After these words were said, like a very wronged little daughter-in-law, the small lamented eyes were stunned to destroy his sturdy temperament.

Han Fei couldn't bear being looked at with such aggrieved and accusing eyes, and immediately said: "Don't go, don't go!" After thinking about it, he added, "Don't go now!"

Puppet Nan was happy, and couldn't help grinning, a warm smile bloomed, and he couldn't wait to say: "Your Majesty, let me visit your subordinates! Everyone has been waiting for your majesty for a thousand years! If it weren't sealed by the power of the palace If we live, everyone will turn into loess! Fortunately, our puppet army will never die, or die, otherwise we may not wait for your majesty's return!"

Han Fei had no choice but to smile awkwardly and politely, and said, "Then, okay, let's go and take a look. You get up first, don't kneel."

Puppet Nan stood up, stretched out his hand respectfully, and said: "Your Majesty, please follow me."

Han Fei looked at his outstretched hand. The hand was still covered with black gloves, but it didn't show any skin. It's weird to say that this man was covered up tightly except his face. Strictly, no inch of skin was exposed.

"Your Majesty may have forgotten the palace route, so let your subordinates take the lead."

Han Fei nodded, but followed behind Puppet Nan with curiosity, and saw the originally closed wall. Puppet Nan waved his hand and immediately opened it. Han Fei was surprised to see her, no wonder she was looking for it just now. Without a switch, the wall doesn't need a switch at all, but is entirely controlled by this person.

When they walked out of the room, it was a long, dark corridor, but when they stepped out, the light began to shine from the top of their heads, and it slowly extended, illuminating the entire corridor, and looked up. Go, one by one, round night pearls the size of a baby's fist are inlaid on the top wall, acting as a lighting tool.

Use Ye Mingzhu as a lighting tool...

Han Fei has never seen such a prodigal!

Just when Han Fei’s attention was attracted by the Ye Mingzhu on her head, she didn’t see the front. One accidentally hit the puppet Nan’s back, and Han Fei’s nose was so painful as to hit a wall. The same as the previous one, she exclaimed in pain, and almost fell off and was held by the puppet Nan.

"Be careful! Your Majesty!"

After being stabilized, Han Fei touched her nose and looked up at Puppet Nan, his face was nervous.

"Your Majesty is all right! Blame your subordinates! Please punish your Majesty!"

He knelt down again, so scared that Han Fei quickly reached out to help him, and said: "I'm fine! Nothing! You get up first! I blame myself for being distracted! Don't blame you!"

Han Fei can't stand this man who kneels at every turn, she can't accept such a big gift! Life will be lost!

"Is your Majesty really all right? I blame the subordinates for being bad! Your Majesty is abrupt!"

Puppet Nan's face was quite self-blaming, as if he was annoyed. His Majesty was sacred and inviolable in his heart. If he was so careless, he would be a joke if he was seen by other generals!

What Han Fei said he refused to stand up and became impatient, and said directly: "I order you to stand up."

Huh, Nan Nan stood upright.

"Continue to go."


Han Fei was able to figure it out clearly. Stern orders to deal with this person were more gentle than gentle persuasion. She straightened her face right away. There was a hint of nobility and kingship in her expression, which made the puppet Nan believe more and more. Your Majesty, even if you come back from a trip, it is still as supreme, but is this folk food really good? Your Majesty is a little more rounded, I think the food in the imperial palace is too bad!

Puppet Nan quietly took note of it, but it was a bit of a headache. A thousand years was too long. Except for the puppet army guarding the palace, all the people were dead, including the cook and the servants.

When the puppet Nan was in a trance, Han Fei was also in a trance. Just after the collision, she reminded her of a detail that she had been neglecting before. The puppet Nan's mouth seemed to have mentioned the three words Puppet Zhengjun.

And the three words Puppet Zhengjun... where seems to have heard it?

Before Han Fei could think about it, Nan Fei stopped and said, "Your Majesty, the Imperial Study Room is here. In the past, this is the place for you to deal with business matters. Your subordinates have already sent people to restore their original state without any changes, Your Majesty. You can go and have a look."

Han Fei raised his eyes and saw a huge and magnificent space in front of him. If you insist on a metaphor...It is the office of the emperor in the TV series, with a huge desk standing in the middle, with a tall base on it. There are a lot of thick books on the tall books, the row of bookshelves arranged in the back, and there are many thick books. Two standing lamps are placed on the two ends of the desk, and the chair is even more carved with a phoenix. The pattern seems to be high-end.

Puppet Nan stood by, silent.

Han Fei hesitated for a moment, and stepped in, but when she just stepped into the first step, her mind suddenly froze, and many pictures flashed through her mind, quickly disappearing.

[Your Majesty, the Nine Armies cannot go out together! Since ancient times, the puppet army has been to guard the palace, so you can't leave the palace at will! 】

[Report-Shanhe Xicheng was breached! The enemy enters the line of defense! 】

【His Majesty! Think twice! You are a precious daughter, so you can't take risks at will! 】

【His Majesty! Master Qingyin, Master Luoyun... died in battle...]

【His Majesty……】

Han Fei's head hurt like a needle stick, and the pain caused her to reach out and hug her head, hammer it hard, and squat down on the ground.

What kind of memory is it!

The chaotic scenes flashed one after another, and she couldn't see anything clearly, leaving only the buzzing sound in her ears, as if countless people were talking, and her head was about to explode.

"Enough! Stop! Stop!"

Han Fei roared up to the sky, and her mind went blank for a moment. In the next moment, a strong sense of exhaustion rushed in. Her eyes closed, and before she lost consciousness, she could still see Nan Nan's panicked face.

Then, there was darkness.

When Han Fei woke up, she found herself lying on a huge bed with a big red bedding underneath. She raised her eyes and saw the red veil, the whole bed was two meters large and carved Exquisite auspicious cloud pattern.

After a long period of stunned, Han Fei slowly recovered her senses, her mind was empty, her consciousness slowed for half a beat, it seemed... before she fainted, she saw a lot of strange pictures, what are they?

She can't remember.

Getting up from the bed, Han Fei looked around. The extravagant decoration made the whole room look very expensive, but there was no one here, and even the puppet Nan was gone.

Han Fei tentatively shouted: "Puppet Nan... are you there..."

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