Han Fei was stunned suddenly.

She understood what the male **** said.

She tried her best to avoid this, and she also pretended not to know anything and avoided talking about it.

But the male **** knows.

After a long silence, Qin Che smiled softly and said, "Are you afraid?"

Han Fei said dumbly: "Don't say such things."

Qin Che's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something. Han Fei adjusted her mood, no matter what manners and shame, she just stepped forward and grabbed the hand of the male god. He started to feel cold and formed with her fiery heat. In sharp contrast, Han Fei was shaken by the cold, but still did not let go.

Qin Che raised his eyes to look at her.

Han Fei took a deep breath and said stubbornly: "Master, it is not you, but the world that is wrong."

The atmosphere stood still.

Han Fei's face blushed, and she had no choice but to go on with such hypocritical words.

"Lord, you are not disgusting at all, and I will not hate you. I hate that person even more. If... if the lord’s world is dirty, then I will try to help you clean it, bit by bit, Therefore, the person who is afraid is not me, but you, the prince. I hope that the prince will not be afraid of this world. After all..."

Han Fei's voice became smaller and smaller, and she said with great difficulty, "There is still me in this world."

With these words, Han Fei's heartbeat also accelerated. This was already a confession of an alternative turning point. Although it was not the first time to confess to a male god, she was still nervous.

At the next moment, Han Fei's hand was suddenly held back, as if it was tightly wrapped in an ice cube. Han Fei raised her head and slammed into Qin Che's eyes like an abyss.

He said: "Okay."

Han Fei tilted her head, a little puzzled as to how the male **** answered a good word. Before she could post, her wrist was pulled in, and a force of force dragged her forward. Han Fei was caught off guard and ran straight forward.

And ahead, Qin Che's cold face.

She rushed into his arms, and a cold air puffed her nose, making Han Fei's nose hurt.

But his breath was full of his breath, and her heartbeat was so fast.

"Go to sleep."

Qin Che's faint voice came over his head. Soon, Han Fei let him hug him and lay on the hay. Han Fei struggled a little, raised his head, only to see his white chin, he couldn't help saying: "Master, this, this..."


Han Fei twitched and said, "Well, it's not so good, alone..."

Qin Che curled his lips and said, "I won't let you be a widow."

Han Fei listened, and it took a long time to understand the meaning of the words. Two blushes floated up, and she grinned with joy, showing her big white teeth. Without thinking about it, she opened her mouth and bit him. Chin.

Qin Che gasped, frowned, and said, "Are you a dog?"

Han Fei let go, smash it, smash it, and feel embarrassed and stunned, and said with her throat: "Lord, the slave family is asking for something in return. Isn't the lord allowed?"

Qin Che was a little bit dumbfounded, and said directly: "Go to sleep."

After speaking, he closed his eyes.

Han Fei grabbed him and didn't know if he was sleeping or not, or whether he was asleep or not. Only the warm fire light was shining in the whole cave. The cold wind came in and brought chills, Han Fei turned After a moment of action, he blocked the air vent with his back.


Since waking up, Han Fei hasn’t felt cold, her body is warm, and it’s still a very magical feeling. If she wants to describe it, she feels like there is a stove in her body, which is burning all the time. Don't feel cold.

Could it be that this is why the male **** wants to hold her?

To keep warm?

The more I thought about it, the more likely it was, Han Fei's mood suddenly became extremely depressed, and she lost all her charming thoughts, and she even wanted to take another bite.

Thinking about it, Han Fei also closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When Han Fei's breathing slowly eased, Qin Che opened his eyes and looked at Han Fei calmly, propped up with one hand, from top to bottom.

Han Fei, in his sleep, smashed his mouth, noticed that the ice cube was far away, and moved herself closer, muttering in her mouth: "Master...Don't go...I'm warm...No It's cold...not cold..."

Han Fei, with a ruddy complexion, even had a few strands of silver hanging on the corner of her mouth, apparently sleeping extremely deep.

Like a child.

Qin Che's hand slowly stretched towards her face. When her cool nails touched Han Fei's hot cheeks, he paused, as if his soul was burned.

In an instant, his eyes deepened, and a few strands of madness and stubbornness rolled.

A trace of scarlet shining from his pupils.

After a while, he seemed to calm down his madness slowly, straightened up, buried Han Fei's face in his arm, and then faintly said to the outside: "Come in."

The branches were opened, and several figures flashed in. They knelt on the ground and said in a low voice: "Knock to the master. The slave is too late, please punish the master."

The person who came is amazingly Zero Three and Hayate.

Qin Che hummed and said, "Where are the rest."

Zero Three respectfully said: "All have been evacuated from the imperial city. All the shadow guards have been recalled urgently, and they will all be assembled soon."

Qin Che lowered his head, as if thinking about something, his fingers touched Han Fei Yuanyuan’s face once and again, making Han Fei annoyed in his sleep, but he slept too hard. wake up.

Qin Che hooked his mouth silently.

The fingers are even more presumptuous.

Frankly speaking, it feels very good, soft and warm.

In this world, only Qin Che has such a treatment.

Zero San and Haifeng who were kneeling on the ground: "..."

Lord! They are still there! Is it really okay to flirt so openly! Although the whole world now knows that you and Girl Han are destined, but at any rate they are also a pair of desperate mandarin ducks! Can you see the occasion! You are both wanted criminals worth ten thousand taels!

What's more...they are still single!

Of course, the two of them only dared to say these words in their hearts. They didn't dare to speak at all, let alone speak, they didn't even dare to glance at them.

Didn't you see that the prince turned girl Han's face on purpose? This is clearly possessive!

The best way to obey a possessive master is to read less and talk less, just wait for the order to be issued.

Qin Che seemed to have had enough, withdraw his hand, and said, "How about the imperial city."

Haifeng said solemnly: "The Emperor Qin issued an arrest warrant, and the prince and girl Han were among them. Han Mansion was trapped and Han Shangqing was ordered to enter the palace."

Qin Che curled his lips mockingly and said: "Arrest warrant..."

Qin Che seemed to think of something disgusting, his face turned blue, and the mask could not stop the fierce aura from emanating from him.

The sleeping Han Fei shrank subconsciously, followed his instinct to avoid danger and dodged a little bit before being dragged back by Qin Che.

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