Yunxuan's whole brain is muddled.

When the girl pointed at him and said, "I want to marry him!"

For a moment, he felt like he was in a dream.

Then he looked at Ling lie and said frankly, "Your Majesty, I just know this girl today. We are not familiar with each other. We can't talk about friendship, let alone marriage. Please think twice about Doudou's marriage. Doudou wants to make his own decision. Of course, Doudou will absolutely cooperate with your Majesty in the aspect of political review. "

As a royal servant, he chooses his wife, whose conditions are much stricter than those of a military man, and whose political trial is much stricter.

Linglie hears the meaning of Yunxuan, and takes a ponderous smile from the corner of her mouth: "do you know who she is? At a young age, she is full of unique skills. Whoever marries her will be lucky. "

And Yunxuan looked at linglie with open eyes: "Your Majesty, if Doudou really wants to marry someone in the future, he must like her wholeheartedly. It has nothing to do with who she is, or with what skills she has. What Doudou admires most is my parents' love, dependence and companionship, cold and hot. At the beginning, Xia Qingning pursued my uncle with such enthusiasm. My uncle was moved and didn't know her deeply. The ending after the flash marriage was so sad! Doudou still has Xiaofeng in mind. My marriage can be postponed. I'm not in a hurry. I'll wait for Xiaofeng to find happiness. I'll find another person to treat me sincerely and get married no later. "

Yunxuan's invitation is sincere.

Linglie and his wife smell the words, but also moved.

The little girl looks up at the appearance of Yun Xuanyi's words. Suddenly she stops talking. She turns her face and goes to Mu Tianxing's arms. The typical child looks for a warm posture.

Linglie smiled and said to Yunxuan, "you have always been as calm and steady as your father. I'm very glad that you can think like this. But, you are you, Xiaofeng is Xiaofeng, you are not the same thing. You are destined to follow the adoration. Your marriage, the adoration will not care about you, and I will not care about you, so you don't need to worry about Xiaofeng's marriage. Besides, Xiaofeng is also Xi's child in name, and Xi will plan for him. "

For zhuoran's "pedantry" in economy, linglie has been heard for a long time.

Because of his pedantry and lack of oil and salt, many cabinet ministers have a lot of opinions on him, but linglie dotes on him, and everyone throws rats at ZhuRan.

No one dares to bribe Zhuo ran. Even if he flatters and says good things, Zhuo ran won't buy it.

However, linglie likes Zhuo ran to serve the monarch closely. If not, how to govern?

Linglie smiled again at Yunxuan and said: "Xiaofeng is back. Your brother hasn't been together for many days, has he? Go and see him. "

Yunxuan nodded his head: "thank you for your consideration."

Looking at the back of Yunxuan, linglie and his wife are very happy for their adoration. As expected, they still need to find their inner son for the job of Royal servant, which is passed down from generation to generation.

But in the air, the voice of the little girl's sweet voice was swept up: "we know each other's company, and we know each other's heart. Is there such a person in the world? "

Mu Tianxing smiled and said, "naturally there are."

Linglie looks at her little girl and thinks that he and her are just like this. After her eyes become soft, she looks at her quietly and says, "since you're back, school will start in a few days. Go to school with Qingyu!"

The little girl frowned and said, "I'm sixteen! Your highness is only 13 years old. How can we go to school together? "

Linglie said: "you go to the first year of senior high school and the first day of junior high school. You are all in the same school, so you go to school together. I promised that your ancestors would take good care of you, and then they would do their duty of education together. You were the emperor of shangao before. Now you are near. Do you think you can escape? "

Linglie and his wife met the little girl when they went to the bamboo forest to say hello to the ancestors.

At that time, Qingyu and Bella haven't come back. This little girl's age is between Qingyu and Bella, so they will look at her and imagine what they will look like when they grow up.

Later, Qingyu and Bella came back. Linglie sent a letter to the old ancestor and reported peace.

The old ancestor was grateful for the kindness of heaven, and Jin Ruge always valued women over men. She was very fond of Qing Yu, so she asked the little girl to come out of the mountain and stay with him all her life.

When she left the mountain, she didn't go to the capital first, but went to Beiyue. When she was around the ancestors, she sometimes heard them talk about the underground gold mine of Beiyue, which made her very interested. She was possessed of unique skills. All the tombs in Zhulin mountain passed by, and all kinds of mechanism traps in her hands became children's games.

Mu Tianxing raised his hand and patted her shoulder: "don't you say you like beans? Want to marry Doudou? Do you know that Doudou is one of the best at school and has a lot of Kung Fu? Have you handed it in yet? "

The little girl nodded her head: "well, I think I can't beat general Qiao and his third highness. Brother Doudou and his third highness can all draw with me."

Linglie chuckles: "you haven't made friends with them yet. Don't be so confident. Qingyu's boyfriend, Xuehao, is good at Taiji. You may not win. You are a little girl. You have enough skills. Now the key is to supplement your cultural literacy and study more. "

The little girl thought for a moment, and then asked, "brother Doudou has no money at home, so he can only prepare a bride price for his daughter-in-law, so that he always thinks about his brother?"

"You think too much." Mu Tianxing said, then took off the veil on her face, looked at the girl's white and crystal face, and then smiled: "we haven't seen any girls with Danfeng eyes in our family, and now all kinds of beautiful types are gathered together."

Knowing her responsibility, the little girl smiled and said, "do you have any clothes? I'll change them and meet my little master!"

Linglie immediately got up and said, "let's go, together. Qing Yu is in the hospital. I will go to the hospital with the queen. "

The injury of adoration, and Bella's just sent back after several days' detention, no matter what, they will go to the hospital to have a look.

The hospital -

Zhuo ran leads Bella to the floor where the intensive care unit is located, but the admiration is not awake.

According to the doctor, only when he wakes up, the doctor has done a preliminary examination and confirms that there is no problem with the physiological characteristics, can he be transferred to the intensive care unit.

Only after entering the ICU can a small number of relatives visit.

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