Just when Hentai wanted to say something, his pupils shrank and shouted, "Danger!"

Without looking back, Han Fei directly stretched out her hand and caught the dart coming from behind, her face sinking.

Seeing that Han Fei took the darts so easily, those who rushed over were shocked, they became more vigilant towards Han Fei, and even wondered if her back opened her eyes! Otherwise, how could you see so clearly!

She doesn't know if Han Fei has eyes on her back, but she knows that she is feeling very upset at the moment, but it is true. She finally came to the endless forest, just to ask about this matter, now this critical time, endless He spoke, but was interrupted!

How can Han Fei not be angry? !

"This spirit belongs to us! Don't take it away!"

Luo Qinge was still shouting at Han Fei from a far distance, and the group of them finally ran over all the way, just for such a spirit, how could they allow others to **** it away? ! Still such a fat lady who deceives people too much!

The endless shrinking body who was called to be a spirit, seemed to be a little subconsciously afraid. The fire that was set by humans that year burned him into fear.

Han Fei naturally noticed the endless fear, and her heart was even more distressed. The original bad mood was even worse, and her eyes were no longer clear and gentle. The anger in her eyes brought lethality. .

Luo Qinge was the first person to be stared at by Han Fei. She was frightened a few steps by the look in her eyes. She randomly reacted to the fact that her actions were too cowardly, and she returned to her original position, just physically. The posture is already weak.

Han Fei slowly retracted his gaze and said, "What are you guys doing with you."

One of the young men took the courage and said: "We have been chasing the spirit for a long time. This is the prey we are looking for first!"

Han Fei raised her eyebrows and said, "Strange?"

"Yes! It's a spirit! Legend has it that his body is a big tonic, and it can live and die!"

Huh? Isn't this the same as her body now? Han Fei was also full of surprise, why didn't she know before?

Hentai couldn't help it, and said: "I don't have that effect at all! If I can, why don't I heal myself!"

Han Fei agreed. Before she appeared, it was impossible to look at the scorched half of Hentai's body! If he can really live and die, he will heal himself first!

Those people were overwhelmed with words and couldn't find other words, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "I don't care! But if you catch it, the city lord will have a large bounty!"

Han Fei spit out a deep breath, trying to keep herself from getting angry, but the anger in her heart couldn't be suppressed.

Cheating! Is her friend and partner measured by money? !

Han Fei made an amazing move. She took out a large stack of banknotes from her arms and threw them away. The banknotes were flying all over the sky, fascinating everyone's eyes.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and even his heart was hot.

They have never seen so much money!

The amount on the silver ticket is even more crazy!

A lot of money! This is more than a bounty!

Han Fei stood there, her tone sank, and said, "Is the money enough?! If you have enough, just take the money and leave!"

There are many people who want to pick up the money, but they are holding each other down. No one is going to be the first bird, even if the desire is not good, it is probably Luo Qinge who has the least idea. She is really too I hate Han Fei, and hatred has overcome greed.

Luo Qinge roared: "Don't you want to use money to insult us! We will not be insulted by your bad money!"

Everyone: No! We want to be humiliated! Severely humiliated by bad money!

Han Fei sneered and said: "Why, didn't you say you want a bounty? Then I will give it to you, as if I bought it, now you can take the money and go."

Luo Qinge shouted: "We will not compromise! Everyone is ready!"

One of them hesitated and said: "Qin Ge, or just forget it, let's go back, the bounty is not as much here!"

Luo Qinge glared at the man fiercely, his eyes were full of disdain, and said: "Is your brain fooled by money! What about your spirit!"

That person was also so angry, did he get fooled by money if he dared to ask for money? He would go here to catch spirits together for the high bounty. Now he can get it without paying any price. Why does he have to fight for the so-called backbone?

"Miss Luo, your house runs a bank. Naturally, you don't need the money, but my mother is still waiting for me to buy medicine and go back. I won't be with you!"

After all, the man directly bent down, picked up a few silver tickets, and withdrew to the side, fully expressing his attitude.

Luo Qinge yelled in a hurry, "Nonsense!"

These two words immediately stimulated other people. Originally, they were all together. Naturally, they understood that person’s family background and a seriously ill old mother. This time is really not a time to talk about spine, and Luo Qinge As someone who joined the team later, he was completely unclear about this situation.

"Miss Luo is too cruel! We are all laymen, why don't we do it for money? This action, I quit."

After all, another person just picked up the money and returned it.

Next, two people made the same move.

The only people who have not picked up money are Luo Qinge and two other men.

Luo Qinge had already exploded in anger, and his eyes were full of fire.

"You, you traitors! Get out! Get out! I don't need your help!"

Luo Qinge's words completely destroyed their remaining friendship, but she herself didn't know it.

Han Fei watched this scene and said in her heart, stupid.

Luo Qinge turned to look at Han Fei, and said, "You are a tacky woman who uses money to insult people!"

Han Fei didn't feel insulted at all, and said, "Then what do you want to do? If you are still obsessed and want to take away from behind me, um, if you are a stranger, you'd better pass me first."

The two young people who hadn't succumbed to money were a little scared when they heard these words. Han Fei's skills are obvious to all, especially the act of just having an eye on the back directly showed some of their strength. .

Originally, they could bully fewer people with more people, but now, it seems that three people are not enough to fight...

The two young men silently bent down, picked up the remaining silver tickets, and returned to the other side.

This time, only Luo Qinge was left.

Luo Qinge was dumbfounded this time.

"You, you..."

Han Fei said calmly; "Well, do you still want to grab it?"

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