Frogs, cicadas, lotus leaves, red lotus flowers, and willows waving in the wind.

At this time, the scene reminds me of the sentence in Xu Zhimo's farewell to Kangqiao: "the gorgeous shadow in the blue waves is the bride in the setting sun". Turning his cheek, he looks at the blue tilt: "I think the Qiao family is more beautiful than the bedroom. No wonder grandpa Huang likes to run to the Qiao family when he is free."

The boat rocked and the wind tangled. The brothers sat on the boat and went to the Lake Pavilion of Qiao's house.

It's known that huxinting was Lingyu's exclusive study in the past, dealing with military affairs. This time, liangye arranged the meeting between the two brothers and Qingya in huxinting, which is also traceable.

"That is, the predecessor of the Qiao family is our wife's grandfather's residence, which is the best place in the whole capital." Leaning blue and turning his mouth, he was eager to see Qingya, but he couldn't help but start to imagine: "big brother, do you think our palace will be so beautiful in the future if we go out to build it?"

"It doesn't matter where you live. Anyway, my father won't treat us badly. Even though we are not enough compared with the Qiao family, we are more than enough. Anyway, as long as there is a beloved Princess around, it's the same everywhere. "

"Hee hee, too."

The two brothers chatted and the Lake Pavilion arrived.

The housekeeper helped him to get off the boat, but he was full of spirits. He waved and said no. then he jumped onto the bluestone bank beside the lake.

It's the same with Qinglan. After jumping on it, he said proudly to Qingrong, "big brother, I'm in good health this summer vacation. I haven't had a cold or been ill for a long time!"

Smile but not talk.

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, the two brothers entered the "VIP reception hall" on the second floor of huxinting.

When passing a large mirror on the first floor, he habitually tidied up the military appearance of the soldiers, while tilt blue raised his hand and gently held his hair which had been blowing for a long time.

When I entered the VIP Hall, I found it empty!

It's quite calm. After all, they are the younger generation. It's a proper etiquette to come here and visit the master's house, etc.

And tilt blue to pour to be anxious, turn head to stare at housekeeper to ask: "elegant?"

The housekeeper smiled: "don't worry, your highness. The princess and miss Qingya are in the studio on the third floor. I'll go up and call them."

Soon, a servant came to serve tea and delicate snacks, but he didn't have much heart to eat. He didn't have much chance to come here. He was very interested in the place where the old patriarch used to handle military affairs, so he carried his hands behind him and carefully looked at them. When he met the surprised small objects, he could not touch them, for fear of damage.

But tilt blue is different, he sat down on the sofa, picked up the drink and began to drink. He was not interested in everything here. He just stared at the direction of the door eagerly, looking forward to meeting the person who was thinking of all the time.

However, in the studio upstairs, cool night and Qingya are also sitting in front of the sofa, watching the movements of the two highness in the huge LCD screen.

Cool night shook his head and said: "why do you like tilt blue? If it was me, I would have chosen to indulge. "

Voice just fell, she smiled, and said: "men in military uniform look, handsome."

Qingya looks at the clothes on Qinglan, which suits him very well and looks good, but it doesn't look like the style he used to choose. He chuckles: "it doesn't matter whether you wear military uniform or not. As long as you can put your mind into dressing for me, I think this intention is precious."

Cool night to smile knowingly, and looked for a long time, said: "Ji family that girl good luck."

They waited for a long time in the reception hall. Cool night came with elegant money.

It's known that cool night is a strange woman in the business world, but her clothes are always fresh and artistic. She especially likes the linen and cotton cloth. The color of the clothes is light. She looks like a beautiful woman coming out of the forest and the valley. She can't smell the copper smell of the businessmen.

It's as if her husband, Qiao Xin, envied that he was a military man, but he was born as bright as the moon. He didn't have the rough appearance of climbing and rolling in the army for a long time. If he took off his uniform, it's hard to imagine that such a perfect man would be a military man.

"Auntie!" She said hello very carefully.

And tilt blue is to rush forward, a grasp of the elegant hand, looking at her eyes, in tilt capacity dry cough after two reminders, this just slow way: "aunt!"

Cool night seems to have some headaches, but still quietly pointed to the sofa: "sit down, if you have any questions, just ask, we are elegant and speechless."

"OK." Inclined to allow to smile, also pointed to the sofa: "aunt first please."

Four people are seated.

The position is really strange. I look so blue and blush for it.

Cool night leads Qingya to sit on a small double sofa, leaning to sit opposite them, while his sofa is very long, which can accommodate several people at the same time.

But instead of sitting with him, he had to huddle with them at cool night.

There is a double sofa over there. There is no blue seat. He sits on the armrest of the sofa on the elegant edge.

She raised her hand and rubbed her temples. After putting them down, she smiled a little. Facing the cold night, she said awkwardly, "Auntie, I'll show you a smile."

Said, he stared at tilt blue one eye, small voice way: "come here!"

I don't like to pour blue.

Qingya also pulled his hand and shook it: "go sit down, it's not like this."

She took a deep look at Qinglan. When she got up, she suddenly bent over and kissed Qingya on her cheek when everyone didn't care. Her voice was very loud. Her Qingya half of her face was red.

Cool night did not expect this boy will be like this, Leng Leng ground looks at him.

And tilt blue is contentedly in tilt to allow side to sit.

Anyway, he is also pro, cold night is shouting, killing, shouting and scolding, he is pro!

Kiss, is the most important!

"I don't know what your highness wants to ask me?" Qingya suddenly interrupts the embarrassment, for fear that cool night will not be polite to Qinglan, and transfers the topic: "as Ganma said, I must say everything."

"We are in urgent need of the topographic map of the underground cell in the Yundan mansion. I wonder if you can provide any clues? "

Blue and cool night are listening quietly.

Qingya, after thinking about it, said: "I never knew that there was a dungeon in yundanxi's house, but I heard that there was a dungeon in Beiyue, which was controlled by yundanxi. There are eight rooms and two halls in total. I don't know if this dungeon is his dungeon."

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