Shen Dichen threw his cell phone to the bedside, and his angry face was livid: "a mushroom seller, he jumped up!"

After a while, Mrs. Shen remembered that the mountain treasure of Beiyue was the most famous. Many fungi and wild birds were not found in other countries, so the mushroom seller in her husband's mouth was Beiyue.

Bella dried her tears and looked at her father. "Daddy, I want to go to Beiyue!"

Even if she can't really see adoration, at least she can be closer to him and breathe the same air with him, which will make her feel better. Now she lies on the other side of the ocean and wipes her tears. She admires her life and death. What is that? He is so far away from himself!

Shen could understand his daughter's mood. He sat down beside the bed, held her hand, and said, "don't worry, admiration will be OK. My majesty and I know this very well, but the pain of flesh and skin is indispensable. But when he comes out of the dungeon and sees the light of day again, it will certainly open up the latest situation in the political situation of Ningguo. "

His majesty has three sons, but he has not yet announced the candidate for the prince. In the feudal period, the ministers will surely choose the most stable concubine with the prince in the backstage for the long-term future. Now, the monogamous wife of Ningguo is born by the empress. The empress is only 36 years old this year (pregnant at 18, pregnant in October, and 17-year-old Prince), very young, which lays a solid foundation The important position of Mu Tianxing in the whole Ningguo: even if there is no Lingyu in the future Ningguo, she is also noble and cannot be despised.

Therefore, there must be other small abacus in their minds.

For example, it is well known that the eldest prince was personally taught by Ni Ziyang and was relatively close to the Ni family. If it comes out that he married the daughter of Ji family, a relative of Qiao family in the future, others will have it even if it doesn't mean that. If others can't stop it, they will push him to that position if they don't want to.

For another example, the muyize couple are now in the north of the river. The second prince will go to live in Ziwei palace in city m every winter and summer vacation. Many people have begun to woo the muyize couple for the sake of the future, standing on the side of Qinglan. In addition, if Qinglan is married to the princess of the northern moon country, linglie's marriage with the princess Mu Tianxing of Citigroup is quite a routine, so Qinglan embraces them There will be no shortage of guardians.

I admire you here. Luo Jinrong promises to give Luo family to him. The only daughter of Shen family marries him as his wife. His support is no less than that of his supporters.

Therefore, people with foresight can see a more profound landscape in the future. Shen Di Chen knows how important it is for the foundation of the river and the mountain that his majesty decides to reserve the monarch as early as possible.

Set down the reserve prince, let adoration be known by the world, and also clearly let the other two princes stand on their own future development position, which is to put an end to all the tragedy of seizing the legitimate in history!

Mrs. Shen didn't understand and said: "Your Majesty knows that he admires the place where he is locked, and he can't help others."

Shen Di Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head: "after so much suffering, he asked for the result that he made a contribution to save nalantang, instead of letting his family send people to rescue him after he was caught in a mess!"! What he is suffering from now is what he had foreseen in his mind. "

Said, Shen Di Chen's deep eyes fell on his beloved daughter, and said meaningfully: "a person who can be so cruel to himself is a 17-year-old boy. Daddy is just glad that you are his heart, otherwise, such a person, daddy will not rest assured that you follow him."

In the same way, a person who sacrifices himself to achieve his goal, if he fell in love with a person since he was a child, if he persisted for so many years and admired Bella's heart, he could learn from the sun and the moon, he would never die!

Bella understood what her father meant, and her yearning for admiration deepened.

Out of admiration, Shen and his wife would not let Bella go out alone.

For fear that she might run away, and for fear that she might be taken away.

Originally, they lived in a villa on the roadside of New York Street, surrounded by the business district. Bella, in order to exercise herself, often started from home with headphones on her own, bought a pizza home, or went to a supermarket to buy some small things.

Bella has almost practiced American English in her daily shopping.

She looks forward to one day holding the admiring hand in the sun, just like when she was a child, talking to him in English.

Ningguo -

in the same room of the Security Bureau, the same desks, chairs and equipment, Qiao Yekang and tilt Rong are sitting side by side, but the opposite person is replaced by Xia lime, and the lie detector display is also replaced with a new one.

Joe Yekang and Zhuoshi have some friendship.

Because they have been walking in the officialdom for years, Xia Qingning's grandparents live in Qiao's house, so they have to meet each other. In addition, zhuoxi was originally the people around linglie, so after Xia Qingning lived in, Qiao Yekang also told them to be kind.

It's also strange that Xiaoyu was sent to the police station for trial and moved to the Shaoguan Institute. Zhuoshi specifically asked Qiao Yekang to say hello.

But when Chardonnay came in, Zhuoshi didn't show up.

Qiao Yekang knew that summer lime was the White's first daughter, and it was not easy to wash the White's hat after wearing it.

Moreover, Xia Qingning was sent to Mu Tianxing by his mother at cool night. Zhuo Xi should have a bad relationship with him and even the whole Qiao family about this matter.

For now, the questioner is the recluse.

Although he accepted Ni Ziyang's instruction, he was not familiar with Xia Qingning: "I have a surveillance video here. When you saw Zhang Ling yesterday morning, you obviously knew her. You just have to answer, yes, or no. "

Xia Qingning has been locked here for a few days, and her face has been haggard. The beautiful manicure that she originally made has also been cleaned by the staff here. Like Zhang Ling, she is wearing the uniform clothes of the suspect, with no makeup on her face and no skin care products to wipe, which is lack of moisture.

On the lip, there is also some peeling, slightly open, but staring at the magnet suction piece on his wrist, said: "yes."

The polygraph says it's all right!

Qiao Yekang's eyes are fixed!

It's also breathing!

Before the interrogation of Xia Qingning, Qing Rong specifically talked to Qiao Yekang about what to do if Xia Qingning really saw Zhang Ling. At that time, Qiao Yekang replied, "business is business."

They all know that tilting the blue will protect the elegance, but Xia Qingning has seen this face, while Zhang Ling has not seen Xia Qingning, so the cognitive conclusion of the inertial thinking can only be the elegant Xia Qingning!

Then he asked, "why did you see Zhang Ling? Where did you see it? "

Xia Qingning looked at him, knowing that he couldn't escape, and said: "I don't know Xiaofeng and Xiaoyu at all, I can tell you, but it has nothing to do with them. I met with Zhang Ling. She found me on her own initiative, during your college entrance examination. "

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