I'm so sad!

Even if he thought about his death once, he knew that they would come back to their best; even if Bella lost one time, he knew that Bella and his adoration for each other would cherish each other even more after they lost and recovered.

But blue?

In the past, Qinglan was such a weak, self-supporting prince with soft ears. Now, because of her elegance, she has become a man.

Looking at the changes of Qinglan in this period of time and the sad, brave and struggling appearance of Qingya, Qingrong seems to see the bright future of Qinglan.

Not all say, good love will make people better and better?

So blue love should be good!

However, if this is good, just a false image, a reflection of the past, and it will burst like a soap bubble when tilt blue thinks it is the happiest, then how should tilt blue bear it?

"Today's video, clip it and send it to my phone!"


"Take her down."


Tilt face cold to get up, open the door, across the glass to see Joe Yekang standing in the yard under the golden sun, he leaned on the side of the door, not afraid of the heat, even looking up at the blue sky.

This is the favorite blue of Mu Tianxing. Suddenly, because of this kind of blue, I think of the queen mother. I think that the queen mother took the blue with her from the beginning of her birth. If the life of Qing blue is unfortunate, how sad the queen mother should be!

Incline to allow the nose to have some acid, good sad good sad!

Why, is it such a person?

With his head down, he walked step by step out of the corridor, trying to walk into the yard and to Joe Yekang's side.

Qiao Yekang, who reclines at the door leisurely and gracefully, all the female colleagues in the building of the Security Bureau are looking at him with red face and heart beating. It has been more than one day since the rumors that Qiao Yekang is gay. But so far, they have not found a conjecture object very close to Qiao Yekang!

He gazed at the blue sky, and a small smooth object was dancing on his fingertips.

As if, in that sky, there were people he missed.

When Qian Rong walked by, he didn't make any sound. Qiao Yekang was also fascinated by it. He knew that this was the Security Bureau, and his vigilance to the outside world was naturally lowered.

Until the things in his hand were suddenly taken away by others, he was shocked and rushed to rob!

"Your Highness?" Qiao Yekang looked at him in surprise. The action he wanted to rob stopped. He reached out and palmed up: "give it back to me."

It's very valuable to look at this small Bloodstone. However, it hasn't been polished, carved, polished, made into any decorations, even a small hole, or made into a pendant.

He looked at the red Bloodstone carefully, and returned it to him: "is there a story about this stone?"

Qiao Yekang clenched the stone and didn't seem to want to talk more, but said: "are you clear? Can the suspicion of elegance be cleared? "

As soon as the topic turns around, it's hard to be inclined.

He was silent, and leaning on the side of the car with his heart full of what Qiao Yekang had just looked like: "I have some regrets about the trial of Xia Qingning. In fact, she didn't have any intention of colluding with the enemy and treason, but she was confused for a while. However, Qingya is determined because of this. "

Qiao Yekang eyebrows: "are you sure?"

This case was ordered by your majesty to be investigated by tilt Rong. He accompanied him, but it was only for tilt Rong to be brave. Naturally, he would not go beyond the moment to review what tilt Rong had investigated. In this case, it is very inappropriate.

"I'm pretty sure," she said

What's the next step?

Uncle and nephew were standing in the yard like this. Their rebellious appearance attracted the eyes of countless women. Both of them were worried for a long time and finally got on the car.

In the car, he made a video and went out.

Soon, mink's face appeared on the screen: "haw!"

"I want to go back to the palace. I will go back later at noon. If you are hungry, you should find something to eat first. Don't wait for me."

Mink also saw that he had something on his mind and nodded: "haw!"

Inclined to look at mink like this, as if looking at mink's face, my heart is very full, no matter how much trouble is not so heavy.

The car drove all the way to the bedroom.

He had to say goodbye to mink. After breaking the line, he sat in the car and didn't get down for the time being. He watched the video just sent to him by the head of the safety bureau. After sighing a little, he opened the door and went down.

He was followed by several soldiers, all of whom helped him to "invite" Qingya to the Security Bureau for investigation.

As soon as people entered the room, they heard Qu Shiwen standing in the hall and shouting to several rooms upstairs, "Your Highness is back! Your highness is back! "

The eyes are a little hot.

It's a long time since I've been home. This time I'll go out and come back, I feel like I'm a different life.

When Qu Shiwen finished shouting, he came over happily and said, "is mink in the hotel? Shiyi makes you delicious food at noon, and then you bring more delicious food back to mink. "

"Yes," she said. Thank you

Qu Shiwen went to the kitchen with a smile.

At this time, Qing Lan and Qing Ya both came down from the upstairs with a smile. They went downstairs side by side, and they were all close to each other. From the perspective of Qing Rong, the posture of the golden virgin was such a match, such a feast for the eyes.

Tilt the heart of the face is particularly uncomfortable, do not know how to speak.

When Qinglan and them came to him and joked with him, he began to ask, "what about them, Grandpa Huang?"

Qingya said: "I went out early in the morning. I think they can't stay idle at all. They have to go out to run in such a hot day. It's possible to go to Qiao's house. As for his majesty, he took the queen to the front. "

"I'll come back and have dinner with you," she said. After eating, you can take a look at what you need to bring, such as girls' changing clothes and so on. Take it with you, and then go to the Security Bureau with my people. You may be wronged for a few days, but it's good for everyone. "

As soon as he said this, his face changed: "you? Did you fall for someone's plan? "

Because she is very clear that she has no problem, and inclined to allow to insist on taking her away, it must be in whose plan!

Tilt blue is the Qing Ya behind a block, looking at tilt Rong: "big brother! Didn't we talk about it at the Security Bureau yesterday? Elegance is the offspring of loyalty! "

"The offspring of loyal and good may not be loyal and good!" said qianrong helplessly! It's true or not. Let's go to the Security Bureau. The answers are all out in a few days! If there is no problem with elegance, I will send her back! "

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