They almost only saw a shadow flying by behind them and ran directly in the direction where the spirit disappeared.

Luo Qinge stared at the figure blankly, and it took a long time to realize that the figure was the fat woman's! ! !

"Hurry up! That fat lady has caught up! She is going to take away our spirit!!!"

Luo Qinge shouted desperately while catching up with the fastest speed, but their fastest speed was still not as fast as Han Fei's. When they rushed past, the ghosts and Han Fei disappeared.

Luo Qin stomped his feet straight and said angrily, "Damn it! I was preempted by that fat lady! She will steal our bounty! What can I do! 1"

"How do I feel... that fat lady should not be underestimated."

"I think so too, look at her skill, it's too good to be true, it's completely inconsistent with her body shape!"

"Did you see her speed just now? It's just flying past! I can't see clearly! In a blink of an eye, people are gone! If this is a fat woman, what are we?"

"Which master will it be? After all, the masters have ordinary appearances."

These young knights, you said every word to me, all the meaning in the words was shocked by Han Fei's skill displayed by Xiaoxiao, they weren’t any hairy boys, they wouldn’t even tell this. Does not come out.

But Luo Qinge became even more angry when he saw them like this, and said, "Are you all scared?! So many of us are still afraid of a fat woman?! Isn't it just being laughed to death when we spread it out!"

Luo Qinge's simple activist method just worked.

"Yes, it's just one person, two fists are hard to beat four hands, let's go together, I don't believe it, it's not enough!"

"Yes, right, right, let's go after it, don't distract everyone, let's go together!"

"Go! Go live!"

The enraged people couldn't wait to chase after, but there was a weak voice that was ignored.

"Are we still knights besieging us like this?"

Of course, this voice was ignored.

On the other end, Han Fei, who was chasing the figure closely, frowned fiercely. The figure she had just seen disappeared too fast. She was not sure. Now that she is catching up with the other party, she runs faster. Han Fei had to shout: "Endless!"

The figure running ahead suddenly stopped.

Han Fei also stopped, breathing a little, but her eyes brightened.

"Hentai, is that you?"

Han Fei found her voice trembling a little, she stared straight at the figure in front of her, until the other side turned her head a little bit.

The surprise smile on Han Fei's face froze, as if it was frozen. The next moment, she shouted in anger: "Who made you like this?!"

The anger in the voice could hardly be concealed.

I saw that the familiar face was full of horror at the moment. One side of his face was intact, but the other side was horrible. The scars that seemed to be burned hovered over half of his face. The original face was full of beauty. All the damage was done, but the roots of the trees under his feet were already mutilated, and many places were burnt.

At a glance, you can imagine how painful it is. Those tree roots are endless legs!

The pain he ran so hard just now made half of his face pale and twitched.

But at this moment, endless looking at Han Fei in front of him, he said tentatively: "You, you are..."

Han Fei’s eye circles were red, but she pressed her tightly. She stepped forward, but frightened the endlessness that was like a frightened bird for several steps. Han Fei immediately stopped coming forward, her tone of voice Say softly: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, don't be afraid."

After an endless trembling, he finally found a sense of familiarity in Han Fei's gentle tone. He said in disbelief, "Yes, is it your majesty?"

Han Fei nodded.

In the next moment, Hentai was like a child, cried out with a wow, and ran toward Han Fei desperately, and hugged Han Fei heavily.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's really you! Your Majesty!"

From the sound, you can see how excited the endless mood at this moment.

And when Han Fei watched from a close distance, he directly faced his half burned face. In his mind, he remembered what those people had said, the endless forest was burned in half, and the anger in his heart was It can't dissipate anymore.

"Who made you like this?"

Han Fei asked word by word.

Wu Endless suddenly closed his mouth and stopped talking, but the roots under his feet trembled subconsciously. It was obviously that he had remembered some painful memory.

Han Fei took a deep breath and said, "It's okay, I will treat you first."

After all, Han Fei began to check Hentai. Frankly speaking, she would treat people, but was the first time.

It's just that the endless body has been damaged a lot, almost half of the body has been burned, and the large area makes Han Fei no place to start for a while.

Without thinking about it, Han Fei directly took out the dagger, cut his finger, squeezed out the blood and dripped it onto the endless roots.

In a short time, the endless face twitched, and it turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the half-burned face started to recover a little bit.

Looking at his hands in a dazed manner, the burn marks there are all light.

Seeing that such a simple and rude method is useful, Han Fei felt a little more settled, but she did not squeeze out too much blood. On the one hand, she was afraid that endless could not accept it. After all, ginseng blood was too nourishing. It is really hard to say whether other organisms will be over-nutrient.

Endlessly said: "This, this, so comfortable..."

Han Fei smiled: "You have been wronged."

The endless eyes were also moist, and he said: "Your are back..."

"Yes, I'm back."

"Your Majesty, how did you become like this?"

Han Fei touched her face and smiled bitterly: "It's a long story."

"Your Majesty, you have suffered."

Han Fei shook her head and said, "Hundai, I came to you this time because I have something to ask you."

"what's up?"

Seeing Han Fei's expression very serious, Hentai became serious too.

"Back then...when I was saving my memory, did something else happen?"

The endless expression stiffened for a moment.

Han Fei saw his stiffness almost instantly, and his heart sank. Sure enough, an accident happened back then.

"Tell me, what else happened at that time..."

"Your Majesty, you, you..."

"tell me."

There was endless silence.

Han Fei said word by word.

"Hentai, I order you, tell me."

This was the first time that Han Fei used a commanding tone to Hentai. "

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