And Han Fei's name penetrated everyone's heart. No one will forget that all of this was given by the mysterious woman wearing a mask, and everything here is also given by her. Gradually, I don’t know who it is, and a name is given, and that is the saint. .

The name of this thousand years ago was mentioned again, and it was once again given to Han Fei.

Yuzhou City, whose population has expanded, quickly changed its appearance, and all walks of life have come back to life. As for the mistakes of Hongyuan and the troops of Sting Dragon, they were handed over to Nan and his bone army. We, Han Fei did not intervene too much, she had always played against people she trusted completely, and Puppet Nan did not disappoint her either.

The number of people included is quite large, and it is logically difficult to manage so many people, but when Pup Nan was subdued, even Boss Hao couldn’t help but ran to take a look. The expression of constipation on his face came back, which attracted Han Fei's great interest.

It turns out that Pup Nan’s method is very simple, that is, fight, whoever resists, fight in a group fight if one fails, group fights without a face, until the other party is beaten on the ground, and fight in front of everyone. The appearance of the blue nose and swollen face made everyone a little scared, after all, it was a real beating! It is the most primitive way!

But this method is also the most effective!

Needless to say, Hong Yuan’s troops are a group of soft-footed shrimps. After fighting a few people, they are very obedient. After all, they are all third-rate soldiers, but the soldiers under the stabbing dragon have some hard bones, but these hard bones are rare by Qiu Qingshu. Now, the most powerful ones have high requirements for the strength of individual soldiers, so after seeing these good seedlings, their hands are even more itchy.

Therefore, these people, in addition to being unilaterally beaten by Puppet Nan, have to endure the beating of Qiu Longjun. This beating is terrible. Who are Qiu Longjun? Is it fun to be able to step on Pup Nan to become the most powerful army and the first army of the Ninth Army?

Even Puppet Nan feels a little distressed about those hard bones. He was beaten with only one breath, or he was beaten to death with his fists. If they hadn't had the best doctor here, there would be no shortage of doctors. Was killed!

But again, it was very bleak. He was beaten half to death, saved, and beaten again. Who would suffer after such a few rounds? No matter how hard the bones are, they are soft, let alone other people?

Therefore, so many prisoners have been beaten to obedience.

The people of Qiu Longjun felt it was a pity that they were obedient so soon. They haven't beaten people like this for a long time these days, so refreshing!

The gossip was far off, but on the day of the auction, it attracted a lot of people. Even Han Fei was a little surprised. She thought it was just some interested people who would come, but she didn't expect so many.

It is true that Han Fei has underestimated what Yuzhou City has done these days. Now there are countless pairs of eyes staring at them outside, so they all rushed to spy on them whenever they had a chance.

This also opened up the true face of Yuzhou City, which was completely opposite to the broken image in the past.

What is more alarming is that these people who are on both sides of the road, patrolling from time to time, and people with vision can naturally see that these people are not ordinary guards, but real troops! This synchronization rate, this tacit understanding, this mental outlook, that are all leveraged!

Especially the look in your eyes will make you tremble at the first glance!

Oh, based on this, there is a trivial matter. Han Fei inadvertently discovered that Qiu Longjun’s eyes are very sharp, and it can deter the enemy at a glance. For this reason, she ordered everyone to learn from Qiu Longjun, how to issue the sharpest Look!

Because it was Han Fei’s order, everyone had enough energy to learn from Qiu Longjun. Now, everyone’s eyes are fierce. Since then, the momentum has risen a lot. For example, now, raw I stunned these people, still yelling in my heart, what kind of bunny is this!

This is clearly the army!

It's the army! !

Still a superb army!

Look at the eyes of these soldiers! That's only for elite soldiers! What does this mean! ? This means that all the soldiers here are good soldiers! What a terrible existence that would be! No wonder the thorn dragon will be defeated! Definitely underestimate the enemy!

Why should such a powerful group choose Yuzhou City? Is there a big move?

For a while, all the people who came to participate were exploded in their hearts, and all kinds of news spread back to the forces behind them, and the conclusions reached, without exception, should not be underestimated in this Yuzhou city!

If not necessary, don't be an enemy! You can even turn enemies into friends!

Han Fei never expected that she was just on a whim to let everyone practice their eyesight so that she avoided too much trouble and directly achieved the goal!

This can be said to be a surprise.

The venue of the auction was a semi-open house designed by Han Fei temporarily and Mang Ye had been completely used by Han Fei as an ‘architect engineer’, and he even felt very honored.

Soon, the entire conference hall was full, almost everyone who could come to participate, but ordinary people were very few, they were all personnel sent by some families, some of them were forces in nearby towns, and they met familiar faces. Looking at each other and smiling, the purpose of coming here is very simple, that is, to find out the foundation of Yuzhou City.

Soon, someone stood in the middle of the round table, a fat man.

That's right, Liu Sanpao.

Liu Sanpao, who had made great contributions, was rescued again and became a lively pistachio, and he was very enthusiastic about hosting the meeting.

"Dear princes and ladies, welcome to come, on behalf of all the people of Yuzhou City, I welcome you!"

Everyone applauded for face.

The fat man was not guilty at all, and said: "I won't talk too much nonsense, let us enter the subject now, and the first auction item is here!"

Mu Miaomiao came up with something with a red hijab in his hand, but many people were surprised at Mu Miaomiao's delicate appearance and paid attention.


Mu Miaomiao lifted the red head of the item, and the fat man spoke.

"The first collection is..."

Before the fat man's words were spoken, there was a sound of fighting outside.

"Who! I want to fight against our opponents! I'm afraid I've eaten a bear heart and leopard's courage! Do you know our identity!"

Sitting on the high platform, Han Fei, who had been watching the auction, frowned deeply and said in a low voice, "Go and see what happened."

Puppet Nan immediately disappeared in place.

Boss Hao stood beside Han Fei and frowned, as if seeing a familiar face, he was startled and said, "It's them?!"

Han Fei turned back, "What?"

"Ling Hades!"

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