"Who's there?!"

"Get me down!"

"Otherwise don't blame us for being impolite!"

Han Fei slowed down, but jumped down from the tree, and those people were surprised when they saw such a plump woman jump down with such a light posture.

Han Fei showed a kind smile and said, "I'm sorry, did you bother you?"

The woman frowned, looked up and down at Han Fei several times, and said: "Are you eavesdropping on our talk in the tree?!"

In Han Fei's heart, she didn't like the arrogance of this woman, who was like a spoiled eldest lady.

"I have been resting in the tree, and I have no intention of eavesdropping on your speech."

A man stepped forward and said, "What are you doing here? Don't you know this place is dangerous? A good girl came here."

Han Fei paused and said, "I'm here to find someone."

The woman immediately said nervously: "Are you also looking for the legendary spirit?"

Han Fei said in surprise, "What spirit?"

The woman showed a disdainful smile, and said: "You don't look like someone who dares to chase spirits and monsters. If you are interested, leave as soon as possible, lest you lose your life. We won't save you."

Han Fei suddenly lost patience to deal with these people, and said with a faint expression: "I don't need others to save me."

"What a big tone!" The woman replied sarcastically.

Han Fei took a step back and said, "I still don't bother you young heroes."

Having said that, Han Fei turned around and climbed the tree again, which was higher than the hi that was just now. The light movement surprised everyone again, asking herself, they might not be able to climb so quickly!

What's more, she still has such a body shape, but this woman doesn't seem to be cumbersome.

The woman glared fiercely at Han Fei, who was lying on the tree trunk and closed her eyes again, and said, "You better not ask us to save you! Let's go!"

The woman seemed to be the center of such a group of people. She gave an order, but everyone else followed.

Han Fei glanced at them and smiled, but she was fine all the way to dawn.

When the sky was still dark, Han Fei got up, washed by the stream, and washed her feet by the way. The stream still carries a warm current and is not cold, so it feels comfortable to soak. , Especially when Han Fei was on the road continuously, her feet were sore.

"Qin Ge, don't drink it! Look at it!"

As soon as Luo Qinge swallowed the water in her mouth, she turned her head and saw Han Fei on the other end carefully poking her feet. What's more, she was the source of the stream at that end, and she was the end here. , Can imagine, the water she just swallowed...

Doesn’t it happen to be Han Fei’s foot wash!

At the moment, Luo Qinge's face turned pale, and she vomited desperately as soon as she turned around, but she drank all the water in, so she couldn't vomit it out. She even drank a few more mouthfuls just because she was thirsty. ! ! !

Luo Qinge put his hand in and clasped his throat, but couldn't vomit it out. The eyes of the few people around who looked at her were sympathetic.

It's really... too disgusting.

At the moment, an anger rushed directly into his forehead, Luo Qinge did not even think about it, so he drew the sword pinned to his waist and rushed towards Han Fei aggressively.

"I'm going to kill you!!!"

Han Fei, who was poking her feet, felt the sharp blade behind her, but she didn't panic at all, tilted her head dexterously, avoiding the sharp sword that stabbed her.

Luo Qinge became more irritable and began to use the killer move. The anger in her heart made her forget her promise not to kill the weak and innocent at the time, and the hatred in her eyes could hardly punish Han Fei. Eight dollars.

Han Fei was also a little dissatisfied when she saw her reluctantly continuing to attack. She checked the timing and directly stuck the blade with her **** and pressed it firmly.

Luo Qinge was taken aback and said: "You, you can martial arts?!"

Han Fei frowned; "Why should the girl be so aggressive, there must be some misunderstanding?"

Han Fei really couldn't figure out where she had offended such a young lady.

Luo Qinge was even more annoyed when he heard this sentence, and said: "Misunderstanding?! No misunderstanding, I just want to kill you!"

Han Fei turned her head back a little, and took a second glance at the location of the other people who had rushed over. Suddenly she understood everything, with a rare touch of shame on her face, saying: "I'm really sorry, I Didn't notice, cough cough."

Han Fei said that she was also a little embarrassed, she really didn't know, and she couldn't blame her at all, right? But if the girl really drank her foot wash or something, even though the news was living water, it wouldn't be unclean or anything, but her heart was indeed quite responsive, so it's no wonder the girl was so angry.

"I apologize to you, I'm really embarrassed, I can compensate you for that, as long as I can do it."

Han Fei’s words were really sincere, but at this moment Luo Qinge’s eyes had a hint of ridicule, and he kept persuading him, drew out his sword, and slashed at Han Fei more sharply. go with.

Because of some guilty conscience, Han Fei did not take the initiative to attack, but kept avoiding, and tried to explain.

"Girl, it's really a misunderstanding, you calm down first, we have something to say!"

"Who told you a fat lady! Give me my life!"

After hearing no words over and over again and again, and coming up indiscriminately, the clay figurines have a three-point temperament! Han Fei even kicked away the sword in Luo Qin singer.

Luo Qinge looked at his empty hands, his face was full of disbelief, so his sword was kicked away? Was kicked so easily? !

Luo Qinge is not stupid. He recovered a bit of clarity from his anger, took a deep look at Han Fei, and said, "Who are you!"

Han Fei exhaled and said, "You are finally willing to listen to me well."

Luo Qinge clenched his fists and said: "I won't let you go!"

Han Fei was really helpless, and said, "Girl, I apologize, what do you want from me?"

Luo Qinge just wanted to open his mouth and pursued it reluctantly, but a voice came from his companion.

"Look! It's a spirit! It's a spirit!"

"The spirits exist! They exist!"

"Go grab it, don't let it run!!"

Han Fei and Luo Qinge looked at them together, and saw a figure flashed by in the jungle on the opposite side of the stream, and a long tree root was still dragging under their feet.

Luo Qinge smiled, and he couldn't even teach Han Fei anymore, and shouted: "Quick! Let's go after it! Don't let it go!!"

After all, the group of people desperately wanted to rush over, but a figure moved faster than them.

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