A moment later, Zhuoshi was brought to the office by Colonel Li.

When the door opened, the two brothers looked at Zhuoshi and looked at him in surprise. Didn't he come to divorce Xia Qingning?

"Uncle Zhuoshi, why are you here?"

"Uncle Zhuoshi, what can I do for you?"

And Zhuoshi just looked at them awkwardly, and began with some embarrassment: "I left the divorce to the lawyer. I won't see lime. "

Contrary to the general situation, Zhuo Xi didn't disappear because he was cruel, but because he was still concerned, afraid to see her sad, tearful, cynical, or other crazy appearance, and his heart was also destroyed for the only good image of Xia Qingning.

At the end of marriage, it's the most important thing to get together and disperse.

In the future, if Xia Qingning is in need, Zhuo Xi will ask people to take care of her in prison, and will send her clothes, food and some articles allowed to be brought into use in prison.

If he had the chance, he would ask his majesty to release the lime in advance, or try to persuade her to make a good transformation and try to reduce her sentence.

Many of those who have been sentenced to death have become reprieve, reprieve, and indefinite. After that, they have become twenty years because of their good performance. These examples are too many in real life.

Zhuo Xizai thought about qushiwen carefully. Even if he didn't think about himself, he had to think about it for two children.

If he divorced, he would try to let both children follow his sister-in-law's surname Qu.

He didn't plan to remarry for the time being, and even feared marriage.

For Zhuoshi, it doesn't matter what the child's surname is. What matters is that the future of the child is bright and bright.

When Qing Rong and Qing Lan saw the sad look on his face, they stopped talking. They pointed to the sofa and asked people to pour coffee: "Uncle Zhuoshi, sit down."

In Xia Qingning's detention room,

on the bench in the outer hall, the lawyer and Xia Qingning were seated separately. The lawyer's eyes swept Xia Qingning's face, and she felt more than a little haggard. Her wrist was broken, as if she had been electrocuted.

Summer lime seems to be numb to this kind of trial, so his eyes are staring at the tea table like ashes, silent.

She is wearing the uniform clothes of the suspects here, with her messy hair and mindless eyes, which makes her feel like a broken pot.

The lawyer was silent for two seconds, and the female soldier on the side said, "you can start talking."

The lawyer nodded his head and said, "Hello, Ms. Xia, I came here on behalf of my client Mr. Zhuoshi to talk about the divorce agreement with you."

Smell speech, summer lime raises Mou, full is to dare not believe to stare at him: "you, say again?"

The white part of her eyes is all bloodshot, and her skin is white and frightening. The dark circles under her eyes are even more obvious. She looks at the lawyer in a daze, which makes the lawyer back a little, as if she saw a female ghost: "Mr. Zhuoshi entrusts me to talk about the divorce agreement with you."

He said that he wanted to make a quick decision. Without giving Xia Qingning an opportunity to open his mouth, he took a draft divorce agreement out of his briefcase and handed it to her: "this is a preliminary agreement drawn up by Mr. Zhuoshi. You can see if there is anything unsatisfactory that can be negotiated."

Summer lime looks at the manuscript in front of him.

If it were the lawyer's one-sided statement, she would not believe it.

Her Zhuoshi is hard-working, hardworking, devoted and infatuated, and diligent. How can such a good man abandon his wife?

However, the fact is that the words on the agreement are written by Zhuoshi himself.

After so many years of married life, Xia Qingning is so familiar with zhuoxi!

She looked at the lawyer stupidly. After a long time, she picked up the agreement with tears and smiles.

The reason for divorce above is simple: the character is not consistent, unable to reach an agreed life goal and life needs.

"Ha ha," she cried, "I've been married for so many years, but now I'm in trouble. He says he doesn't like my character? Where is this personality conflict? This is clearly to see the wind and the rudder, to see the profits and forget the righteousness, and to fly in the face of disaster! "

The bleak voice came from her mouth, with waves of loss.

She looked down. Zhuoshi said that he voluntarily went out of the house and owned three properties, xiaqingning, Xiaofeng and Xiaoyu. All the savings were equally distributed to Xiaofeng and Xiaoyu. In addition, they owned two cars in total. Zhuoshi kept them for further use. Xiaqingning was auctioned off and left the money to Xiaoyu. All the famous bags, fur and jewelry of xiaqingning were also sold All for drizzle.


Xia Qingning smiled, clapped his hands on the table, stood up, looked at the lawyer in the opposite direction as if mockingly, and said: "if you want to divorce, you can!"

The lawyer, with a happy face and a sigh of relief, said earnestly and mildly: "Ms. Xia is not satisfied with anything else. I can talk with you on behalf of Mr. Zhuoshi."

When Zhuoshi found him to take over this matter, his attitude was very sincere. He was afraid of being indebted to her and Xiaoyu. So xiaqingning's car, bag, jewelry and so on were all left to Xiaoyu. Many of these things were good things from Ni's family. No ring, a piece of jadeite, all of them were invaluable.

In fact, according to the law, adopted children also have the right of inheritance. Xiaofeng has half of the right of inheritance.

But Zhuo Xi didn't write. He just felt that he didn't want Xia Qingning to get divorced at last. He was still uncomfortable when he signed.

He just gave Xiaofeng a house, that's all.

Xia Qingning sneered and said, "why should I give Zhuoshi's real estate to an outsider? What is called three sets of real estate zhuoxi one set no, I have one set with Xiaoyu Xiaofeng? He's a liar! He should not be! He owes me! He deserves to leave the house clean! But he gave the house to Xiao Feng. Why? What does Xiaofeng have to do with me? What is he! Robbing my daughter of a house, he's nuts! Three houses and everything, all my daughter's! "

The lawyer was silent and embarrassed: "well, I'll pass on your opinion to Mr. Zhuoshi. Is there anything else? "

If there is any condition, it can be solved at one time. In places like the Security Bureau, we need to search our bodies and have security checks. Like prisoners, lawyers don't want to run here any more.

Summer lime cold face, said: "two conditions: 1, all the property to the rain!"! 2. Xiaoyu can't change his surname. It must be Xia! To meet my two requirements, no matter what happens in the future, I will not owe Zhuoshi and I will never be old or dead! "

In fact, Zhuoshi consulted with a lawyer about the change of the surname of a minor, especially when the child was still educated in a juvenile prison.

So the lawyer knows it's hard: "OK, I'll tell Mr. Zhuoshi."

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