"The emperor, this woman is cursed by the heavens. She needs to experience fire torture to reveal the prototype. The **** cauldron can burn all the falsehoods, and the emperor will know all the truth!"

After Master Taiming finished speaking, there was an uproar.

Han Fei was so angry that she was already sneered and threw her into the stove? Let her show her prototype?

I'm afraid it's not for her to die!

A normal person is thrown into the fire and burned again, what can be left? Show her bones?

On the other end, Emperor Qin frowned slightly and remained silent. This Han Fei was the most suitable object he could find after searching all the people, and he could block the mouth of the world without hindering himself. Xin, if it was really burned by a fire, where would he find such a suitable candidate?

Qin Huang hesitated, Master Huiming immediately saw Qin Huang hesitate with sharp eyes, and immediately stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, this method is not feasible. In case Han Xiunv is not a demon, she will be burned by fire! What about this?"

Emperor Qin nodded and said, "Master Huiming is justified. It is not appropriate to throw people into the fire after all."

Master Taiming's eyes slowly swept across Huiming. A disciple who had been ignored by him in the past, the honest and silent disciple, still had this side!

Taiming had already put this disciple to death in his heart. Originally, he was suddenly unwell. In order to prevent his disciples from being too active and want to take his place, Taiming deliberately chose a most ambitious Huiming to hold it. The ritual, unexpectedly, was bitten back!

Taiming said solemnly: "The emperor is kind, and the old man has another way. I implore the emperor to declare King Qin."

Emperor Qin hesitated for a moment, but the current situation was indeed not suitable for rejection, so he had to say: "Xuan Qin Wang."

Han Fei's heart suddenly lifted, and now she didn't know what the old bald donkey wanted to do, but her instinct told her that it was definitely not a good thing, so she had to float along with King Qin.

The prince was slowly pushed up. The crowd stepped aside. Looking at the king Qin in a wheelchair and wearing a silver mask, everyone’s complexion, curious, surprised, sympathetic, and The ridicule, the world's various attitudes, seems to be all revealed at this moment.

Han Fei has been floating in front of the prince, wishing to block all the sights for him, but it was useless after all. Her body was transparent, and all those sights would only fall on Qin Che, but his expression Calm, no change at all, as if I have become accustomed to all this.

The world's famous waste prince, the famous sick rice seedling, King Qin, just appeared in front of everyone.

Han Fei almost thought that the prince didn't care about this sight, but when she saw his hand on his leg tightened into a fist, she finally knew that he still cared.

Han Fei was distressed and even suspected that the purpose of the bald donkey was to make the prince shame in front of the world, which made her hate even more.

Soon, Qin Che was lapped on the roof, and everyone watched with bated breath.

Qin Huang said: "What does the master want to do?"

Master Taiming walked by, took out a Buddha Chen in his hand, waved twice, and walked in front of King Qin, saying, "Master, offended."

After that, the Buddha Chen in Taiming's hand lightly patted Qin Che's shoulders on both sides.

But Han Fei saw that a burst of fine powder floated out of Buddha Chen and fell on Qin Che's body.

Her eyes widened suddenly and her heart sank.

Master Taiming took away Buddha Chen and turned around and said: "The emperor, the old man has only been sealed for King Qin and Buddha. King Qin is a prince and possesses the emperor's dragon spirit. Naturally, he will be immune to all demons and ghosts, but because of King Qin The body is damaged, and the dragon's energy is slightly weaker. As long as there is something wrong, it will react. The old man begged King Qin to approach the demon girl. When the time comes, everything will be known."

Hearing this, Master Huiming still wanted to interrupt, but Emperor Qin said, "So, then try it."

Qin Che's eyes sank, but he said nothing, and was pushed close to the wooden board on which Han Fei's body was lying.

Almost when he approached, Qin Che smelled a weird smell. The smell entered his internal organs from his nose, causing his body to twitch. Qin Che snorted, his face turned pale, but he endured it all. I got off, but the hand holding the armchair was very tight, and the veins burst out.

Han Fei was furious, and she knew the state of the male **** must be the problem with the fine powder just now! This bald donkey uses a trick! This is the poison of Xiangke!

The male **** was poisoned! ! !

A little bit of time passed, and Qin Che's expression became more and more ugly. If it weren't for a mask in front of him, he would have been spotted. He lowered his head and breathed a little bit. Something seemed to be rising from the depths of his throat. .

Master Taiming, who was standing by the side, showed a surprised look, but calmly unzipped the kit in his sleeve to let the smell float out. It didn't smell at all for ordinary people, but for King Qin. In other words, that is arsenic.

Sure enough, Qin Che couldn't help it anymore, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Qin Huang stood up brushingly, his face changed drastically, and said, "Immediately declare the imperial doctor!"

The empress sitting in another high position saw Qin Huang's face, and she could clearly see the flash of anxiety. For a moment, her heart sank, watching Qin Che look vicious.

Han Fei exploded after seeing the male **** vomiting blood, and jumped up and down anxiously around the male god, shouting: "Qin Che, Qin Che, are you okay, Qin Che..."

But no one can see her worries.

Qin Che was covering his mouth, but blood still continuously overflowed from the corners of his mouth. His eyes were very dark, as black as an abyss, and his other hand was tightly clenched, just as someone came to take him down to see the royal doctor. At that time, Qin Che released his hand, swallowed the scarlet sweetness in his throat, and said, "Emperor father, my son begged the emperor for marriage."

There was an uproar all around.

Even Han Fei froze in surprise.

Qin Huang's face was dull and unclear, standing on a high place, and said: "The emperor is unwell. I will be discussing this in the future. Let the royal doctor see it now."

Qin Che was silent for a while, but his next move stunned everyone.

I saw his hands resting on the armchair, very hard, and slowly propped up his body. Under everyone's puzzled eyes, his body left the armchair, and then he slammed and knelt heavily on the ground.

His voice was heavy enough to imagine how powerful this force was. Even he was unable to maintain his balance due to the unconsciousness of his lower body. His hands were on the ground, his pale and slender fingertips slowly gathered, drips of sweat dripping down.

In such a cold winter solstice, I was sweating because of too much effort. This simple move for ordinary people took all Qin Che's strength.

He knelt on the ground.

Han Fei's heart twitched.

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