The people in the palace shut their mouths one after another.

In Qu's heart, however, there is a small secret joy. This sweet girl is her favorite child, and it is also taught by her ancestors. The Miao is right now, which is not the same as Xia Qingning.

If Tiantian can make any progress with Yunxuan, she will worry about Yunxuan's marriage again.

Yunxuan's room -

he was so serious that he put Tiantian on the bed as soon as he went in.

Tiantian was held up by him for a moment. Her head hurt badly.

The buttocks were next to the bed, and she felt the pain on her head more clearly.

And Yunxuan put her down and left quickly.

He went to his desk and opened the cupboard. He took out a medicine box from it and went back to Tiantian.

Take the cotton stick with iodine wine, wipe it gently for her, and take the anti-inflammatory medicine to spray it for her.

During the spraying process, Yunxuan carefully covered her eyes with her hands, for fear that her eyes would be stimulated by the liquid medicine.

And the sweet eyelashes vibrated gently, just like feathers and small brushes in the palm of his hand. Once on the ground, the palm of his hand was tickling like the heart.

After spraying the medicine, he rubbed some ointment for her: "I'll let my mother boil an egg for you, and you knead it."

Tiantian shakes her head and stands up with embarrassment: "thank you so much, Yunxuan!"

Listen to her mouth address all changed, his heart inexplicably fidgety: "you have been calling me Doudou brother?"

Tiantian didn't want to say this: "I was given to the little princess by my ancestors. Now the little princess is not here. I will go back to the bamboo forest with the emperor in a moment. In the future, unless the little princess comes back, I won't come back again. Take care of your excellency Yunxuan. "

She didn't know anything else. The 15-year-old girl had a very simple mind.

She thought, if it's not a very familiar relationship, how can girls find Yunxuan to buy underwear under the audience in the hall?

After all, there are differences between men and women. Is there any etiquette to keep?

So when she said what she thought she should have said, she walked away from Yunxuan and headed for the outside of the room.

In a hurry, Yunxuan quickly grabbed her wrist.

He didn't know why he was so worried that he wanted to hold her back.

But Tiantian said in a deep voice, "I'm different from those palace sisters! Mr. Yunxuan is still the focus! I'll carry me to the room later. I really want to fight you! "

Let go, sweet moves cleverly avoid the grip of Yunxuan, open the door!

Yunxuan stood alone quietly, looking at the half open door, looking at the door of her room opposite the corridor opened, she went in and closed it.

All of a sudden he was so sad.

From the bedside table, he took out his mobile phone: "Alas, this mobile phone is ugly."

Turn on the machine and send a text message to qushiwen: "Tiantian's forehead is bruised. I've rubbed her medicine, and you can boil an egg and send it to her."

Then he went to three places, followed the streamer and went to the literature.

Linglie came down early in the morning to have breakfast, and then led zhuoran to the front, while the couple woke up at noon, had lunch, and went on the road with sweetness.

On the edge of the sparkling crescent lake, Yunxuan personally drives them to the airport.

In fact, it's not that he didn't want Qiao Yekang to drive them directly from Yueya Lake to the bamboo forest of Luoping mountain in B city, but lojeb thought it should not be easy to expose the position of the ancestors, so they planned to take a charter flight back, and then transfer secretly, so no one would find that they were going to Luoping mountain.

When the car at the head of Gong a stopped steadily on the apron, Yunxuan saw the plane not far away through the glass window.

He got out of the car and helped them carry their luggage in silence.

There is a small team of snipers and wild team members who will hide and protect them secretly along the way. Although Tiantian is young, she is also a martial arts expert, so there is no need for the luojeb couple to take other bodyguards.

When the luggage came down, Tian Tian took it.

Seeing that they are about to leave, Yunxuan suddenly says to Tiantian, "you misunderstood me."

In the golden sunshine, there is a soft wind blowing in her ear, and sweet looks up her bright eyes and stares at him. Her skin can blow and break, and her smart expression is beyond description.

Cloud Xuan looks at, in the heart has a doubt: does he like this little girl?

"I'll wait for you to come back." Anyway, he didn't want her to leave: "you really misunderstood me. I just think it's not easy for those little girls to go out and become palace people. Because we also do this, but the identity may be a little better than them, the essence is the same, so I think that I can help you, but I need to help you. But if you are not happy, I will pay attention to it later! "

Tiantian looks at him and doesn't speak.

And Yunxuan's words are all heard by Ni Xiyue.

"It's nice to be young," she whispered, holding on to lojeb's shoulder

Lojeb froze for a moment and then kissed her on the cheek: "you will always be my little crescent, 12-year-old little crescent, never old!"

At last, Tiantian didn't give Yunxuan a definite word, or even a word. She took her luggage and guarded the couple on the plane.

Yunxuan stands on the tarmac in a lonely mood, watching the lift stairs of the plane close up a little bit, watching the plane pre fly on the runway, watching it carry his concerned people up to the sky a little bit.

These days, her crouching down in the hot sun, picking up his dirty shoelaces and tying them up are still haunted in his mind, as well as her sweet voice of "I want to marry him".

He had the courage to explain, but she didn't respond at all.

She won't believe him. She won't come back. He can't see her anymore. He can't hear her voice, can he?

In my heart, I feel like I'm missing a mouth. I feel a slight pain. I lift my hand and cover it.

Something fell on the back of the hand. It was hot, not like rain.

He was so surprised that he fell a tear quietly? Really? Is it tears?

Yunxuan returns to the dorm alone. He wants to send a lot of food and drink to the hospital and his highness.

However, Qu Shiwen stopped him and forced him to sleep by simply pressing him on the bed: "if you don't sleep, fatigue driving will happen!"! Since I haven't left, I'll live a good life and finish my job better! Premise: you must be healthy and have the capital to work hard. "

Yunxuan had to set an alarm clock for himself four hours later so that his highness could have a good dinner.

However, qushiwen walked in front of him, and Yunxuan pulled the quilt behind him and covered his head.

Still too young, I didn't know how to cherish when I got it. Now I have lost it, I know that I care about it and like it very much.

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