His Highness, Don’t Leave! I Will Lose Weight For You!

Chapter 226: Subordinates can't wait any longer

Without waiting for a response, Han Fei got out of bed by herself, and put a white robe on the bed. She took a look and took it up and walked barefoot on the ground. The ground was slightly cool, which made her feel even more It's real.

If the room just now looked like a normal house, now this one is so luxurious that it is no longer an ordinary room. How could she lie here?

Han Fei called Nan's name a few more times, but still did not respond, so she had to go on her own.

This time there was a door in the room, she didn't need to walk through the wall, but as soon as she pushed it out, she saw a garden, yes, the garden.

In this dark underground, there is actually a garden, but the flowers planted here are all fiery red, as if they were stained with blood, and they bloomed extremely brightly. It took Han Fei a long time to recognize that it was a mandala, the rumored one. The other shore flower.

Han Fei slowly approached, and when she wanted to reach out to touch the flower, her hand went through without touching anything.

Han Fei looked at her hand blankly, then looked at the flower.

"Your Majesty, that's just an illusion arranged by your subordinates to reproduce your majesty's palace. A thousand years are too long, and the flowers your Majesty likes can't survive. This is the subordinate's fault."

Han Fei heard puppet Nan's voice ringing behind her.

Han Fei lowered his hand, clenched it, and said, "How long have I been dizzy?"

Puppet Nan stepped forward and stretched out his hand to put some words on Han Fei's robe, and said: "Your Majesty, your body is too weak, exceedingly weak, the damage to you over the past thousand years too big."

Han Fei paused and suddenly became impatient. She was a little tired of this kind of pretending to be someone else's drama, and said: "I am not your majesty, my name is Han Fei, you have admitted the wrong person, can you please send me out? ?"

Puppet Nan was startled, sighed, and said: "Your Majesty, you are startled."

Sure enough, the man's brain was not well.

"What do you want me to say to believe that I am really not your majesty?"

Puppet Nan was silent for a while, and said: "Your Majesty, please follow me."

Han Fei was a little bit violent. Since waking up from a coma, her temper has become a bit irritable, as if something has been released in the faint, but the strange emotion does not seem to belong to her, it is too violent. It's too sad.

Puppet Nan led Han Fei through the corridors and walked through the palaces one by one. It was only then that Han Fei felt a little bit as to how big the maze was. No, this might be an underground palace, not a maze.

So, who is the person who lives here, the master of this palace, and the person respected by Nan Nan as his Majesty?

Soon, Puppet Nan led Han Fei to a huge bronze door. The entire bronze door was ten meters high, simple and generous, with patterns of ghosts and gods carved on it, lifelike, like a colorful mural.

Han Fei looked up at the door and seemed to hear a sound, as if calling her. She couldn't help but stretch out her hand, wanting to touch the bronze door, but was pressed hard by reason.

"Your Majesty, everything you want to know is behind the door, please go in."

As if bewitched, Han Fei reached out and touched the bronze door lightly. Just then, with a bang, the entire huge bronze door opened little by little.

What you see is a huge golden mountain.

Yes, Jinshan.

The dazzling golden light almost blinded Han Fei’s eyes. Gold and silver treasures piled up high, and there seemed to be something exceptionally dazzling at the top. Han Fei wanted to see clearly, but too It flashed, I couldn't see clearly.

"Your Majesty, please take back your things, everything will have an answer."

Puppet Nan's voice was calm and remote, as if he had traveled for thousands of years. He stood in front of the door, stretched out his hand, clenched his fist, pressed against his chest, and said: "Your Majesty, welcome back."

Han Fei stepped forward, her steps seemed to be unable to feel the weight, as if she was about to float at any time, her eyes were fixed on the top, and the things on the golden mountain were calling her.

Puppet Nan had a solemn expression, his eyes were straight at Han Fei's figure, and his mouth sighed like admiration.

A thousand years...

His Majesty has finally returned.

Just when Han Fei was bewitched and wanted to run into the Golden Mountain, a harsh warning sound exploded in her mind.

"Warning! The front is extremely dangerous! Do not approach! Do not approach! Emergency activation of the electric shock system!"

A burst of electricity flowed through her body in an instant, and Han Fei's hair was erected, and her eyes were clear.

"Host! Wake up soon! Host!!!"

Taobao's anxious voice suddenly echoed in Han Fei's mind, and the long-silent system was restored again.


"Yes, yes, it's me! Overlord! Leave this Jinshan now! Hurry back!"

Han Fei immediately pushed back a few steps, feeling a lingering fear. She even forgot the reason why she had to be close just now. If Taobao hadn't appeared suddenly and had her electric on the way, she would have no control over her actions!

too frightening!

"What the **** is this!" Han Fei said angrily.

"I don't know! But the danger factor ahead is S grade! The host must never come close! My existence was blocked just now, this place is too weird! The host leaves as soon as possible!"

Han Fei subconsciously stepped back after listening, but a wall of people blocked her back. Han Fei looked up. I don't know when, puppet Nan stood behind her with a weird face.

"Host! Extremely dangerous man!"

Taobao called out again.

Han Fei swallowed, and pretending to be calm, said, "Puppet Nan, or let's go back today. What will happen later?"

Puppet Nan fixedly looked at Han Fei, and suddenly said, "Your Majesty is leaving again?"

The Han Fei who asked the question back was guilty, and said: "No! I didn't say to leave! It's just that I am not uncomfortable now. I want to go back and rest!"

"Your Majesty, the puppet has been waiting for you in the palace for a thousand years. Does your Majesty still want to leave for a thousand years?"

Han Fei's head is so big, why did she pretend to be this "Your Majesty" in the first place! Now this unconscious man is obviously crazy.

"Puppet Nan, I didn't say to leave, don't worry!"

Han Fei tried to make his expression look more real, but Puppet Nan's face was getting worse and worse, getting more and more ugly. Finally, he directly stretched out his hand and started to untie his clothes, staring at Han Fei for a moment.

Finally, when Puppet Nan untied his clothes and Han Fei immediately covered his face, Puppet Nan came over with a sad voice.

"Your Majesty! Your subordinates... can't wait any longer!"

Han Fei was shocked and slowly lowered his hand, only to see that the puppet Nan in front of him untied his upper body and revealed the appearance of the bottom.

And this made Han Fei's pupils wide.

It was not a body at all, but a skeleton.

A pair of skeletons wrapped under the clothes.

At this moment, Puppet Nan's handsome face was disappearing little by little, and the flesh and facial features were slowly melting, and the exposed places were Bai Sensen's bones.

Damn it! Become a bone!

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