The heart of the human face is broken. It has lived for so long and has been feared by so many people. Now it is threatened by a human fat woman! ! !

What the **** is that bunch of red things! ! Is it so powerful? !

Seeing that it didn't answer, Han Fei immediately took out a match and acted as if he was about to light firecrackers, and his face made a sound.

"Wait! You, don't be impulsive!"

Han Fei said calmly: "I have always been an impulsive person. I will give you the last chance to tell me what to do when trading?"

The face became a little embarrassed and turned into anger, and said: "You don't accept what you say! It is clear that as long as you return your friend to you, you will not do it!"

Han Fei said in a very calm tone: "Don't you know?"


"Humans are a cunning creature."


"I have taught you this lesson, no thanks."

"Despicable human!"

"Glad you know this."

The face seemed a bit angry, but it was indeed very afraid of what Han Fei was holding, so he dared not speak.

"How do I know you won't threaten me with this stuff after I tell you?"

"Yes, I don't know either."

Han Fei laughed and said, "But I know, if you don't tell me now, I can blow up here."

After a while, the face conceded.

"He made a deal with me in exchange for the awakening of a human, and the price paid was that he became a half-devil."

Han Fei's hands trembled, and she almost got rid of the firecrackers in her hand.

Half devil? !

Why did Xiaobai make such a deal? !

No, wait!

"You are lying to me."

The face was obviously taken aback.

"what did you say?"

Han Fei looked at it and said word by word: "You are lying to me, if Xiao Bai really becomes a half-devil, it won't be like this."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you can control."

The face was silent. It didn't expect this fat woman to be so smart, and it suddenly penetrated its intentions.

Seeing its silence, Han Fei also understood that her guess was correct. She sneered and said: "I didn't expect that your learning ability is so strong, you learned the cunning of humans all at once."

"I'm not wrong, you can't believe it."

When Han Fei was about to say something, suddenly there was a burst of crazy crying in her mind, and the cry was even more familiar, it was a baby!

It was the cry of the little princess.

"Mother! Mother! Help me! Mother! Mother! Wow!"

There was another cry that was so intense that it was tinnitus.

As if tortured.

Han Fei's heart squatted, and she was instantly flustered, but even if she could not respond to the baby in her consciousness, this kind of strong cry was the first time the little princess made her, and Han Fei couldn't wait to fly back immediately.

What happened to the baby? !

"Mother, mother, save me, save me..."

As soon as Han Fei gritted her teeth, she escaped from a porcelain bottle in her arms and spilled it on her hand. It was something that Master Yin Fei gave her. It could touch the ghost. After she applied it on the palm of her hand, she grabbed Jin Ji on the ground. Fortunately Ghosts have no weight, otherwise Han Fei would really not be able to hold Jin Ji.

This place can't stay!

Han Fei dropped the cruel words: "Next time, I will come to you again!"

After all, Han Fei dragged Jin Ji and hurriedly left this weird place, until after they left, the face hi did not return to the pool water, but muttered to herself.

"Why do I feel the breath of that one..."

"This is not right. It is clear that the one has fallen and was cast out of the demon. Shouldn't he appear again?"

"Wang, where are you..."

The voice went away a little bit, and finally the whole face was submerged in the pool water.

And after Han Fei put Jin Ji in a dark place, she desperately rushed to the bedroom, she almost flew past without touching the ground, her figure was so fast that she patrolled The guard with a knife only felt a gust of wind blowing, and saw no shadow.

Han Fei flew directly to the bedroom. Before entering, he heard the wailing and the sound of breaking things. Anxious court ladies and eunuchs gathered outside, but no one dared to break in. Because the master inside said, no one is allowed to enter!

But what happened to such a painful scream! If something happened to the one inside, they would definitely be put to death!

However, if you violate the order and rush in, it is easy to die!

What a dilemma!

"Oh, what can I do!"

"Send someone to inform the emperor?"

"Someone has already been sent, but today is fifteen. The emperor is going to listen to the training. He won't come out until the time is up. What can I do!"

"What else can we do, or should we break in?"

"You dare?"

"I, I dare not..."

When these **** ladies were discussing, a figure flew in directly from the open window on the other side.

As soon as Han Fei landed, she ran towards the middle. Before she got close, she smelled the smell of medicine permeating the room, and her face changed when she sniffed it carefully.

As soon as I raised my eyes, I saw the original body lying pale on the ground, and holding the bowl of soup in her hand, most of the concoction had been spilled, and the ground was wet, but the corners of her mouth were still The concoction spilled out.

In an instant, Han Fei's eye circles were red, bloodshot to make up for it, and she rushed over, pinched her neck and lifted her up, and said angrily: "What are you doing!!!"

The lifted original body had difficulty breathing, his legs kicked in the air, his eyes half open and half closed looking at Han Fei.

"You, who are you..."

Han Fei's eyes fell on the potion in the original body's hand, even more furious.

"Who allowed you to hurt her!!!"

"This, this is a monster, I, I want to kill her, kill, kill..."

The next moment, Han Fei kicked the bowl open, clasped her hands tightly, and tried her best to restrain her desire to kill. She escaped from the needle bag. Although it was an ordinary silver needle, it was still a finished product. A few needles directly stuck to the acupoints of the original body.

In an instant, a strong desire to vomit came up, the original body couldn't resist at all, and he vomited everything out with a bang.

All the remaining food mixed with the concoction was vomited out, vomiting completely.

Hara lay on the ground, trying hard to swallow the concoction that came up, but she couldn't stop the physical reaction at all.

Han Fei squeezed her wrist and began to check her pulse. Her face suddenly sank, and she said word by word: "You really are so cruel to drink abortion pills?!"

The original body is already weak and breathing is not smooth, but still stubbornly said: "This, this is not a human, it is eating me! It is eating me! I want it to die! Death!"

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