Qin Che lay on the ground, obviously very close to Han Fei, but his current body couldn't cross that distance.

"Han Fei..."

Qin Che's voice was hoarse and dry, and the words he shouted seemed to have been polished by sand.

Of course, Han Fei would not hear his cry.

Qin Che had never experienced such despair. He didn't forget what happened before the coma, but he didn't remember how clearly. He vaguely remembered that he went crazy and did a lot of hurting her.

Qin Che had never hated his identity as a demon so much.

Unable to control himself, the brutality in his body eroded his reason.

It was precisely because of this that he had faded his poison and devilishness at first, but in the end...everything failed.

Looking at Han Fei lying in a pool of blood, Qin Che's eyes were wet for the first time. What did he do!

Qin Che desperately wanted to grab Han Fei's hand, wanted to get close, wanted to pick him up, regardless of his physical weakness, he used his hands to act as legs, and desperately wanted to move to Han Fei's. body.

At this moment, he was in a panic.

Xu Ye's too strong obsession caused his already extremely weak body to explode with strength and climbed to Han Fei's side. He desperately held the unconscious person in his arms, his arms trembled.

"Han Fei, Han Fei, Han Fei! Wake up!"

Of course, no matter how Qin Che shouted, Han Fei did not respond.

Qin Che's hands trembled, and slowly moved closer to Han Fei's nose. After feeling the faint breath, Qin Che's sane reason that was about to collapse was gradually restored.

He tried his best to hug Han Fei and rubbed his cheek against her pale face. At this moment, Qin Che, a demon, had a heart to thank God.

"Han Fei... I'm sorry."

He trembled and repeated it again and again.

After that, Qin Che hurriedly checked Han Fei's body, but was surprised to find that the blood stains were all stuck to the clothes, but Han Fei had no wounds.


How did Han Fei get injured?

If there are no wounds, no injuries, then how could Han Fei be so weak!

Qin Che couldn't think of the reason at all, and he didn't have time to think about it. He barely saved some energy and hugged Han Fei. It was not until he felt the weight in his arms that he later realized that...Han Fei Thin.

Although Qin Che never cared whether Han Fei's appearance was beautiful or ugly, thin or fat, he only cared about Han Fei's soul, so he didn't immediately reflect that Han Fei had changed.

The originally plump face was shrunk, the chin was sharp, the blood-stained clothes were loose, and he was slumped loosely on the body. Under such a hug by Qin Che, one of his shoulders slipped and exposed. White and tender shoulders.

Qin Che suffocated his breath and quickly covered her clothes, for fear of showing a little spring.

It's just that when Qin Che pulled away Han Fei's hair and exposed her entire face, he was a little surprised, because...

This person is a little strange.

That's not Han Fei's original appearance.

If Han Fei was awake at this moment, she would be very happy to see this, because her face at this time was her original appearance.

That is, the real her.

Qin Che just glanced at her face in a hurry, and then withdrew his mind, vaguely felt that Han Fei now seemed more beautiful and more beautiful, and more real.

Qin Che hugged Han Fei forward step by step, staggering, but his back was very firm.

The place deep inside them is the depths of a cave. The distance from the cave alone made Qin Che extremely difficult. Sweat fell on his forehead. His limbs were not easy to control, and he was a little weak, but Han Fei’s situation couldn’t. Delay, even if it is pain, he can bear it.

When the sun's rays brought a slow temperature on his body, Qin Che knew that they had finally exited the cave.

Han Fei, who was holding him, still had no idea of ​​waking up.

Qin Che was at a loss for a while, and found sadly that the world was so big that he couldn't find a place to accommodate them, he couldn't find a person, and he could save Han Fei.

The nose smelled faint blood, not fresh blood, more like rotten flesh and blood.

Such a smell usually only occurs in the place where the demon lives, but it is absolutely impossible in this place.

Qin Che had a bad premonition in his heart. He held Han Fei tightly. When he was about to leave, he turned around and saw a huge tree with a human shape standing not far away. Just now, there was A clearing.

Qin Che lowered his voice and said, "You sucked human blood."

As long as one glance, Qin Che recognized that the thing in front of him that looked like a tree, not a tree, or a human being, was endless.

And when he appeared, the **** breath in the air became more intense.

"Let go of your majesty."

The endless voice is very weird, not as crisp as before, and even a little ugly.

Qin Che didn't let Han Fei go any further, and even held it tighter, saying, "You shouldn't **** human blood, you have lost yourself."

"Shut up! You devil! What qualifications do you have to say this!"

The endless voice was full of anger. On that day, the dialogue between Qin Che and Han Fei was heard clearly. He knew what Qin Che did, and even Qin Che’s true identity was completely exposed. .

A demon, stayed by His Majesty's side for so long!

The sufferings your Majesty suffers are caused by this demon!

Your Majesty is dangerous!

Damn this devil!

Because he had absorbed too much human blood, he was a little unconscious and endless. He could only make simple judgments. He couldn't think deeply, and he didn't want to think deeply. He just stubbornly treated Qin Che as a completely bad monster. treat.

This demon even dared to ask him for absorbing human blood! Dare to blame him!

Damn it! Damn it!

Hentai couldn't control his anger at all. He suddenly stretched out a branch, the branch was very sharp, and the tip was already blackened. If you look carefully, you will know that it is red and black.

How many lives has been taken by this branch, and how much blood is stained to have such a color!

It is conceivable that in this period of time, how many people endlessly killed, and now this endless forest is filled with countless corpses, and the endless forest has completely become a death forest.

Qin Che took a step back. He didn't have much strength at all now, but he still wouldn't let go of Han Fei. He just hugged Han Fei and dodged embarrassedly, barely avoiding his branches.

"Devil! You are the real murderer! These filthy races should be dead! Those humans, monsters, should be dead! Dead! All you need to do is to have me! Only me! enough!"

The endless face that barely distinguishes the five senses is full of anger and greed.

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