"Erchen begs his father to grant marriage."

Qin Che's voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly.

Qin Huang's mood was so bad that he suddenly realized that everything was planned by his son!

What Li Xiangjun, what he wants to silence the people of the world, what he unintentionally talks about marrying tablets, are all fake! It was all planned by Qin Che!

Emperor Qin exploded, he was put on by his son, from beginning to end I am afraid that the person he wants to marry is this Han Fei! Taking out Li Mansion Li Xiangjun as a shield, attracting all the attention, this trick that has been tried and tested in the harem, was actually used by him, and even put him on it!

Che'er, Che'er, it was your father who underestimated you. This woman made you willing to plan so much. She must have really taken her heart. She is still trying to oppress me in a vain form!

Qin Huang showed a cruel smile. After all, his good son is still a little worse. If he is calm enough, he shouldn't be exposed at this time! Fortunately, none of this has happened yet.

Emperor Qin Yang said: "The emperor is not going to be fooling around. You are unwell, so you should go down and cultivate as soon as possible. You will never be able to keep the demon girl who will defeat you. Come here, put the demon girl into the fire, I want to see What is the prototype of this demon girl!"

"Yes, the emperor."

Immediately, several guards with swords stepped forward, trying to lift Han Fei on the round table, while Master Taiming showed a tricky smile.

Master Huiming didn’t give up, but wanted to stop one, saying: "You can’t be the emperor! This will cost an innocent life! This woman’s fate and King Qin’s fate are the most compatible companions to heaven, and she must Combine, otherwise both lose out! The emperor!"

In Qin Huang's eyes, there was no such thing as a godless way. Originally, this ceremony was just a cutscene, but he did not expect to find someone Qin Che really cares about. How could he stay?

Qin Che's eyes suddenly reddened, and he reached out and touched the mask. The complexions of Emperor Qin Huang and Master Taiming changed at the same time. Qin Huang said sharply, "Emperor! What do you want to do!"

Qin Che coughed up another mouthful of blood and vomited it on the ground. The blood was glowing black. It was obviously a phenomenon of poisoning. He said with a sigh of relief: "Father, if Han Fei is a killer, then I will be the one to bear it. Between heaven and earth, she and I are just people abandoned by the heavens. If it is unfortunate, then let's be together."

After all, Qin Che took off the mask.

At this moment, the dark clouds pressed down, and the wind was wanton.

Qin Che's hair band was loosened and drifted away. His dark hair poured down and was blown to his face by the wind.

Han Fei was stunned. All this happened so fast that she was caught off guard. She could only look at the face that was close at hand after taking off the mask.

What kind of face is that?

Even Han Fei looked in a daze.

It was a very beautiful face, with picturesque eyebrows, thin lips and white skin, long and narrow phoenix eyes inlaid with deep black eyeballs, the whole face was so white that it was almost transparent, such white on the left forehead The blood-red totem formed a sharp contrast.

It was a scarlet totem, like a flying flower, a bit like a mandala, winding around the temple, approaching the corner of the eye, occupying a small area, making the beautiful face a little bit tight. Evil spirit comes from the heart, and this face would be extremely uncomfortable if normal people saw it.

Qin Huang was already furious and couldn't jump out a word.

People who were close by saw the face of King Qin exclaimed so loudly, some were even startled, and more and more people started discussing.

Han Fei slowly recovered from Qin Che's appearance, subconsciously, many pictures flashed in his mind.

[...I want to have peace in the world, the hope of the common people cannot be lost, my life and death are not important...]

【If your majesty aspires to the common people, then I will depend on life and death. 】


[I...I would like to swear an oath here, for generations to come, reincarnation, will surely take the oath of this life, pursue...]

Han Fei’s head hurt as if it exploded. Among the countless memory fragments, she seemed to remember something, and she didn’t seem to remember anything. She wanted to grasp the key, but her head was so painful that she was about to burst. .

Han Fei's soul body began to loosen up a bit. She knelt on the ground, clinging to her head firmly, and let out an anguish cry, wishing to roll on the ground, the sound of the system's exclamation in her ears was vaguely heard, tinnitus Sum up everything.

Everything in front of her eyes seemed to be full of movements. Her eyes were fixed on Qin Che's face, and the totem on that face pierced her eyes. In the memory of who it is and who has been pestering her, Come to think of it, very important! Very important!

Han Fei lay on the ground with pain, but saw the angry face of Emperor Qin on the stage. She could not hear what the Emperor Qin said, nor could she hear what the male **** said with his mouth open, let alone what the bald donkey said in shock. In her sight, they were the only ones performing a silent drama. Then she saw Qin Huang wave his hand and countless soldiers came up, seeming to want to catch Qin Che.

No, no, don't catch him...

Han Fei lay on the ground, stretched out her hand, trying to crawl over and climb to Qin Che's body, but her head hurts too much, her body is weak, and even her soul is twitching. If she can hear the call of the system , Will understand.

"Host, host! Don't think about it! Those memories are too huge! The host can't receive! It will be lost! Host! Stop meditation! You will die!!!"

However, Taobao's voice couldn't even reach Han Fei's ears.

Her eye sockets were moist and widened, and she approached Qin Che a little bit. She couldn't see Qin Huang's vicious eyes or Taiming's joyful eyes. She only looked at Qin Che, kowtow, her white face. On, the position of the forehead is red.

He seemed to be praying for the Emperor Qin.

He is praying...'

No, don’t ask him, don’t ask anyone!

No, she forbids him to kneel down and pray for others!

The guards with knives who looked like executioners had already approached, and they stretched out their hands, trying to violently pull Qin Che up and take him away.

Han Fei's pupils shrank suddenly, and the whites of her eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. The pupils induced **** patterns, glamorous and complex patterns, and that pattern was surprisingly consistent with the totem on Qin Che's face.

With a coquettish light, surging.

Just when those dirty hands were about to touch Qin Che, Han Fei's mind suddenly went blank, and the tight string was suddenly broken. She opened her mouth and roared like a beast. .


"Don't touch her!"

"I said, don't touch him!

In an instant, the heavens and the earth changed, a thunder blast exploded, and the whole roof and the earth shook.

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