And here, there is no Jin Ji.

There are no other ghosts.

Obviously such a huge number of ghosts have come in, but they can't find one.

Han Fei restrained his trembling voice and shouted a few words.

"Jinji! Where are you Jinji?"

Quietly, there is no response.

Han Fei closed her eyes fiercely, despair in her heart, Jin Ji was afraid that something was wrong.

If possible, Han Fei does not want Jin Ji to have an accident at all. It is a kind ghost. During the time when she lost her body, if it were not for Jin Ji, she would never have such an easy life. This is her first Ghost friend.

But, now, Han Fei can't even save his friends.

An anger surged, Han Fei shouted at the void pool: "What are you?! Where did you hide them all!"

There was only a ticking sound in the quiet pool.

"I don't know what you are, but you come out for me! Come out!"

However, no matter what Han Fei said, he still couldn't get half a response.

Han Fei sneered and began to take things from her arms.

That is firecrackers.

It was the little **** from the palace next door who threw it on her and tried to scare her, but was frightened back by Han Fei. The little **** cried and threw down the firecrackers and left, while Han Fei put the firecrackers on him easily.

Now it comes in handy.

Han Fei was carrying firecrackers in his hand and a match in his other hand. After lighting the firecrackers, he threw them towards the vicinity of the pool. Suddenly, a crackling sound exploded, and the entire dark space was illuminated by the firecrackers. Up.

The originally calm pool began to gurgle bubbles, as if panicking something, even the pool water rippled in circles.

The sneer at the corner of Han Fei's mouth deepened. As long as there is something scared of this thing, she has always liked to threaten others.

"Are you still coming out?! If you don't come out, I will blow up this place completely! I have firecrackers!"

"Guru Guru' sounded louder, as if responding to her, Han Fei even heard the grunt sound with warning.

Sure enough, does this thing possess human consciousness?

This is easier.

"If you don't believe it, we can try it!"

After all, Han Fei took out another wave of firecrackers. This time the pool couldn't continue to pretend to be dead. Soon, a huge face appeared in the middle of the water.

No, it can't be said to be a face anymore, but a face without facial features, with empty eyes, nose and mouth, only the shape of a face. Normal people will definitely be scared to death when they see it.

Han Fei stared at that face, all the danger and sense of violation came from there.

"Is that you? Something that has always been here."

"You... interrupted me."

"Yes, you are the one who disturbs! What have you done to my friend?!"

"You disturb me, disturb me, disturb me."

The weird face kept repeating these words, and Han Fei's ears started to hurt.

Then there was another huge gurgling sound, which solidified from the pool water into a huge palm, and came directly towards Han Fei, as if trying to pinch her.

When Han Fei's pupils shrank and her body tightened, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid it, that huge hand stopped in the air.

"Wang, the breath of the king..."


"It's the king..."

The faces of the people in the pool seemed to be distorted, their voices changed.

Han Fei frowned, what king? Still yellow? What is this face saying?

"No, no, not the king..."

"It's the king...not the king..."

Human faces gradually emerged from the water and stood up little by little.

It was like a huge facial makeup floating on the water, and I felt my scalp numb at a glance.

Han Fei stood there, staring sharply at the face, but didn't quite understand what the ‘king’ in his mouth meant.

"who are you."

Han Fei raised her eyebrows and said, "I still want to ask who you are."

"I am the prophet of the devil."



What does this have to do with the devil?

Han Fei temporarily put this doubt aside, and said, "What happened to those ghosts?"

The face was silent for a few minutes, and Han Fei's heart sank.

"Naturally, it turns into demon fodder."

"There is no possibility of recovery?!"


The face is decisive, with your attitude.

Without saying a word, Han Fei immediately grabbed another firecracker as it was about to be lit, her face twisted, and her voice trembled, "Wait!!!"

Han Fei sneered and said, "Have you thought about it? Is it possible."

The human face almost says “Yes.”

"Release my friend."

"Only one is allowed."

"it is good."

Moreover, Han Fei also knew that she was powerless, so she could only say sorry in the bottom of her heart.

"which one."

Han Fei said silently: "Which one is the biggest."

The face seemed to be looking for something.

After a while, there was another gurgling voice. He remembered that a human figure was created from the green to black pool water. Jin Ji was dragged out and thrown at Han Fei's feet.

Han Fei hurriedly shouted; "Jinji! Jinji, wake up!"

But no matter how she called, Jin Ji was still in a coma. She suddenly raised her head and said, "What have you done to her?!"

"It's just a temporary coma. I haven't digested it yet. Don't worry."

"Better like you said."

Han Fei checked that Jin Ji's soul body was not damaged, and barely believed the attitude of this face.

Randomly, Han Fei remembered the situation of Xiaobai just now, and said, "What did that person do with you before?"

"The contract is a secret and cannot be disclosed."

"You are not a leak, you can disclose a little bit."


Han Fei changed his question, "Then what should I do if I want to make a deal with you?"


"What can't it?"

"Don't make a deal with you."


"Your breath is not there, there is nothing I want."

"Didn't you just say that I have a king's breath?"

"I felt wrong."


These days, even such a demon has opened his eyes and talked nonsense?

"You can't have the breath of the king."

"What is the king?"

"Our demon king."

"Who is the devil?"

"Don't tell."

Okay, this person has a dense face.

"Why don't you want to disclose a little bit? Maybe we will be good trading partners."

The face was silent for a moment.

"I want you."


"I feel a lot of tonic for your body."

Han Fei:...

Now even the demon feels the benefits of her precious ginseng body?

Han Fei took a defensive look at it, and said, "No!"

"The transaction cannot proceed."

Han Fei was annoyed and said, "Then I will blow you up with a bunch of firecrackers!"

The face shrank.

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