from all the Qings!"

Han Fei was dumbfounded.

Is she making up stories too outrageous?

She hadn't expected this result either!

This time, Han Fei was really panicked, and she quickly knelt down and thanked her: "Thank you, the emperor! The maidservant is terrified. The maidservant has just done what should be done. This thing can be done by any female sisters, slaves. ..."

"Han Feixiu is not going to resign, the emperor is also kind, you can accept it." The queen persuaded.

Emperor Qin admired it even more, this looks a bit ugly, but this heart-hearted but simple enthusiastic, and humble.

The queen showed a satisfied look in her heart. It is better for Han Feide to receive a reward than the fox Meizi Han Yan to be noticed by the emperor! She wants everyone to understand that she can survive in this harem with her eyes. If she dared to threaten her status, she would be ruthless!

The beautiful women in the hall all set off a stormy nuclear wave in their hearts. This plaque gifted by the emperor himself is not something you can get under normal circumstances! This means that not one person is honored, but the honor of the whole family! Han Fei has received an unprecedented reward in just a few words, which is worth more than gold million liang! Before long, the entire court will know that Prime Minister Han's daughter has entered the emperor's eyes and is being valued!

For a while, jealousy, envy, or resentment were cast on Han Fei, but if they run into a bandit, I am afraid that Huarong will be frightened, and there is really no courage to willingly and the poor people. Symbiotic life and death, I am afraid that only this idiot fat woman can have this kind of consciousness. Sure enough, stupid people have stupid blessings, so the emperor has caught the eye!

Many show girls take this to comfort themselves, that idiot fat lady is just a moment of good luck!

Han Yan watched her teeth broken and her fingers became white. She hated Han Fei very much. Compared with her punishment and copied, Han Fei simply got the supreme honor. Sister, one is in the sky and the other is underground. When has Han Yan been so wronged? When did Han Fei, who had been stepped on her feet in the past, like an ant cross her? !

She hates it! She complains! I want to kill Han Fei. The more you look at her silly face, the more you mock her. Han Yan’s eyes emit a vicious light, but she hides it well and no one sees it. After this time, Han Yan has put Han Fei on the list that she wants to start. Anyone who dares to step on her is damned!

Han Fei noticed that there was a particularly enthusiastic gaze on her body. The strong killing intent would be overwhelmed. She could guess that it came from that cheap sister without looking at her. Now she is gloating about the news. If it reaches her prime minister's ears, I don't know how complicated the expression will be. Look, his least pampered daughter actually received a plaque from the Holy Spirit!

Regardless of what happened, Han Fei became the biggest beneficiary of this meeting in the palace, and Queen Qing was also very colorful, taking advantage of the emperor Longxin to rejoice, and announced the second Ama Palace test on the spot. , The person who won the first laurel was Han Fei, and the award-winning comment was only one sentence: not forgetting the original aspiration, common adversity, and really a model for women.

And what Han Yan did to help improve food planting,'inadvertently' discovered edible ingredients, and'accidentally' created new technology...With the Queen's concealment, there is no need to say anything. Now, the emperor only needs to know the heroic deeds of Han Fei.

For this reason, Han Yan's heart is almost suffocated. It is important to know that all the contributions made by her "incidental" are all her little ones, and she has spent all of her star coin rewards accumulated over the years. In order to shine in this test! Where does she know what technology! Where are so many ‘accidents’! But she has a system! Han Yan originally thought it was foolproof this time, but she never expected to jump out of Han Fei!

Put all her abacus! All plans! All crushed!

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