"Death row?"

"In the past, there should have been death cells in feudal society. Now the judicial departments should all be unified detention centers, detention rooms and cells. There is no special death cell. Are you sure that the death row is controlled by yundanxi? Is it not a judicial process, or how? "

Qingya welcomes the black and bright pupil and explains carefully: "the northern moon is a bit like a feudal society. This cell is not a judicial unit, but a unit that yundanxi has separated from the independent control of the judicial organ. But where it is, and whether it is the cell of the third highness, I really don't know. What I know is this prison, and I haven't been there, just heard about it. No one seems to know the specific location. "

Tilt blue a bit confused: "two hall eight rooms, can be close admiring?"

The atmosphere was once stiff for a while, and Qingya said euphemistically, "I'm sorry, there may not be many clues."

Cool night shook her head and motioned to her not to put too much pressure on her: "what you know is enough to say. As for what you don't know, you can't make it up. So you're right to do it. "

"Yes! There's nothing to be sorry about. " Tilt blue also immediately helped Qingya speak.

"If the prison is separated from the government agencies and does not belong to the judicial institutions, it belongs to yundanxi's own control, that is, it belongs to him. Private things, naturally, are put in their own home! "

Qingya thought for a while and then said: "my grandfather and his third highness are likely to be locked together, which I told his majesty a long time ago. If you need a map of the dead cell, then I have a way. "

"What can I do?" Look at her!

The eyes of Qingya are quiet and very serious: "find a special person who will not be killed in the first time after being found by Yundan Xi, but will be locked in the death cell! Let this man send the signal! "

Pour to allow Leng for a while, then smile: "it's true that women don't let men, Bella is also said to brother Doudou."

And that's what he said to mink last night.

Cool night some don't understand, looking at tilt capacity: "can you tell me, why must have the terrain map of the dungeon? Are you going to break into prison? It's been a while since I fell in love with you. If I break into the prison, I'll have already started. I can't see it now. Besides, I don't need any topographic map to break into the prison. With the strength of the National Guard, I can kill the prince's palace and rescue people even if I simply and roughly break into it. Don't you just wait to get yourself out of it? What do you do now to help adore your escape? Are you still digging a hole under the ground where the clouds are dim

Tilt capacity: "..."

Although Liang Ye is a princess, she can only be regarded as a military subordinate at best when standing on the position of military and political figures. These secrets can never be told to her.

However, she is like talking to herself, so she makes Yunxuan's plans in these days clear!

Qingrong suddenly understood that this woman, together with the Ni family and the Shen family, could be in a tripartite confrontation in the business world of Ningguo, and her ability was definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Embarrassed to open his eyes wrongly, he smiled: "my aunt is really joking, this is not a tomb robbing novel, what hole to dig, just ask casually, if you know, you will know if you don't know, that's it."

When he got up, he looked at Qingya and smiled: "thank you for the clues. I remember the eight rooms and two halls."

Eight rooms and two halls, there are few such patterns, but Qingya doesn't know the details, so she can only feed back the information first, and then slowly figure out the rest.

As soon as Qinglan saw that Qingrong was leaving, he was in a hurry: "big brother! It's rare to come here, have a cup of tea, have some snacks. It's such a hot day and the palace is so big. Why should we visit it? My aunt will not be stingy to ask us to stay for dinner! "

As soon as this statement comes out, everyone can see that Qinglan is reluctant to give up his thoughts on elegance.

Qingya also smiled with a red face. She thought that there was such a boy who treated himself wholeheartedly and was dressing up for himself, growing up rapidly and gradually changing in the direction of getting better and better. She was full of joy and tried to cherish it.

"I have something urgent. Please stay and eat. I have to hurry back!"

But in the cool night, he put down his tea cup and said, "since your Highness has something important to do, I asked the housekeeper to send two of you out. I don't want to send Ya Ya and I haven't finished painting. "

Leaning forward, I nodded and hurried out.

"Tilt blue is to hold fist actually, hard scalp way:" aunt! I'm not leaving. I'll stay for dinner! "

Cool night cool eyes fell on him, just about to open, arm has been a small hand, ear is gentle voice from Qingya: "mummy, let him stay for lunch and then go, he will not come easily."

Cool night helplessly sighed, raised his hand on the tip of the elegant nose, doted: "you ah, really girl extrovert!"

Standing up, she held the elegant hand in her arms, and looked at tilt blue like a gift: "if the second highness doesn't dislike the poor food in my palace, then stay for lunch and go again."

"Good!" Tilt blue continuously nods, toward cool night thank you very much.

All of a sudden, Qingya seemed to think of something and quickly took back her little hand and rushed out of the hall!

Cool night and tilt blue one after another, all follow the big step to catch up!

You can see that Qingya is holding the mahogany carved handrail on the balcony, shouting to the leaning face standing on the bank below: "Your Highness! Bella would be the most suitable if there had to be someone! "

Because if she went to Qingya, Yundan Xi would not let her live in the dungeon, but also forced her to forced marriage.

If other princes go, the risk and cost will be too great!

But if it's Bella, it's not the same. For such a valuable person, Yundan Xi is not willing to kill. She is reluctant to bear it. She has to be kept. It's the best thing for Yundan Xi to lock her in the dungeon and let Yundan Xi take the future emperor and the future Queen to order the princes.

I'm so shocked!

However, after a little precipitation of thoughts, I have to admit that what Qingya said is reasonable.

Tilt blue is to frighten a cold sweat: "not to say, Bella also mentioned this method?"? Is Bella conscious of wanting to do it, but she doesn't say it, she just points it out, and then let's analyze it, find her and let her go? "

Cool night smiled: "at last is clever point."

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