The three brothers and sisters are guarding on the corridor.

Although there is a room next door with two single beds, there is also a shift for the emperor and his son, and few people go to bed during the day.

Everyone is worried about adoration.

When he saw Bella coming over, he called out, "sister!"

She threw away her feet and rushed to Bella's arms: "Wuwu ~ Wuwu ~ elder sister! Brother Sanhuang's life is in the air. You are back! I miss you! Sobbing "

and Bella heard the four words" life hanging on the line ", and her heart thumped for a while, pale without a trace of blood:" the illness of leaning and admiring is serious again? "

The idiom of the little girl has not been well learned, just like a magic spell that can't be broken.

"Bella, don't worry. You've already passed the dangerous period of admiration. Now it's time for him to wake up. There's no life in the air."

Bella red eyes, holding the tilt feather while looking at the door plate, said: "but, how not even a window?"

God knows how much she wants to see adoration. She's going crazy!

"Till now, we haven't seen each other, neither have the father, the emperor and the mother, and the doctor won't let us see," she added

Bella's heart lifted.

This is actually a multiple disease, will not even see ah!

Everyone waited quietly. Zhuoran sent some drinks and snacks to his highness. It was useless to set them all down on the benches, standing and worrying.

As soon as he turned around, Zhuo ran received a call from Yunxuan.

Yunxuan just came out of the palace, went to the hospital directly to see adoration, and then found a time to meet Xiaofeng.

Zhuo ran knew that Yun Xuan attached importance to his younger brother, so he whispered: "don't worry, your uncle's business has passed, Xiao Feng is with him now, they depend on each other for their lives, and life will be better every day."

However, Yunxuan said, "no matter how I want to see him, I don't feel at ease when I don't see anyone."

So zhuoran went down and waited, and then he picked up Yunxuan. Just after Yunxuan came up, a nurse opened the door, put out a head and said with a smile, "Your Highness is awake!"

The crowd got excited, looked at the smiling expression of the nurse, and asked with a little peace of mind, "is that OK to visit soon?"

The nurse nodded, "don't be nervous. The doctor is doing a comprehensive examination. I'll hear from you later."

Bella covered her mouth and prayed in her heart. Suddenly, she missed the medicine doctor. If the medicine doctor was there, her admiration would be better and faster.

On the way to Beira, zhuoran also said about Liuguang guardian, which made Beira feel that the medicine has been deeply rooted in the people's mind and irreplaceable!

But in the door -

I adore lying on the hospital bed, but my chest is still slightly painful. After all, I just finished the operation, and the knife edge is not OK for a while.

He looked at the ceiling in a daze, and the doctors saw him blink, and he was busy in an orderly way.

All kinds of colors of thread wrapped around his body, temples, heart, chest, pulse, fingers, and so on.

All kinds of precision instruments are running at high speed, either long white printing sheets are constantly pulled out by doctors, or fresh data on the bright display screen is constantly floating up and down to new curves.

When there is no threat to the detection of adored life features in the inspection of various medical equipment, the doctor comes forward again, takes a small flashlight to take a picture of his eyes, and then asks, "what's your name, do you remember?"

Admiring and speechless, my thoughts returned a little bit, looking at the doctor in front of me and the surrounding environment, I just asked, "is this Ningguo or Beiyue?"

"The doctor smiled:" Ningguo capital's military headquarters

Admiring glances at his chest work permit, which has a picture and the name of the Department. Then he says, "Lo admires, seventeen years old, the third son of linglie emperor."

The doctors asked the usual questions again, and he answered them all right.

When the doctor finally stopped asking, he asked, "where is Bella?"

The doctors did not know who Bella was, but said: "we will transfer you to the intensive care unit now, and your relatives can come in batches to visit you. Who do you want to see then, you can tell your family. "

Adore closed eyes, two hands tightly grasp the bed sheet, between the eyebrows congealed intolerant: "hurry up! Push me out! Cough, I want, cough, I want to see Bella! "

He said and coughed again.

Doctors are on guard.

What we are most worried about is the admiring lung, the trauma and influence after the operation, which can only be known when his body shows slowly.

When the ICU is ready, the ICU door is opened by the medical staff.

The Dean stood on the corridor and said solemnly before the adoration was pushed out: "don't rush in! Never! Don't get excited, don't cry, don't make noise! We must be quiet. If we can't do this, we can only arrange to clear the venue and push out the third highness! "

Tilt to allow to hold down tilt feather, after admonishing, toward Dean way: "good! We don't talk, we will be very quiet! "

Tilt blue with Bella, cloud Xuan, zhuoran, all forced to nod!

"Who is Bella?" the dean asked

Bella said quickly, "I!"

The Dean nodded: "you come in with me. The third Highness has been looking for you. But don't cry, don't get excited, don't make noise! Third, your Highness's lung is damaged. If you breathe a little bit badly, you may cause more damage. "

Bella's tears came down.

She raised her hand and wiped it off, grinned her teeth and nodded her head: "Hmmm!"

The Dean led Bella in.

Tilt the feather to see the shape, rush forward: "I also go!"

Tilt blue and tilt face immediately hold her down, blame in a low voice: "be honest, be quiet, no more voice!"

When Bella came to the room, paramedics were temporarily removing all kinds of large equipment from adoration, because he was about to be pushed out.

ECG, sphygmomanometer, a kind of small equipment, which is convenient to move with the bed, are not removed.

Adore face gray white to lie there, far see Bella red eyes appear in front of him, he suddenly grinned, no strength, chest pain, but insisted on her direction stretched out an arm, fingertips gently toward her.

Bella took a deep breath and dared not let him feel excited. She stepped forward to hold his hand three or two times. She called softly: "honey, I'm ok. I'm back. You can rest assured. I am guarding you now. Everyone is guarding you outside. We are all OK. You can rest assured. "

Admiring and gazing at her, he hooked his lips and wanted to see other family members when he changed his room, but he didn't get any water for two days, and he was really weak. After holding Bella's hand tightly, he closed his eyes and went to sleep again.

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