The people who came to clamor were several young people with arrogant expressions. The clothes they wore were all made of good materials, and the expressions between the brows and eyes were not mentioned. Usually these people have a common term, that is, the children of the family.

Han Fei also hates such people most.

But the name that Boss Hao said seemed a bit arrogant, she decided to ask more cautiously: "Who is from Ling Ming Palace?"

Boss Hao explained: "Very rich, but doing some illegal business."

"such as?"

"Human trafficking."

Han Fei's eyes narrowed, "No wonder there is money. So wicked."

Boss Hao said again, "The people in Ling Hades have always been arrogant. Their methods have always been fierce. They claim in private that there is nothing they can’t ask, and their reputation has always been poor, but they shouldn’t be so arrogant recently. It’s the right thing to do. The old palace lord of Ling Ming Palace has just passed away, but the person who takes over as the palace lord is not the old palace lord’s son, but a young man who is not outstanding."

Han Fei listened with interest to Boss Hao’s gossip. Puppet Nan has already dealt with the gossip, and the noise has also been suppressed. I think Puppet Nan has handled it, and the auction is proceeding in an orderly manner, so Han Fei is very Energetic asked: "Young man? What young man?"

"Pang Weixin."

Han Fei was slightly surprised, and said, "Next?"

"Well, a strange surname, but this young man shouldn't be underestimated. The person who is able to manage the entire Ling Hades is not an ordinary person. He is very powerful and very capable."

Having said that, Han Fei had a question, "Why do you seem to know it well?"

Boss Hao knows too well, right? These secrets are just like a few treasures.

Boss Hao was suddenly asked, his face flashed unnaturally, he coughed twice, and said, "Ling Ming Palace is very powerful and has good financial resources, so... the people in my family wanted me to marry him. "

Han Fei's eyes widened, and said, "Marriage??"

Boss Hao nodded and said: "Yes, this kind of trick is very common in aristocratic families. At that time, I didn't have the power to resist, but the young palace lord of Lingming Palace did not ascend to the throne as scheduled and was robbed of the position by Pang Weixin, so this marriage It's nothing more."

"That's it."

Boss Hao frowned and said, "The location of Ling Ming Palace is indeed very close to here. I didn't expect that they would also come to Yuzhou City."

Han Fei yawned and glanced at the fat man who was drooling on the round stage. She spoke bluntly and successfully drove the atmosphere, and said, "That's very simple, just just ask."

After all, Han Fei got up and left the stand with the best view. She didn't know that after she left, many eyes followed.

Han Fei and Boss Hao walked outside, and as expected, Puppet Nan had already successfully squeezed everyone down, and they were all **** and squatted on the ground honestly.

Han Fei walked over and said, "What happened?"

Pup Nan highlighted two words: "Noisy."

Han Fei laughed out loud.

It turned out that even if they were tied up, this group of people still babbled and talked non-stop, which is the most noisy.

Han Fei stepped forward, looked at these tied people, and said, "Who are you?"

Seeing a woman with a mask walking over and asking about their identities so unceremoniously, these young and energetic boys couldn't help it.

"We are from the Ling Hades! If you know each other, let us go! Knocking our heads and admitting our mistakes!"

"That's right! Otherwise, our Ling Hades will definitely find you to settle the account!"

"Let us go! Otherwise you are dead!"

Han Fei was not at all angry at these words, and even wanted to laugh a little, and said, "Do you think I am afraid?"

The lads were taken aback.

"I'm not even afraid of the army, can you still be better than an army?"

The idiot knows the answer to this question!

What force can be compared to an army!

How did they forget that Yuzhou City is no longer the original rural place, now a group of people are stationed here, and even captured Hong Yuan and the stabbing dragon! These people are not afraid of death! Their clamor just now was completely wasted!

Han Fei saw a look of horror on their faces, and sighed inwardly. As expected, they were still a group of children who had not grown up.

At this time, Boss Hao slowly walked over. These people may not know who the masked Han Fei is, but they will never admit Boss Hao wrong.

That was the first female head of the Hao family in a century!

Still a beauty with coexistence of style and talent!

Ling Mingfu and the Hao family had always been related by marriage, and Hao Mei had almost made a marriage contract with their young palace owner, so how could they have not seen Boss Hao?

It's just that when they saw the legendary female Patriarch in this tattered place, they still felt that the world was crazy.

How come the dignified Hao family, a woman who claims to have half of the mainland's money, appeared in this place? !

No wonder! No wonder Yuzhou City can develop in an instant! No wonder those extremely precious collections can be taken out! No wonder the transformation here was completed in no time! No wonder those rare machine guns appear!

Damn it, there is a rich man here! ! !

With such a rich man, can Yuzhou City still not be able to accomplish what he wants to do? Compared with the Hao family, these talents are from the countryside! The real hillbilly!

Han Fei was a little surprised, how come these originally arrogant young people were so obedient and obedient when they saw Boss Hao?

"Xiao Meimei, do they know you?"

For Han Fei's name as a horrible person who came so suddenly, Boss Hao directly shook his body, losing all the goose bumps.

Boss Hao resisted his shivering for a long time, and said modestly: "Probably I saw him at a business association. But I don't recognize them."

nonsense! They are all accompanying guests at the business association! You are the female head of the Hao family!

Han Fei knew it, and said, "Since you recognize Xiao Meimei, it would be better. Let's talk, what are you doing here?"

These people seem to be scared when they look like dishes.

"I, we just follow orders, we don't know anything!"

"Yes, we don't know anything!"

Seeing that they were still stiff, Han Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Puppet Nan."

Pup Nan stepped out and said, "Subordinates are here."

Han Fei pointed at them and said, "Bury them for me alive. Remember to bury them a little deeper, so as not to get dirty eyes."


The lads panicked immediately and said, "No! You can't do this! We are from Ling Hades! You can't do this to us!"

Boss Hao took a step forward and said: "I think, I write a letter, Ling Mingfu must not be too careless."

"I said, we all said!"

"Palace Young Master called us! Let us come here to make trouble! As long as you report the name of Ling Hades, there will be no problem!"

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