"Your Majesty does not need other existence, I am very strong now, I can protect your Majesty well, I can!"

Qin Che's heart sank and said, "Get out of the way."

"You dream! Do you dare to be arrogant?! I want to kill you! Kill you demon!"

After that, a series of branches rushed over like a broken bamboo.

Each of those branches is like a sharp sword. It is difficult and embarrassing enough to avoid a sharp sword, let alone there are so many sharp swords!

Qin Che knew that he couldn't avoid it, but he definitely couldn't let the person in his arms get any harm!

He hugged Han Fei tightly, turned around, curled up Han Fei in his arms, and his body, acting as a protective cover, directly covered Han Fei in it.


The sound of the flesh being broken open.

Qin Che suddenly coughed out a mouthful of black and red blood.

His body was like a hedgehog, pierced completely.

The endless branches tasted Qin Che's blood, but it was as if they had been splashed with sulfuric acid. He screamed and pulled back his branches forcefully, bringing out more blood with such a thrust.

Qin Che directly coughed out a large mouthful of blood, and the spewed blood dripped onto the back of his hand that was covering her face for her.

Almost stained, how could he be tainted by such dirty blood?

Qin Che hugged Han Fei, his body hurt a bit, he could no longer hold her, his body softened, but he knelt down on one knee.

Qin Che's breathing was a bit violent, and the blood dripping on the ground made a prickling sound.

The blood of the devil is highly poisonous and erodes everything.

Qin Che knew that at the moment he was switching between the two states of being a demon and a human, then it represented that the toxicity of his body was recurring. In this case, his greatest weapon was his blood, even if it was not as good as the demon of the complete period. The toxicity is high enough to deal with the endlessness now.

The endless wailing that touched the devil blood, the screams of his pain could be heard.

The branches that had just pierced Qin Che's majesty just now were hanging down softly, and the tips seemed to be corroded into a thick and disgusting solution, and the corroded locations continued to spread and expand.

And the endless pain desperately used other branches to slap it, trying to break it, but it happened that under such a touch, the venom was brought to other intact branches, and the others were corroded together.

This magic blood is like an infectious disease, and you will be infected if you touch it.

Soon, Hentai's entire tree body was twitching, and all his branches were stained with devil blood. The pain almost made him crazy.

Qin Che guessed the result, and it was the result he wanted.

He has no other way.

Qin Che looked at Han Fei, and finally slowly let go of his hand, and put Han Fei flat on the ground, just because the blood he shed was about to contaminate Han Fei, he didn't want to hurt her any more. .

At the corner of Qin Che's mouth, there was blood foam flowing out, and he frowned, trying to forcibly endure it, but the more he did this, the more the blood in his body surged.

Qin Che swallowed the fishy sweetness of his throat.

When the puppet came with people, he saw this scene.

That huge tree branch fell down like this, twitching their bodies on the ground, while their chilly gods were half kneeling, and the soil under them was stained with black blood.

In front of Qin Che, there was a figure lying down.

The hair covers the face of the figure, but it can still be recognized at a glance. That is their majesty, and the feeling and breath will not change.

The puppet's first reaction was to rush over to help the people on the ground and shout: "Your Majesty!"

When the puppet Nan saw Han Fei’s appearance, he just froze for a second, then didn’t care. He directly probed Han Fei’s sniff, and only felt relieved after he was sure that he was still alive. It was indeed the set of Han Fei’s blood that was given to him The dyed red clothes are too conspicuous.

If it were a normal person, this amount of bleeding would have already died.

Qin Che showed a wry smile when he saw puppet Nan, and said, "Take her to see the doctor for me."

Puppet Nan said with a complicated expression: "I will. You..."

As a necromantic skeleton, Puppet Nan can naturally feel the unusual aura of Cold Ling Shen Guard's body and the remaining magical energy.

No explanation is required at all, everything has an answer, but no one mentioned it.

Puppet Nan's heart tightened. He didn't expect that the Cold Ling Shen Guard, one of the four guards, would be a partner personally selected by His Majesty back then, a person accepted by all of them, but... a demon.

In the battle that year, he has not forgotten how many people died in order to drive away these creatures!

But now, this most trustworthy person has become the least trustworthy existence.

Puppet Nan no longer knew what attitude he would use to treat this former Shenwei Lord.

"My lord, you..."

Qin Che shook his head and said, "Take her away."

Puppet Nan whispered: "Okay."

Puppet Nan's eyes slowly looked over there, leaving only an endless twitch, his eyes cold.

This endless is no longer the endless they knew, and the thick evil and **** aura can't be concealed at all.

"He has been demonized."

Puppet Nan looked at the people behind him, and immediately and someone knowingly stepped forward. It was Qiu Qingshu. As the first army of Qiu Longjun, his strength was beyond doubt.

Qiu Qingshu stepped forward and looked at the twitching endless on the ground. He was a little surprised. The endless at this moment was almost completely corroded, and his body was even more desolate than it was burned by the fire at the time. It has been corroded by most.

Qiu Qingshu looked at Hentai with some sympathy, but in the end he was cruel and ended him.

When Hentai died, his originally swollen bark-like face slowly faded, and his barely visible eyes flashed with relief.

It seems that such a result is the best for him.

At the moment before death, endless eyes drifted away, looking at Han Fei, who was held by the puppet Nan. The eyes seemed to be a little nostalgic and reluctant, but more of a farewell, he knew that he would never see you again It's time for her to wake up, so...

After all, he must be extremely ugly now.

In this state, don't be seen by your majesty, let your majesty always remember him, the first acquaintance.

The endless eyes closed little by little.

In the end, a pool of blood turned into a pool of blood under his body. The blood was sticky like a paste, slowly seeping out, staining the soil red, and the blood splattered three feet forever. These are all these days. The blood of the people he killed.

Suddenly, a huge and strong smell of blood permeated.

The rest of the entire endless forest began to wither quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. As the owner of the forest, as the owner of the forest, with his death, the vitality of the entire forest will also be lost.

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