"Qing Lan immediately said," call uncle Shen and let him watch Bella. In case Bella goes to Beiyue, what should I do? "

"Well, don't worry!" "No, I don't have uncle Shen's phone! Aren't you in the bedroom? Hurry to find the father! "

So -

fifteen minutes later, Shen said to Ling lie on the phone, "Bella is not in the room. She left a letter on her desk saying that she is going on a trip for the time being. Let's not worry."

Linglie was silent, and said, "I will send Bella back to you and wait for my news!"

However, Shen first asked, "what's the matter with admiration?"

Linglie sighed: "first find Bella, and then I'll tell you slowly."

Then -

Bella booked a flight to Beiyue at night with all her certificates. Beiyue is a country that can sign on the ground, so she doesn't have to worry about leaving the country.

However, when she just passed the security check at night, she was detained by the airport police: "Miss, I'm sorry, you are restricted from leaving the country, and we will have staff to take you home."

Bella's English is taught by herself, some words may not be known, but spoken English can be said a lot, just like a child can say a lot of words, but not necessarily write.

She listened to each other's words, only understood the last sentence: someone will take her home.

Then, needless to say, it must be her whereabouts exposed. What can do this is her father-in-law linglie!

Bella looked at each other anxiously: "please! C'mon! C'mon! I want to go! "

But the police didn't buy it. They were very polite but could not resist to take her luggage. They took care of her and left the security crowd a little bit.

Bella, a 17-year-old girl, where are the opponents of two tall New York police?

Don't say she can't do martial arts. Even if she can do martial arts, she dare not make a mistake in such a place even if she has a look at the matching gun on the waist of the police.

She was worried about her admiration. She went crazy. She turned on her cell phone and immediately called Ling lie. She used to live in Yueya bay for so long. She always called her majesty Ling lie. But this time, she cried: "father! Wuwu ~ please, father! Let me go to Beiyue. I'm going to look for adoration! Sobbing "

linglie listens to Bella's cry, and remembers that when she was a child, she was on the grass, climbing on him with her hands and feet, asking him to hold his picture.

The soft and glutinous little princess is in her arms, which makes linglie want to have such a lovely daughter.

In his tone, linglie said: "Bella, you follow the police who escort you home first. I promise you, adoration will never happen! However, if you go now and are caught by the people of Beiyue on the way, if you threaten to admire again, then adoration will really be something, understand? "

Bella's tears flowed. The thought of being shot in admiration made her feel that the whole world had collapsed.

At the beginning, I was alienated again and again, but I insisted on staying with her. He doted on her, protected her, and let her open her heart, gave her promise and company, and gave her confidence in a better life in the future. Now, such a beautiful young man is injured.

"I know all these things, but I'm so sad!"

Bella's words just ended. Shen Dichen has walked quickly to the security checkpoint and quickly found his daughter under the guidance of another police officer!

Looking at his daughter on the phone, he was in tears. Shen held her in his arms and said, "honey, don't cry, don't cry."

Linglie hears Shen Di Chen's voice and immediately says, "Bella, let your father answer the phone."

Bella cried and gave her cell phone to Shen Dichen. The whole man fell on his father's chest and wept silently. Remembering that it was still the airport, people came and went, she dared not cry loudly.

And on the phone, linglie and Shen Dichen said: "I'm so sorry that I was caught by the people of Beiyue country. We've been blocking the news all the time. Now that Qingyu knows about it, he stealthily called Bella. However, everything is under our control. Take Bella home first, and I'll call you that hour later to talk about it in detail. Don't worry! "

Shen is shocked!

How could the northern moon Kingdom hurt his son-in-law like this?

"Good!" In spite of his unwillingness, anger and worry, Shen still had to take Bella home first!

On the way back, the driver was driving, Bella finally fell on her father's shoulders and cried uncontrollably!

She also wore a diamond watch with adoring lovers, and a necklace made by adoring herself for her. She said that adoring so much loved her, how could there be no news for such a long time? It's not normal, but it turns out that he suffered so much and suffered such a big crime, but she didn't know, and was angry at him on the other side of the ocean!

Shen Dichen comforts his daughter. When she finally gets home, she is already crying and fainting.

He took his daughter and Princess back. All the maids at home were nervous. They were ready to eat and drink and sent them upstairs. Mrs. Shen was also tearful. She didn't know what happened. She cooperated with her husband to send her daughter to the soft quilt. Mrs. Shen was still in a hurry to take Shen's hand and said, "honey, what's the matter with admiration? What's the matter? We adore but can't be busy! "

Shen Dichen nodded his head, stood at the window of his daughter's room, and began to make a phone call with cold face: "all the joint ventures with Beiyue under Shen's name, from now on, all the divestments! Shen's all companies, factories, stores, amusement parks, supermarket chains and other industries, from senior employees to temporary cleaners, all Beiyue people are dismissed! Beiyue has the biggest state-owned enterprise listed company. It's called Beiyue Shanzhen. I'll buy it right away! "

Shen Dichen went to the bathroom and came back. He was very sad to see his daughter still in his wife's arms.

Linglie calls and tells the whole story. Shen doesn't know it's as serious as he thinks. However, it's impossible to hurt his son-in-law and his only daughter. Beiyue doesn't pay for it!

After a long conversation, Shen's cell phone rang again.

At first glance, it was the assistant who called. He glanced at the little alarm clock at the head of his daughter's bed. It was three o'clock in the morning.

The assistant said, "boss, Mr. Wu Bingxiang, Ambassador of Beiyue to the United States, would like to meet you."

Shen Di Chen snorted coldly: "no! I'm from Ningguo. I don't see any ambassador to the United States! "

Assistant added: "just now he called you personally, saying that he had been on the phone all the time, and that he wanted to meet you with the greatest sincerity of the North moon country."

"No!" Shen Dichen said with a fierce look, "if you disturb me with this irrelevant phone call again, you can't do it!"

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