As soon as the voice of summer lime fell, the two people on the opposite table stared at the LCD screen without blinking.

The response of the polygraph is normal, that is, she did not lie.

Then she clenched her fist and looked at her. She asked, "why do you take Qiao's family and Ji's family and help me win the legitimate? What's behind it? Is it related to Zhang Ling? "


Qiao Yekang suddenly stood up and said, "Your Majesty said that Qiao's family should avoid suspicion, so I'll wait for you outside. You ask slowly."

The emerald military uniform shifted its position awkwardly. When he came out of the door, he leaned to look at the closed door, frowned and looked at Xia Qingning again: "say it. Answer my question just now. "

Xia Qingning was obviously aggrieved: "I'm the blood of the white family, I know, but it's all about my ancestors. It's nothing to do with me, and I didn't want to participate in any big conspiracy. That is to say, when you took the college entrance examination, Zhang Ling came to me. She said that she had a marriage agreement with Qinglan. She wanted to join hands with me to overthrow her admiration. In the future, when you and Qinglan win over each other, you will have less admiration for this powerful enemy. You know, we Xiaoyu always like you, and we also want to marry you. Naturally, I also have greed. I think my daughter is worth the best in the world, so it doesn't matter if I think you don't like Xiaoyu now. As long as we help you win your wife, you will appreciate us and accept Xiaoyu when you step on the throne. I always think that's why I agreed to cooperate with Zhang Ling. "

She fixed her eyes on the monitor of the lie detector and asked, "why do you think Zhang Ling is a person you can trust?"

"Because she told me that she was the emperor of the northern moon kingdom! Her real name is Yun Qingya! "

Xia Qingning looked seriously, not at her, but at the polygraph, and said: "I have doubts in my heart, knowing that there may be some conspiracy behind her finding me, but I also think that this good opportunity should not be missed. In any case, whether you or adore to be a reserve prince, you are the son of the emperor's brother and sister-in-law. There is no difference to them. Even if I help you to overthrow the adoration, I'm not sorry to them. But if you are a reserve prince, it's different for our family and Xiaoyu! "

Listen to me, I think this damn LCD screen can have some exaggerated reaction.

However, it has the fluctuation of summer lime mood, but it is always within the normal range!

She didn't lie!

Leaning and looking up, the sharp pupil looked at Xia Qingning without blinking, as if to see her through: "I'll ask you again, the face of the girl you've seen is definitely Zhang Ling's face? Or maybe someone else used her face, but you didn't see it? "

Xia Qingning looks at her face.

She didn't know about the two Zhang Ling, but vaguely heard that Zhuo ran and them said that there seemed to be a Zhang Ling living in the palace.

And when Zhang Ling lived in the bedroom, it was about the same time as they just worked together. She was a little confused. She still had a lie detector on her wrist and dared not lie.

So, biting her lips and looking at her face, she said frankly, "I don't know who else has such a face, but she contacted me before and after your college entrance examination. Before your college entrance examination, she said she was in the hotel. After your college entrance examination, she said she lived in the dormitory!"! That's it! "

Tilt capacity: "..."

The polygraph didn't respond!

And Qingya really came to the capital and stayed in the hotel before their college entrance examination. Because her college entrance examination time in H city is a few days earlier than that in the capital. She stayed in the hotel until the end of their college entrance examination and moved to the dormitory, or did Qinglan and Yunxuan pick it up in person in the middle of the night!

I have a headache.

This matter is big, related to the happiness of Qinglan's life, and he dare not be careless.

He wrote down the answers one by one, wrote them clearly and looked at them carefully. Then he asked, "is it Zhang Ling who is in contact with you who is cheating you?"

"Impossible!" Summer lime blurted out!

"Why?" I don 't understand.

"Because when she was in the hotel with me, the background was the background wall of the star hotel! Qixing hotel is a seven-star hotel chain in the world, but only in Ningguo capital and the two hotel suites in the fundamental B city of Luojia's ancestors, there will be ancient calligraphy characters on the walls, which is written by Emperor Tianling himself! "

At that time, Luo Tianling became the emperor, and gave the position of chairman of Luo's to his brother Luo Tianzi, who later gave his son Luo Jinrong.

Luo Tianling said to his brother that even though they had come to the capital from city B, they could not forget their roots. Therefore, only the suites of these two hotels had his own words.

Because of this, the value of such a suite is not cheap. It's difficult to book and live in it if it's not reserved by Luo's family or if it's a very important guest!

Qing Rong knew that Qingya had just come, and lived in the suite they arranged for Qingya. Naturally, he entered such a room!

And even if the fake Zhang Ling wants to imitate, in the same period of time, it is almost impossible to live in a similar suite with Qingya in the same hotel!

So, is this person basically elegant?


Pour to allow to pick up the coffee to drink, whether or not the day before complaining too hard to drink!

He didn't ask Xia Qingning again, because he needed time to digest the news, and he needed time to think about how to say to Qing Lan, how to comfort her and not be sad!

Xia Qingning gazes at her, but when she sees that she is speechless, she is very nervous and suffering!

Although the haggard cheek is pale, it is firm and determined: "incline to look, you believe me, the lie detector says I have not lied! I saw her in the background of my video! I'm also a relative of the royal family. I've heard about the origin of that word and some things! "

"Tilt the face and rub the brow, close the eyes and ask:" is there any way to prove it

"Later, when she and I video, the background is the bedroom! I've been to Yueya bay so many times. How can I not recognize that it's the dormitory? " Xia Qingning said, sobbing and crying: "I just want to give my daughter the best life, and I want her to be able to show the world. I think my grandparents are all from Qiao's family, so Princess liangye will help me. Wuwu ~ I didn't expect that she wouldn't buy my account at all. Wuwu ~ "

Qingrong fist gently smashed on the table, although the action was very small, but the momentum between the eyebrows and eyes was very strong.

Summer lime suddenly stopped crying!

He wondered if the polygraph was broken, stared at her and said, "say your name is not Xia Qingning! Say, in this sentence, say you are not a summer lime! Hurry up! "

She gazed at her eyes, and her face was even more aggrieved: "Wuwu ~ I'm not a summer lime."

"Drop drop drop! Drop by drop! " The lie detector's alarm went off!

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