This time I got the recognition of cool night, but I'm not happy about tilting blue.

Because who is Bella?

That is the one who is equal to his adoptive mother emotionally, is the treasure pimple on the top of his heart, and is the only daughter of the Shen family who is rich and can be rival!

If something happened to her, what would she have to pay for it?

I can't afford it!

He also rushed forward, holding the carved balustrade of mahogany in both hands and facing the leaning face downstairs: "big brother, think of another way!"

"Yes," she said

Qinglan thinks about it, but she still doesn't feel at ease. It's to help him save his sweetheart. Now that he's trapped in adoration, he's already very sad. If Bella is to be involved in the accident, doesn't it mean that his reunion with Qingya is the exchange of adoration and Bella?

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Qingya, "Yaya, I'll see you next time!"

He then said to Liang Ye, "Auntie, I'll go back first and visit again next time!"

I ran away as soon as the blue was out.

Upstairs, Qingya and liangye watched Qinglan catch up with him, and watched him get on the boat with Qingrong, and gradually leave the Lake Pavilion accompanied by the housekeeper.

Soft Lake wind blowing, because the weather is too hot, so that the wind is qinzhe temperature, blowing in the face not only will not feel cool, but also feel anxious.

Cool night turned around and went to the painting room upstairs. As he walked, he said: "this blue color is not reliable. It's very good at the critical moment. Pretty good. "

Qingya smiled: "it's hard for Ganma to praise him. I thank Ganma for Qinglan."

It's a cold night, but I can't laugh.

But there is one thing she is sure of: they must have dug a tunnel in the cloudless home!

I didn't expect that tilt blue would leave Qingya and catch up with her. I laughed and ran over tilt Blue's shoulder. I looked like two brothers: "it's my brother. I love you!"

Tilt blue smile.

If he had left Yaya at another time, he would have died of regret.

But today, he felt very clear in his heart: "it was not only for the sake of his sweetheart to do something, but also to have a sense of achievement. But when you have the ability to do something for your family, you feel more fulfilled. "

Said, he suddenly red eyes, the heart is particularly sad.

He looked up at the boundless black pupils and asked, "does adoration understand this long ago, so it will follow me to the North moon?"

Inclined to allow to look at him deeply, the heart knew that he was afflicted.

He put out his hands and held his brother in his arms, patted him on the back comfortingly, then let go, saying: "you understand this now, it's not too late, we are only seventeen years old!"

Pour blue deep breath: "well, I also want to work hard. Father said, let me not compare with you, let me compare with myself. Then I will be better every day! I hope you don't dislike me for always holding you back. "

After a moment's hesitation, he burst out laughing: "you know you're dragging yourself, hahahaha!"

Tilt blue: "..."

The two brothers went all the way to the Security Bureau except for the palace of Qiao's family.

In Colonel Li's office, they ate a lunch box in the canteen, closed the door and called Ling lie to report the situation.

As for linglie's contact with Yunxuan, I don't know until now. He once asked Qiao Yekang about it, only to find that even Qiao Yekang didn't know about it.

And Xia Qingning's case can't be put off any longer. I think it's a long time.

After another discussion, the two brothers leaned blue and said: "although the father gave you the right to close the case, you still need to make a closing report tonight, and send it to the Palace tomorrow morning for the father to have a look. After all, you are the first time to handle a case. If there is something wrong, the father will definitely point it out to you when he sees it. If the father doesn't say a word, then you can close the case like this. It must be OK! "

"Qing Rong smiled:" OK, when you have such a careful mind, ha ha, do as you say

Besides, qianrong is not alone now. He has mink behind him and a Ji family to back him up. He will go back for dinner and talk with his father-in-law again. Although he doesn't know sincerity, he is also experienced in the sand. He eats more salt than he eats rice!

The two brothers have been waiting in the office. They are afraid that after linglie contacted Yunxuan, there will be any emergency message. So they are not going to leave before the Security Bureau staff get off work.

Just after 4:00 p.m., the mobile phone of tilt volume rang.

He took a look. It was Zhuoshi.

After looking at each other, the two brothers leaned to meet: "Hello, uncle Zhuoshi, what's the matter?"

Zhuoshi was silent for two seconds, and his voice was a little low. "Your Highness, I brought a lawyer to talk with lime about the divorce. I hope your highness can accommodate us and let us in. "

"Qing Rong also followed the silence for two seconds, then said:" OK, but that lawyer may be searched, but also through security

"Thank you, your highness. We understand the rules of the Security Bureau." Zhuoshi's voice is still light.

Tilt the phone on the desk.

He was used to the love between men and women at home. Suddenly, a couple were going to divorce. He felt a little blocked up.

Before that, he also thought that uncle Zhuoshi would not be happy with lime, because Uncle Zhuoshi was hard to hear in front of lime. He was like a slave, with no respect for human rights and no love and support from his wife.

"It's said that uncle Zhuoshi, who was actively pursued by lime, was secretly in love with uncle Zhuoshi for several years." "It's just like saying goodbye. When people were young, they couldn't think of what happened later, because their life was too long. When they passed this stage, looking back, many of the things that they thought were absolutely impossible at first became possible, or even changed. "

"I know it's uncle Zhuoshi who aunt Qingning chased. At that time, they just fell in love and got married within a few days. I've heard from Shiyi in private that uncle Zhuoshi was moved by Aunt Qingning, and I didn't see such a warm little girl as aunt Qingning at that time. Don't we all talk about the girl chasing the man? Uncle Zhuoshi didn't know aunt lime very well, so he flashed to marry her, which was too fast. She also said that if they don't get married so quickly, maybe the normal steps of love will come down, and uncle Zhuoshi will find each other unsuitable and break up. But when you get married, it's not the same. You have to be responsible. Besides, the Ni family won't let lime be wronged. "

The phone rang again on the table. It was Colonel Li who called: "the entrance guard said that you mean that Lord Zhuoshi and the lawyer came to see Xia Qingning."

"Yes, check it out according to the rules, and then bring it in."

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