This scene, apart from the fact that the two of them are wanted criminals, must be very warm.

Zero Sanhe Hayate buried her head lower, and her heart was extremely complicated.

Girl Han must be the first to dare to approach the furious master like this.

But...Ms. Han is indeed the one who deserves to be left behind by the master abandoning everything in the imperial city. They have heard of everything that happened on the rooftop. While shocked by the changes in the world, they sighed that Ms. Han was really extraordinary.

The prince was taken away in full view, Qin Huang's expression was as bad as the bottom of a pot! In fact, a few of them, as the prince’s subordinates, although they understand that some things should not be said or should not be thought of, they can't wait to shout and do a good job!

In a place like the imperial city, they have been suffocated a long time ago, and they can't leave their feet behind for nothing. The dragon will not see the head. Although such a day is exciting, it is also numb. Only after leaving the feet of the emperor in the imperial city can the master spread his hands and feet. My plan is perfected step by step.

I have to say that girl Han is really the master's fat lucky star!

When the two were wandering around, Qin Che said, "You follow behind, don't show up."

After hearing this, Haifeng was surprised, and couldn't help saying: "Master, then you..."

The words behind Hayate can be said to be rebellious, but everyone present understands what he hasn't finished.

Frankly speaking, the prince’s inability to walk is the biggest weakness. If they don’t show up, is it possible that the master and Girl Han are planning to stay in this ghost place for a long time?

Qin Che curled his lips and said, "She can do it."

He always couldn't help but tentatively test the secret she was carrying.

The two looked at each other and couldn't say anything, so they had to obey the order.

One night passed, and dawn came.

When Han Fei woke up, she found that she was holding the male god, her hands and feet were directly on top of her, her sleeping posture was so bold, no, she was eating tofu!

Han Fei pulled the male **** and closed his eyes, did not wake up, quietly retracted her hands and feet, then got up, stretched her body, and was full. She was full of energy, and saw that the male **** had not When I woke up, I thought about getting something to eat.

He peeled off the branches and went out. The mountains in the early morning were terribly cold. Han Fei could feel the cold wind blowing on his face, but fortunately, the body was not warm, so he went to wash the rustle, and poked while there was no one on his left. Poke Taobao.

"Taobao, what should I do now? The male god’s legs can’t walk, and there is still a bit of distance from the next town. Will you really have to carry it on this road? Although I’m fine, I always feel... male god’s Self-esteem will be hurt, after all, male gods don’t seem to be suitable for relying on people."

Han Fei had to start worrying about this issue. After all, this Araki Prefecture was not a place to stay for a long time. They had to go to the town as soon as possible. Only when she got there she had some way.

What's more, she couldn't bear to be wronged by the prince in this ghost place!

Han Fei, who was completely immersed in the state of'old mother', had never thought that Qin Che, who was stared at by the Queen Qing in a dirty place like the palace, could still live well and this is enough to show this person. It's not a little sheep that needs protection at all.

The only person in the world who regards Qin Che as a sheep is Han Fei. He does not know how to treat a wolf as a sheep. It is not surprising that one day he will be eaten up and wiped out.

"Host, there is something in the system that is suitable for you, but the price is a bit high, and the service life is not long."

Han Fei's eyes lit up and then dimmed. Once Taobao said that the price is a bit high, it means it must not be low! In short, she can't afford it now!


"Universal wheelchair!"

"How many stars do you want?"

"Ahem, this...Three thousand..."

Han Fei directly exploded, "Why don't you rob!"

She counted, and she now has less than two hundred stars left! Can't even afford a wheel!

"Ahem, don't do that for the host, since the host's behavior is for the male god, then the system can have a discount! Only 185 stars are enough!"

The corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched. This number happened to be all the stars she had left. Isn't this broken system worrying about her account all the time, right?

But under the eaves, people had to bow their heads and gritted their teeth and said: "Then quickly change my wheelchair to come over!"

"Host robbery! You want a universal wheelchair for 185 star coins! This star coin can only buy the simplest version of the wheelchair manufacturing manual!"

Han Fei persuades him: "I am for the male god! For the male god! Do you think the male god's pride is damaged?"

"Hmph, it is only natural for the host to help the male god! And it's better to rely on your own efforts!"

Han Fei angrily said, "Broken the system, what's the use for you!"

"Since you think I'm useless, then I won't tell you that the favorability of the male **** has risen to 20% last night. The first stage of favorability has been successfully completed, but the reward has gone wrong and has not been issued yet. Come down."

Han Fei grinned and said, "Oh, this way, I know."


Damn it! Sure enough, it stayed with the host for a long time and its brain became stupid!

Han Fei ignored the depression of the system. She was very happy to hear that the male god's favorability had risen to 20%. Sure enough, the male **** still cared about her. As for the 20%? Han Fei didn't worry at all, it was just a matter of time. It's a bit difficult to make a wheelchair by yourself.

Qin Che in the cave waited and waited, but didn't wait until the fool came back, frowned, and decided to wait patiently for a while.

Sure enough, as it was approaching noon, the embarrassed Han Fei finally returned, still dragging a strange thing in her hand.

If I insist on describing that thing... well, it looks like a tattered one.

Han Fei swears, this is really the best she can do! For this reason, her hands are already scarred!

Seeing the male **** looking at her, Han Fei grinned and said, "Master, you wake up, I'll make it early! I can only eat wild vegetables. When we get to the city, we will find something delicious! "

Qin Che frowned and said, "What did you do?"

Han Fei immediately took out the things in his hand like a treasure. It was made by a piece of wooden sticks and twigs and canes, and there was no obvious effect at all.

In fact, after Han Fei made it, he couldn't accept it. It sounds like it is a wheelchair, but it is not at all!

"I did it, but I still need to give you a needle before going to the foot, Lord, it may be very painful."

Qin Che nodded and said, "Yes."

Han Fei took a breath, walked over, and took out her needle pack, but before she could withdraw the needle, Qin Che grabbed her hand.

An angry voice rang above his head, "Are you doing this to make this thing?!"

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